Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Monticello to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Monticello-nice.352 Author: nice Time: 3 January 2010, 5:07:41 am UUID: 93bd739e-f749-49e6-be8c-df332e7c7577 Ancestors: Monticello-ar.351 remove some #or:or: #and:and: sends =============== Diff against Monticello-ar.351 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMergeRecord>>imageIsClean (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- imageIsClean | ancestors | ancestors := version workingCopy ancestors. ^ ancestors size = 1 + and: [ancestors first = self ancestorInfo + and: [self imagePatch isEmpty]]! - and: [ancestors first = self ancestorInfo] - and: [self imagePatch isEmpty]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>merge: (in category 'operations') ----- merge: targetVersion | ancestorInfo merger ancestorSnapshot packageSnapshot | targetVersion dependencies do: [:ea | ea resolve merge]. ancestorInfo := targetVersion info commonAncestorWith: ancestry. ancestorInfo = targetVersion info ifTrue: [^ MCNoChangesException signal]. packageSnapshot := package snapshot. ancestorSnapshot := ancestorInfo ifNotNil: [(self findSnapshotWithVersionInfo: ancestorInfo)] ifNil: [self notifyNoCommonAncestorWith: targetVersion. MCSnapshot empty]. (ancestry ancestors size = 1 + and: [ancestry ancestors first = ancestorInfo + and: [(packageSnapshot patchRelativeToBase: ancestorSnapshot) isEmpty]]) - and: [ancestry ancestors first = ancestorInfo] - and: [(packageSnapshot patchRelativeToBase: ancestorSnapshot) isEmpty]) ifTrue: [^ targetVersion load]. merger := MCThreeWayMerger base: packageSnapshot target: targetVersion snapshot ancestor: ancestorSnapshot. ((MCMergeResolutionRequest new merger: merger) signal: 'Merging ', targetVersion info name) = true ifTrue: [merger loadWithNameLike: targetVersion info name. ancestry addAncestor: targetVersion info]. self changed! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowser>>methodsForSelectedClass (in category 'accessing') ----- methodsForSelectedClass ^ items select: [:ea | (ea className = classSelection) + and: [ea isMethodDefinition + and: [ea classIsMeta = self switchIsClass]]].! - and: [ea isMethodDefinition] - and: [ea classIsMeta = self switchIsClass]].! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMethodDefinition class>>forMethodReference: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- forMethodReference: aMethodReference | definition | definition := self cachedDefinitions at: aMethodReference compiledMethod ifAbsent: []. (definition isNil + or: [definition selector ~= aMethodReference methodSymbol + or: [definition className ~= aMethodReference classSymbol + or: [definition classIsMeta ~= aMethodReference classIsMeta + or: [definition category ~= aMethodReference category]]]]) - or: [definition selector ~= aMethodReference methodSymbol] - or: [definition className ~= aMethodReference classSymbol] - or: [definition classIsMeta ~= aMethodReference classIsMeta] - or: [definition category ~= aMethodReference category]) ifTrue: [definition := self className: aMethodReference classSymbol classIsMeta: aMethodReference classIsMeta selector: aMethodReference methodSymbol category: aMethodReference category timeStamp: aMethodReference timeStamp source: aMethodReference source. self cachedDefinitions at: aMethodReference compiledMethod put: definition]. ^ definition ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowser>>methodsForSelectedClassCategory (in category 'accessing') ----- methodsForSelectedClassCategory | visibleClasses | visibleClasses := self visibleClasses. ^ items select: [:ea | (visibleClasses includes: ea className) + and: [ea isMethodDefinition + and: [ea classIsMeta = self switchIsClass]]].! - and: [ea isMethodDefinition] - and: [ea classIsMeta = self switchIsClass]].! |
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