The Trunk: Monticello-topa.599.mcz

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The Trunk: Monticello-topa.599.mcz

Tobias Pape uploaded a new version of Monticello to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Monticello-topa.599
Author: topa
Time: 3 September 2014, 2:36:05.016 pm
UUID: 4b7e0536-55d7-4a52-91fe-82bb2d8a6531
Ancestors: Monticello-bp.598, Monticello-bf.540

* Merge bf.540: Save dialog now shows a list of changes to be submitted. Clicking a list item shows a diff in the lower pane. Advanced users can also make this save ignore individual changes using the item's context menu.
   * On 'Accept' another snapshot is created to capture changes done while the dialog was open (to not break CM's workflow :).
 * Allow for proper comparison of MCPatchOperation

=============== Diff against Monticello-bp.598 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCAddition>>= (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ = other
+ ^ other isAddition and: [definition = other definition]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCAddition>>hash (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ hash
+ ^ definition hash!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCModification>>= (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ = other
+ ^ other isModification
+ and: [obsoletion = other obsoletion
+ and: [modification = other modification]]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCModification>>hash (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ hash
+ ^ obsoletion hash bitXor: modification hash!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCPatch>>ignoring: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ ignoring: ignoredOperations
+ ^ MCPatch operations: (operations difference: ignoredOperations)!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCRemoval>>= (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ = other
+ ^ other isRemoval and: [definition = other definition]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCRemoval>>hash (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ hash
+ ^ definition hash!

Item was added:
+ Notification subclass: #MCRepositoryRequest
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Monticello-UI'!

Item was changed:
+ MCPatchBrowser subclass: #MCSaveVersionDialog
+ instanceVariableNames: 'name message ignore patchBlock'
- MCTool subclass: #MCSaveVersionDialog
- instanceVariableNames: 'name message'
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'Monticello-UI'!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>accept (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ self updateItems.
  self answer:
  with: (self findTextMorph: #versionName) text asString
+ with: (self findTextMorph: #logMessage) text asString
+ with: ignore)
+ !
- with: (self findTextMorph: #logMessage) text asString)
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>defaultExtent (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ ^ 700@600!
- ^ 400@300!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>ignore (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ ignore
+ ^ ignore ifNil: [ignore := Set new]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>ignoreSelection (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ ignoreSelection
+ selection
+ ifNil: [ignore size = items size
+ ifFalse: [ignore addAll: items]
+ ifTrue: [ignore removeAll]]
+ ifNotNil: [
+ ignore remove: selection ifAbsent: [
+ ignore add: selection].
+ self selection < items size
+ ifTrue: [self selection: self selection + 1]].
+ self changed: #list
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>installSelection (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ installSelection
+ super installSelection.
+ selection ifNotNil: [
+ ignore remove: selection ifAbsent: [].
+ self changed: #list].
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>list (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ list
+ ^ self items collect: [:ea |
+ (self ignore includes: ea)
+ ifFalse: [ea summary]
+ ifTrue: [Text string: '( ', ea summary, ' )' attribute: TextEmphasis struckOut ]]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>message (in category 'accessing') -----
+ message
+ ^ message!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>message: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ message: anObject
+ message := anObject!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>methodListKey:from: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ methodListKey: aKeystroke from: aListMorph
+ aKeystroke caseOf: {
+ [$I] -> [self ignoreSelection].
+ } otherwise: [super methodListKey: aKeystroke from: aListMorph ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>methodListMenu: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ methodListMenu: aMenu
+ aMenu addList:#(
+ ('ignore (I)' ignoreSelection 'Do not include this change when saving')
+ -).
+ super methodListMenu: aMenu.
+ ^aMenu!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>name: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ name: anObject
+ name := anObject!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>patchBlock (in category 'accessing') -----
+ patchBlock
+ ^ patchBlock!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>patchBlock: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ patchBlock: anObject
+ patchBlock := anObject.
+ self updateItems!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>revertSelection (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ revertSelection
+ super revertSelection.
+ selection ifNotNil: [
+ ignore add: selection.
+ self changed: #list].
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>updateItems (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ updateItems
+ " update our items using the patchBlock "
+ self patch: patchBlock value!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>widgetSpecs (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  ^ #(
+ ((listMorph:selection:menu:keystroke: list selection methodListMenu: methodListKey:from:) (0 0 0.5 0.6) )
+ ((textMorph: versionName) (0.5 0 1 0) (0 0 0 30))
+ ((textMorph: logMessage) (0.5 0 1 0.6) (0 30 0 -30))
+ ((buttonRow) (0.5 0.6 1 0.6) (0 -30 0 0))
+ ((textMorph: text) (0 0.6 1 1) (0 0 0 0))
- ((textMorph: versionName) (0 0 1 0) (0 0 0 30))
- ((textMorph: logMessage) (0 0 1 1) (0 30 0 -30))
- ((buttonRow) (0 1 1 1) (0 -40 0 0))

