Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Monticello to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Monticello-nice.649
Author: nice
Time: 20 September 2016, 11:05:23.764791 pm
UUID: 21077de5-41b3-4bd4-99ee-93cb5aca0301
Ancestors: Monticello-mt.648
Support for half and double word variable subclasses
=============== Diff against Monticello-mt.648 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: MCClassDefinition>>kindOfSubclass (in category 'printing') -----
type = #normal ifTrue: [^' subclass: '].
type = #variable ifTrue: [^' variableSubclass: '].
type = #bytes ifTrue: [^' variableByteSubclass: '].
type = #compiledMethod ifTrue: [^' variableByteSubclass: ' ].
+ type = #shorts ifTrue: [^' variableHalfWordSubclass: '].
type = #words ifTrue: [^' variableWordSubclass: '].
+ type = #longs ifTrue: [^' variableDoubleWordSubclass: '].
type = #weak ifTrue: [^' weakSubclass: ' ].
type = #ephemeron ifTrue: [^' ephemeronSubclass: ' ].
type = #immediate ifTrue: [^' immediateSubclass: ' ].
self error: 'Unrecognized class type'
Item was changed:
----- Method: MCStReader>>typeOfSubclass: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
typeOfSubclass: aSymbol
(subclass: normal)
(variableSubclass: variable)
(variableByteSubclass: bytes)
+ (variableHalfWordSubclass: shorts)
(variableWordSubclass: words)
+ (variableDoubleWordSubclass: longs)
(weakSubclass: weak)
(ephemeronSubclass: ephemeron)
(immediateSubclass: immediate)
) do: [:ea | ea first = aSymbol ifTrue: [^ ea second]].
self error: 'Unrecognized class definition'!