The Trunk: KernelTests-nice.370.mcz

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The Trunk: KernelTests-nice.370.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of KernelTests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: KernelTests-nice.370
Author: nice
Time: 22 August 2019, 12:34:59.288205 am
UUID: b84345c4-295e-488a-a3bb-0e82f786d2f9
Ancestors: KernelTests-nice.369

Provide more systematic mixed float/int comparison tests for a good coverage of new spur64 primitive  implementation.

This new implementation follows the ideas proposed for resoution of

Move this material in FloatTest rather than SmallIntegerTest.

=============== Diff against KernelTests-nice.369 ===============

Item was changed:
  ClassTestCase subclass: #FloatTest
+ instanceVariableNames: 'exactInteger float greaterInexactInt smallerInexactInt greaterFloat smallerFloat boxedFloat greaterBoxedFloat smallerBoxedFloat'
- instanceVariableNames: ''
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'KernelTests-Numbers'!
  !FloatTest commentStamp: 'fbs 3/8/2004 22:13' prior: 0!
  I provide a test suite for Float values. Examine my tests to see how Floats should behave, and see how to use them.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FloatTest>>setUp (in category 'running') -----
+ setUp
+ exactInteger := 1 << (Float precision + 2).
+ float := exactInteger asFloat.
+ greaterInexactInt := exactInteger + 1.
+ smallerInexactInt := exactInteger - 1.
+ greaterFloat := float successor.
+ smallerFloat := float predecessor.
+ boxedFloat := Float new: 2.
+ boxedFloat basicAt: 1 put: (float basicAt: 1).
+ boxedFloat basicAt: 2 put: (float basicAt: 2).
+ greaterBoxedFloat := Float new: 2.
+ greaterBoxedFloat basicAt: 1 put: (greaterFloat basicAt: 1).
+ greaterBoxedFloat basicAt: 2 put: (greaterFloat basicAt: 2).
+ smallerBoxedFloat := Float new: 2.
+ smallerBoxedFloat basicAt: 1 put: (smallerFloat basicAt: 1).
+ smallerBoxedFloat basicAt: 2 put: (smallerFloat basicAt: 2).!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FloatTest>>testComparisonSmallFromBoxed (in category 'tests - compare') -----
+ testComparisonSmallFromBoxed
+ "Comparison should work the same, boxed or not"
+ self assert: boxedFloat = float.
+ self deny: boxedFloat ~= float.
+ self deny: boxedFloat = smallerFloat.
+ self assert: boxedFloat ~= greaterFloat.
+ self assert: boxedFloat < greaterFloat.
+ self assert: boxedFloat <= greaterFloat.
+ self deny: boxedFloat > greaterFloat.
+ self deny: boxedFloat >= greaterFloat.
+ self deny: boxedFloat < smallerFloat.
+ self deny: boxedFloat <= smallerFloat.
+ self assert: boxedFloat > smallerFloat.
+ self assert: boxedFloat >= smallerFloat.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FloatTest>>testComparisonSmallWithBoxed (in category 'tests - compare') -----
+ testComparisonSmallWithBoxed
+ "Comparison should work the same, boxed or not"
+ self assert: float = boxedFloat.
+ self deny: float ~= boxedFloat.
+ self deny: float = smallerBoxedFloat.
+ self assert: float ~= greaterBoxedFloat.
+ self assert: float < greaterBoxedFloat.
+ self assert: float <= greaterBoxedFloat.
+ self deny: float > greaterBoxedFloat.
+ self deny: float >= greaterBoxedFloat.
+ self deny: float < smallerBoxedFloat.
+ self deny: float <= smallerBoxedFloat.
+ self assert: float > smallerBoxedFloat.
+ self assert: float >= smallerBoxedFloat.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FloatTest>>testExactComparisonFromSmallInt (in category 'tests - compare') -----
+ testExactComparisonFromSmallInt
+ "Those tests works when using naive (integer asFloat = float) comparison.
+ This is because the conversion asFloat are exact."
+ {float. boxedFloat} do: [:f |
+ self assert: exactInteger = f.
+ self deny: exactInteger ~= f.
+ self assert: exactInteger <= f.
+ self deny: exactInteger < f.
+ self assert: exactInteger >= f.
+ self deny: exactInteger > f].
+ {greaterFloat. greaterBoxedFloat} do: [:f |
+ self deny: exactInteger = f.
+ self assert: exactInteger ~= f.
+ self assert: exactInteger <= f.
+ self assert: exactInteger < f.
+ self deny: exactInteger >= f.
+ self deny: exactInteger > f].
+ {smallerFloat. smallerBoxedFloat} do: [:f |
+ self deny: exactInteger = f.
+ self assert: exactInteger ~= f.
+ self deny: exactInteger <= f.
+ self deny: exactInteger < f.
+ self assert: exactInteger >= f.