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCTool>>showModally (in category 'morphic ui') -----
  modalProcess := Processor activeProcess.
+ self window openInWorldExtent: self defaultExtent.
- self window openInWorldExtent: (400@400).
  [self window world notNil] whileTrue: [
  self window outermostWorldMorph doOneCycle.
  morph := nil.
  ^ modalValue!

Item was changed:
  Notification subclass: #MCVersionNameAndMessageRequest
+ instanceVariableNames: 'suggestion initialMessage patchBlock'
- instanceVariableNames: 'suggestion initialMessage'
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'Monticello-Versioning'!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCVersionNameAndMessageRequest>>defaultAction (in category 'handling') -----
  ^ MCSaveVersionDialog new
  versionName: suggestion;
  logMessage: initialMessage;
+ patchBlock: patchBlock;

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCVersionNameAndMessageRequest>>patchBlock (in category 'accessing') -----
+ patchBlock
+ ^ patchBlock!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCVersionNameAndMessageRequest>>patchBlock: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ patchBlock: aBlock
+ patchBlock := aBlock
+ !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>newVersion (in category 'operations') -----
+ | packageSnapshot parentSnapshot patch |
+ parentSnapshot := self parentSnapshot.
  ^ (self requestVersionNameAndMessageWithSuggestion: self uniqueVersionName
+ initialMessage: self patchMessageSuggestion
+ patchBlock: [patch := (packageSnapshot := package snapshot) patchRelativeToBase: parentSnapshot]
+ ) ifNotNil: [:tuple |
+ self newVersionWithName: tuple first withBlanksTrimmed
+ message: (self patchMessageStripped: tuple second)
+ snapshot: (tuple third
+ ifEmpty: [packageSnapshot]
+ ifNotEmpty: [
+ MCPatcher apply: (patch ignoring: tuple third)
+ to: parentSnapshot])]
- initialMessage: self patchMessageSuggestion) ifNotNil:
- [:pair |
- self newVersionWithName: pair first withBlanksTrimmed
- message: (self patchMessageStripped: pair last)].

