Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of KernelTests to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: KernelTests-nice.143 Author: nice Time: 14 March 2010, 11:15:33.7 pm UUID: 945be389-6e83-4e8e-b675-fcfcdcce6e4e Ancestors: KernelTests-cmm.142 Let NumberParser test auto-detect whether lowercase digit letters are allowed or not, and then disbale non-10-based floating point tests. This make the tests green again. =============== Diff against KernelTests-cmm.142 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: SqNumberParserTest>>testFloatGradualUnderflow (in category 'tests - Float') ----- testFloatGradualUnderflow "Gradual underflow are tricky. This is a non regression test for" | float trueFraction str | "as a preamble, use a base 16 representation to avoid round off error and check that number parsing is correct" - float := SqNumberParser parse: '16r2.D2593D58B4FC4e-256'. trueFraction := 16r2D2593D58B4FC4 / (16 raisedTo: 256+13). + "Parse the number in base 16 if possible - it is impossible if lowercase letter are allowed digits due to exponent letter ambiguity." + float := self areLowercaseDigitsAllowed + ifNil: [SqNumberParser parse: '16r2.D2593D58B4FC4e-256'] + ifNotNil: [trueFraction asFloat].. self assert: float asTrueFraction = trueFraction. self assert: float = trueFraction asFloat. "now print in base 10" str := (String new: 32) writeStream. float absPrintExactlyOn: str base: 10. "verify if SqNumberParser can read it back" self assert: (SqNumberParser parse: str contents) = float. ! Item was added: + ----- Method: SqNumberParserTest>>areLowercaseDigitsAllowed (in category 'utility') ----- + areLowercaseDigitsAllowed + "Answer true if lowercase letter are allowed digits." + + ^(SqNumberParser parse: '16re' onError: [-1]) = 16rE! Item was changed: ----- Method: SqNumberParserTest>>testFloatPrintString (in category 'tests - Float') ----- testFloatPrintString "self debug: #testFloatPrintString" + | f r bases | - | f r | f := Float basicNew: 2. r := Random new seed: 1234567. + "printing a Float in base other than 10 is broken if lowercase digits are allowed" + bases := self areLowercaseDigitsAllowed + ifTrue: [#(10)] + ifFalse: [#(2 8 10 16)]. 100 timesRepeat: [f basicAt: 1 put: (r nextInt: 16r100000000)- 1. f basicAt: 2 put: (r nextInt: 16r100000000) - 1. + bases - #(2 8 10 16) do: [:base | | str | str := (String new: 64) writeStream. f negative ifTrue: [str nextPut: $-]. str print: base; nextPut: $r. f absPrintExactlyOn: str base: base. self assert: (SqNumberParser parse: str contents) = f]]. "test big num near infinity" 10 timesRepeat: [f basicAt: 1 put: 16r7FE00000 + ((r nextInt: 16r100000) - 1). f basicAt: 2 put: (r nextInt: 16r100000000) - 1. + bases - #(2 8 10 16) do: [:base | | str | str := (String new: 64) writeStream. f negative ifTrue: [str nextPut: $-]. str print: base; nextPut: $r. f absPrintExactlyOn: str base: base. self assert: (SqNumberParser parse: str contents) = f]]. "test infinitesimal (gradual underflow)" 10 timesRepeat: [f basicAt: 1 put: 0 + ((r nextInt: 16r100000) - 1). f basicAt: 2 put: (r nextInt: 16r100000000) - 1. + bases - #(2 8 10 16) do: [:base | | str | str := (String new: 64) writeStream. f negative ifTrue: [str nextPut: $-]. str print: base; nextPut: $r. f absPrintExactlyOn: str base: base. self assert: (SqNumberParser parse: str contents) = f]].! |
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