+ self assert: exactInteger > f].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FloatTest>>testExactComparisonWithSmallInt (in category 'tests - compare') -----
+ testExactComparisonWithSmallInt
+ "Those tests works when using naive (integer asFloat = float) comparison.
+ This is because the conversion asFloat are exact."
+ {float. boxedFloat} do: [:f |
+ self assert: f = exactInteger.
+ self deny: f ~= exactInteger.
+ self assert: f <= exactInteger.
+ self deny: f < exactInteger.
+ self assert: f >= exactInteger.
+ self deny: f > exactInteger].
+ {greaterFloat. greaterBoxedFloat} do: [:f |
+ self deny: f = exactInteger.
+ self assert: f ~= exactInteger.
+ self deny: f <= exactInteger.
+ self deny: f < exactInteger.
+ self assert: f >= exactInteger.
+ self assert: f > exactInteger].
+ {smallerFloat. smallerBoxedFloat} do: [:f |
+ self deny: f = exactInteger.
+ self assert: f ~= exactInteger.
+ self assert: f <= exactInteger.
+ self assert: f < exactInteger.
+ self deny: f >= exactInteger.
+ self deny: f > exactInteger].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FloatTest>>testInexactComparisonFromSmallInt (in category 'tests - compare') -----
+ testInexactComparisonFromSmallInt
+ "Those tests would fail if using naive (integer asFloat = float) comparison.
+ This is because the conversion asFloat are inexact and loose bits."
+ {float. boxedFloat} do: [:f |
+ self deny: smallerInexactInt = f.
+ self assert: greaterInexactInt ~= f.
+ self assert: greaterInexactInt > f.
+ self deny: greaterInexactInt <= f.
+ self assert: smallerInexactInt < f.
+ self deny: smallerInexactInt >= f].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FloatTest>>testInexactComparisonOKFromSmallInt (in category 'tests - compare') -----
+ testInexactComparisonOKFromSmallInt
+ "asFloat conversion is monotonic:
+ intA < intB ==> (intA asFloat <= intB asFloat).
+ Thus those tests would work if using naive (integer asFloat op: float) comparison,
+ even if asFloat conversion is inexact."
+ {greaterFloat . greaterBoxedFloat} do: [:f |
+ self deny: smallerInexactInt = f.
+ self assert: smallerInexactInt ~= f.
+ self assert: smallerInexactInt < f.
+ self assert: smallerInexactInt <= f.
+ self deny: smallerInexactInt > f.
+ self deny: smallerInexactInt >= f].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FloatTest>>testInexactComparisonOKWithSmallInt (in category 'tests - compare') -----
+ testInexactComparisonOKWithSmallInt
+ "asFloat conversion is monotonic:
+ intA < intB ==> (intA asFloat <= intB asFloat).
+ Thus those tests would work if using naive (integer asFloat op: float) comparison,
+ even if asFloat conversion is inexact."
+ {smallerFloat . smallerBoxedFloat} do: [:f |
+ self deny: f = greaterInexactInt.
+ self assert: f ~= greaterInexactInt.
+ self assert: f < greaterInexactInt.
+ self assert: f <= greaterInexactInt.
+ self deny: f > greaterInexactInt.
+ self deny: f >= greaterInexactInt].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FloatTest>>testInexactComparisonWithSmallInt (in category 'tests - compare') -----
+ testInexactComparisonWithSmallInt
+ "Those tests would fail if using naive (integer asFloat = float) comparison.
+ This is because the conversion asFloat are inexact and loose bits."
+ {float. boxedFloat} do: [:f |
+ self deny: f = greaterInexactInt.
+ self assert: f ~= smallerInexactInt.
+ self assert: f < greaterInexactInt.
+ self deny: f >= greaterInexactInt.
+ self assert: f > smallerInexactInt.
+ self deny: f <= smallerInexactInt].!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SmallIntegerTest>>testCompareWithBoxedFloat (in category 'tests - comparing') -----
- testCompareWithBoxedFloat
- "In 64 bits, naive asFloat conversion should not be used"
- | bf sf si |
- Smalltalk wordSize = 8 ifFalse: [^self].
- si := 1<<(Float precision + 2)+1.
- sf := si asFloat.
- (bf := BoxedFloat64 new: 2) basicAt: 1 put: (sf basicAt: 1);basicAt: 2 put: (sf basicAt: 2).
- self deny: si = bf.
- self deny: bf = si.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SmallIntegerTest>>testCompareWithSmallFloat (in category 'tests - comparing') -----
- testCompareWithSmallFloat
- "In 64 bits, naive asFloat conversion should not be used"
- | sf si |
- Smalltalk wordSize = 8 ifFalse: [^self].
- si := 1<<(Float precision + 2)+1.
- sf := si asFloat.
- self deny: sf = si.
- self deny: si = sf.!