Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Monticello to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Monticello-nice.741 Author: nice Time: 12 April 2021, 11:55:44.241641 pm UUID: ed3f3912-0b93-4673-acfe-b79c9e69886a Ancestors: Monticello-eem.737, Monticello-ct.740, Monticello-jr.726, Monticello-ct.731, Monticello-ct.709 Merge commit: Monticello-eem.737: Eliminate shadowed variable warning(s). Monticello-ct.740: Introduces MCPackageNotFound exception and usees it in MCRepository versions lookup. I would like to catch this error in [1, 2, 3]. Monticello-jr.726: Fix wrong traitCompositions in packages loaded from Monticello-ct.731: Make sure to reset the modified flag for working copies that have become empty after merging a version. Monticello-ct.709: Implement #doItReceiver and #doItContext on MCCodeTool. Allows, for example, for inspecting a class variable from a save version dialog. - and its ancestor: - Monticello-ct.708: Fix MCSaveVersionDialog refreshing: Update text if the currently selected item changed =============== Diff against Monticello-eem.737 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: MCCodeTool>>doItContext (in category 'accessing') ----- + doItContext + ^ nil! Item was added: + ----- Method: MCCodeTool>>doItReceiver (in category 'accessing') ----- + doItReceiver + ^ self selectedClass! Item was added: + Error subclass: #MCPackageNotFound + instanceVariableNames: 'repository packageName' + classVariableNames: '' + poolDictionaries: '' + category: 'Monticello-Repositories'! Item was added: + ----- Method: MCPackageNotFound class>>signalForRepository:packageName: (in category 'signaling') ----- + signalForRepository: aRepository packageName: aString + + ^ self new + repository: aRepository packageName: aString; + signal! Item was added: + ----- Method: MCPackageNotFound>>messageText (in category 'printing') ----- + messageText + + ^ messageText ifNil: ['{1} not found in {2}' translated format: {self packageName. self repository}]! Item was added: + ----- Method: MCPackageNotFound>>packageName (in category 'accessing') ----- + packageName + + ^ packageName! Item was added: + ----- Method: MCPackageNotFound>>repository (in category 'accessing') ----- + repository + + ^ repository! Item was added: + ----- Method: MCPackageNotFound>>repository:packageName: (in category 'accessing') ----- + repository: aRepository packageName: aString + + repository := aRepository. + packageName := aString.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCRepository>>highestNumberedVersionNameForPackageNamed: (in category 'versions') ----- highestNumberedVersionNameForPackageNamed: aString ^ (self versionNamesForPackageNamed: aString) + ifEmpty: [MCPackageNotFound signalForRepository: self packageName: aString] - ifEmpty: [ self error: aString , ' not found in ' , self asString ] ifNotEmptyDo: [ : versionNames | versionNames detectMax: [ : each | each versionNumber ] ]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>refresh (in category 'actions') ----- refresh + | latestSelection | + latestSelection := self selection. + self updateItems. self + selection: latestSelection; + changed: #list; + changed: #text.! - updateItems ; - changed: #list! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCStReader>>classDefinitionFrom: (in category 'converting') ----- classDefinitionFrom: aPseudoClass + | tokens definitionStream hasTraitComposition traitCompositionString lastIndex hasClassTraitComposition classTraitCompositionString typeOfSubclass className | - | tokens traitCompositionString lastIndex classTraitCompositionString typeOfSubclass className | tokens := Scanner new scanTokens: aPseudoClass definition. + definitionStream := ReadStream on: aPseudoClass definition. + hasTraitComposition := definitionStream match: 'uses:'. + traitCompositionString := hasTraitComposition ifTrue: [(definitionStream upToAll: 'instanceVariableNames:') withBlanksTrimmed] ifFalse: ['{}']. + definitionStream := ReadStream on: aPseudoClass metaClass definition asString. + hasClassTraitComposition := definitionStream match: 'uses:'. + classTraitCompositionString := hasClassTraitComposition ifTrue: [(definitionStream upToAll: 'instanceVariableNames:') withBlanksTrimmed] ifFalse: ['{}']. - traitCompositionString := ((ReadStream on: aPseudoClass definition) - match: 'uses:'; - upToAll: 'instanceVariableNames:') withBlanksTrimmed. - classTraitCompositionString := ((ReadStream on: aPseudoClass metaClass definition asString) - match: 'uses:'; - upToAll: 'instanceVariableNames:') withBlanksTrimmed. - traitCompositionString isEmpty ifTrue: [traitCompositionString := '{}']. - classTraitCompositionString isEmpty ifTrue: [classTraitCompositionString := '{}']. lastIndex := tokens size. className := tokens at: 3. typeOfSubclass := self typeOfSubclass: (tokens at: 2). "Compiled code classes are special cases of the #bytes class type" (#bytes == typeOfSubclass and: [self compiledCodeClassNames includes: className]) ifTrue: [typeOfSubclass := #compiledMethod]. ^ MCClassDefinition name: className superclassName: (tokens at: 1) traitComposition: traitCompositionString classTraitComposition: classTraitCompositionString category: (tokens at: lastIndex) instVarNames: ((tokens at: lastIndex - 6) findTokens: ' ') classVarNames: ((tokens at: lastIndex - 4) findTokens: ' ') poolDictionaryNames: ((tokens at: lastIndex - 2) findTokens: ' ') classInstVarNames: (self classInstVarNamesFor: aPseudoClass) type: typeOfSubclass comment: (self commentFor: aPseudoClass) commentStamp: (self commentStampFor: aPseudoClass)! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>merged: (in category 'operations') ----- merged: aVersion ancestry addAncestor: aVersion info. + self changed. + self checkModified.! - self changed! |
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