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>newVersionWithName:message: (in category 'operations') -----
  newVersionWithName: nameString message: messageString
+ ^self newVersionWithName: nameString message: messageString snapshot: package snapshot!
- | info deps |
- info := ancestry infoWithName: nameString message: messageString.
- ancestry := MCWorkingAncestry new addAncestor: info.
- self modified: true; modified: false.
- deps := self requiredPackages collect:
- [:ea |
- MCVersionDependency
- package: ea
- info: ea workingCopy currentVersionInfo].
- ^ MCVersion
- package: package
- info: info
- snapshot: package snapshot
- dependencies: deps!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>newVersionWithName:message:snapshot: (in category 'operations') -----
+ newVersionWithName: nameString message: messageString snapshot: aSnapshot
+ | info deps clean |
+ info := ancestry infoWithName: nameString message: messageString.
+ ancestry := MCWorkingAncestry new addAncestor: info.
+ clean := (package snapshot patchRelativeToBase: aSnapshot) isEmpty.
+ self modified: clean; modified: clean not. "hack to ensure label is updated"
+ deps := self requiredPackages collect:
+ [:ea |
+ MCVersionDependency
+ package: ea
+ info: ea workingCopy currentVersionInfo].
+ ^ MCVersion
+ package: package
+ info: info
+ snapshot: aSnapshot
+ dependencies: deps!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>parentSnapshot (in category 'private') -----
+ parentSnapshot
+ "prefer parent in selected repository"
+ MCRepositoryRequest signal ifNotNil: [:repo |
+ self ancestors do: [:ancestor |
+ (repo versionWithInfo: ancestor)
+ ifNotNil: [:ver | ^ver snapshot]]].
+ "otherwise, look in all repositories"
+ self ancestors do: [:ancestor |
+ (self repositoryGroup versionWithInfo: ancestor)
+ ifNotNil: [:ver | ^ver snapshot]].
+ "otherwise"
+ ^MCSnapshot empty!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>patchMessageAncestry (in category 'operations') -----
+ patchMessageAncestry
+ ^ String streamContents: [:strm |
+ strm nextPutAll: ancestry summary; cr.
+ self ancestors do: [:ancestor |
+ strm cr.
+ strm nextPutAll: ancestor name; nextPut: $:; crtab.
+ strm nextPutAll: ancestor message; cr.]]
+ !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>patchMessageChanges (in category 'operations') -----
+ | changes |
+ changes := package snapshot patchRelativeToBase: self parentSnapshot.
- | changes parentInfo parentSnapshot |
- parentInfo := self ancestors
- ifEmpty: [nil]
- ifNotEmpty: [self ancestors first].
- parentSnapshot := self findSnapshotWithVersionInfo: parentInfo.
- changes := package snapshot patchRelativeToBase: parentSnapshot.
  ^ (MCPatchMessage new patch: changes) message!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>patchMessageSuggestion (in category 'operations') -----
+ ^ String streamContents: [:strm | strm
+ nextPutAll: self patchMessageDefault; cr;cr;
+ nextPutAll: self patchMessageChangesDelimiter; cr;
+ nextPutAll: self patchMessageAncestry]!
- ^ self patchMessageDefault, String cr, String cr,
- self patchMessageChangesDelimiter, String cr,
- self patchMessageChangesHeader, String cr,
- self patchMessageChanges!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>requestVersionNameAndMessageWithSuggestion:initialMessage: (in category 'private') -----
- requestVersionNameAndMessageWithSuggestion: nameString initialMessage: msgString
- ^ (MCVersionNameAndMessageRequest new
- suggestedName: nameString;
- initialMessage: msgString
- ) signal!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>requestVersionNameAndMessageWithSuggestion:initialMessage:patchBlock: (in category 'private') -----
+ requestVersionNameAndMessageWithSuggestion: nameString initialMessage: msgString patchBlock: aPatchBlock
+ ^ (MCVersionNameAndMessageRequest new
+ suggestedName: nameString;
+ initialMessage: msgString;
+ patchBlock: aPatchBlock
+ ) signal!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCWorkingCopyBrowser>>saveVersion (in category 'actions') -----
  | repo |
  self canSave ifFalse: [^self].
  self checkForNewerVersions ifFalse: [^self].
  repo := self repository.
+ (self withRepository: repo do: [workingCopy newVersion]) ifNotNil:
- workingCopy newVersion ifNotNil:
  [:v |
  (MCVersionInspector new version: v) show.
  Cursor wait showWhile: [repo storeVersion: v].
  MCCacheRepository default cacheAllFileNamesDuring:
  [repo cacheAllFileNamesDuring:
  [v allAvailableDependenciesDo:
  [:dep |
  (repo includesVersionNamed: dep info name)
  ifFalse: [repo storeVersion: dep]]]]]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCWorkingCopyBrowser>>withRepository:do: (in category 'actions') -----
+ withRepository: aRepository do: aBlock
+ ^aBlock
+ on: MCRepositoryRequest
+ do: [:req | req resume: aRepository]!

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Re: The Trunk: Monticello-topa.599.mcz

Chris Muller-3
A quick test and it seems to be working properly this time.  Thank you!

The purpose of *reviewing* is, you might need to make a *change*!
(otherwise, why bother reviewing?)  So if I need to make a change, I
need that change to be *saved*!   It hardly seems like something that
logical should need to be called "CM's workflow" but if that's what it
takes for it to behave this way, fine by me.   ;-)

BTW, what did you mean by:

  "Allow for proper comparison of MCPatchOperation?"

Is that just about this same feature -- the fact that the user is able
to select certain PatchOperations to be ignored or did you mean some
other, unrelated fix?

Thanks again!

