Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of KernelTests to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/KernelTests-ul.296.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: KernelTests-ul.296 Author: ul Time: 14 August 2015, 7:01:31.26 pm UUID: b3d99417-15da-4af1-88d6-0fc2f2abc25f Ancestors: KernelTests-ul.295 #includesSubString: -> #includesSubstring: =============== Diff against KernelTests-ul.295 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: BlockContextTest>>testNew (in category 'tests') ----- testNew self should: [ContextPart new: 5] raise: Error. [ContextPart new: 5] on: Error do: [:e| + self assert: (e messageText includesSubstring: 'newForMethod:') description: 'Error doesn''t tell you what you did wrong by calling #new:']. - self assert: (e messageText includesSubString: 'newForMethod:') description: 'Error doesn''t tell you what you did wrong by calling #new:']. self should: [ContextPart new] raise: Error. [ContextPart new] on: Error do: [:e| + self assert: (e messageText includesSubstring: 'newForMethod:') description: 'Error doesn''t tell you what you did wrong by calling #new'].! - self assert: (e messageText includesSubString: 'newForMethod:') description: 'Error doesn''t tell you what you did wrong by calling #new'].! Item was changed: ----- Method: MethodPragmaTest>>assertPragma:givesKeyword:arguments: (in category 'utilities') ----- assertPragma: aString givesKeyword: aSymbol arguments: anArray | pragma decompiled | pragma := self pragma: aString selector: #zork. self assert: pragma keyword = aSymbol. self assert: pragma arguments = anArray. decompiled := (self class>>#zork) decompile. self assert: (decompiled properties pragmas includes: pragma). + self assert: (decompiled asString includesSubstring: pragma asString).! - self assert: (decompiled asString includesSubString: pragma asString).! Item was changed: ----- Method: ObjectTest>>testShouldBeImplemented (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- testShouldBeImplemented | testClass | testClass := NotImplementedTestData. self should: [testClass new shouldBeImplementedMsg] raise: NotImplemented. [testClass new shouldBeImplementedMsg] ifError: [:errDesc | + self assert: (errDesc includesSubstring: testClass name) description: 'Error should include class name'. + self assert: (errDesc includesSubstring: #shouldBeImplementedMsg asString) description: 'Error should include selector name'].! - self assert: (errDesc includesSubString: testClass name) description: 'Error should include class name'. - self assert: (errDesc includesSubString: #shouldBeImplementedMsg asString) description: 'Error should include selector name'].! Item was changed: ----- Method: ObjectTest>>testShouldNotImplement (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- testShouldNotImplement | testClass | testClass := NotImplementedTestData. self should: [testClass new shouldNotImplementMsg] raise: NotImplemented. [testClass new shouldNotImplementMsg] ifError: [:errDesc | + self assert: (errDesc includesSubstring: testClass name) description: 'Error should include class name'. + self assert: (errDesc includesSubstring: #shouldNotImplementMsg asString) description: 'Error should include selector name'].! - self assert: (errDesc includesSubString: testClass name) description: 'Error should include class name'. - self assert: (errDesc includesSubString: #shouldNotImplementMsg asString) description: 'Error should include selector name'].! |
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