Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of KernelTests to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/KernelTests-ul.299.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: KernelTests-ul.299
Author: ul
Time: 2 November 2015, 3:58:12.772 am
UUID: 03be01bc-e815-42ed-be0b-dde3d1fc603a
Ancestors: KernelTests-nice.298
- fixed typo
=============== Diff against KernelTests-nice.298 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: SmallIntegerTest>>testPrintString (in category 'testing - printing') -----
self assert: 1 printString = '1'.
self assert: -1 printString = '-1'.
self assert: SmallInteger minVal printString = (Smalltalk wordSize = 8 ifTrue: [ '-1152921504606846976'] ifFalse: ['-1073741824']).
+ self assert: SmallInteger maxVal printString = (Smalltalk wordSize = 8 ifTrue: [ '1152921504606846975'] ifFalse: ['1073741823']).
- self assert: SmallInteger maxVal printString = (Smalltalk wordSize = 8 ifTrue: [ '1152921504606846975'] ifFalse: ['-1073741823']).
self assert: 12345 printString = '12345'.
self assert: -54321 printString = '-54321'.
self assert: 0 decimalDigitLength = 1.
self assert: 4 decimalDigitLength = 1.
self assert: 12 decimalDigitLength = 2.
self assert: 123 decimalDigitLength = 3.
self assert: 1234 decimalDigitLength = 4.
self assert: 56789 decimalDigitLength = 5.
self assert: 657483 decimalDigitLength = 6.
self assert: 6571483 decimalDigitLength = 7.
self assert: 65174383 decimalDigitLength = 8.
self assert: 625744831 decimalDigitLength = 9.
self assert: 1000001111 decimalDigitLength = 10.
self assert: SmallInteger maxVal decimalDigitLength = (Smalltalk wordSize = 8 ifTrue: [19] ifFalse: [10]).!