On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 7:37 AM,  <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Tobias Pape uploaded a new version of Monticello to project The Trunk:
> ==================== Summary ====================
> Name: Monticello-topa.599
> Author: topa
> Time: 3 September 2014, 2:36:05.016 pm
> UUID: 4b7e0536-55d7-4a52-91fe-82bb2d8a6531
> Ancestors: Monticello-bp.598, Monticello-bf.540
> * Merge bf.540: Save dialog now shows a list of changes to be submitted. Clicking a list item shows a diff in the lower pane. Advanced users can also make this save ignore individual changes using the item's context menu.
>    * On 'Accept' another snapshot is created to capture changes done while the dialog was open (to not break CM's workflow :).
>  * Allow for proper comparison of MCPatchOperation
> =============== Diff against Monticello-bp.598 ===============
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCAddition>>= (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
> + = other
> +       ^ other isAddition and: [definition = other definition]!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCAddition>>hash (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
> + hash
> +       ^ definition hash!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCModification>>= (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
> + = other
> +       ^ other isModification
> +       and: [obsoletion = other obsoletion
> +       and: [modification = other modification]]!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCModification>>hash (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
> + hash
> +       ^ obsoletion hash bitXor: modification hash!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCPatch>>ignoring: (in category 'accessing') -----
> + ignoring: ignoredOperations
> +       ^ MCPatch operations: (operations difference: ignoredOperations)!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCRemoval>>= (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
> + = other
> +       ^ other isRemoval and: [definition = other definition]!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCRemoval>>hash (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
> + hash
> +       ^ definition hash!
> Item was added:
> + Notification subclass: #MCRepositoryRequest
> +       instanceVariableNames: ''
> +       classVariableNames: ''
> +       poolDictionaries: ''
> +       category: 'Monticello-UI'!
> Item was changed:
> + MCPatchBrowser subclass: #MCSaveVersionDialog
> +       instanceVariableNames: 'name message ignore patchBlock'
> - MCTool subclass: #MCSaveVersionDialog
> -       instanceVariableNames: 'name message'
>         classVariableNames: ''
>         poolDictionaries: ''
>         category: 'Monticello-UI'!
> Item was changed:
>   ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>accept (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>   accept
> +       self updateItems.
>         self answer:
>                 (Array
>                         with: (self findTextMorph: #versionName) text asString
> +                       with: (self findTextMorph: #logMessage) text asString
> +                       with: ignore)
> + !
> -                       with: (self findTextMorph: #logMessage) text asString)
> -       !
> Item was changed:
>   ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>defaultExtent (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>   defaultExtent
> +       ^ 700@600!
> -       ^ 400@300!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>ignore (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
> + ignore
> +       ^ ignore ifNil: [ignore := Set new]!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>ignoreSelection (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
> + ignoreSelection
> +       selection
> +               ifNil: [ignore size = items size
> +                       ifFalse: [ignore addAll: items]
> +                       ifTrue: [ignore removeAll]]
> +               ifNotNil: [
> +                       ignore remove: selection ifAbsent: [
> +                               ignore add: selection].
> +                       self selection < items size
> +                               ifTrue: [self selection: self selection + 1]].
> +       self changed: #list
> + !
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>installSelection (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
> + installSelection
> +       super installSelection.
> +       selection ifNotNil: [
> +               ignore remove: selection ifAbsent: [].
> +               self changed: #list].
> +
> + !
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>list (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
> + list
> +       ^ self items collect: [:ea |
> +               (self ignore includes: ea)
> +                       ifFalse: [ea summary]
> +                       ifTrue: [Text string: '( ', ea summary, ' )' attribute: TextEmphasis struckOut ]]!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>message (in category 'accessing') -----
> + message
> +
> +       ^ message!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>message: (in category 'accessing') -----
> + message: anObject
> +
> +       message := anObject!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>methodListKey:from: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
> + methodListKey: aKeystroke from: aListMorph
> +       aKeystroke caseOf: {
> +               [$I] -> [self ignoreSelection].
> +       } otherwise: [super methodListKey: aKeystroke from: aListMorph ]!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>methodListMenu: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
> + methodListMenu: aMenu
> +       aMenu addList:#(
> +               ('ignore (I)'   ignoreSelection 'Do not include this change when saving')
> +               -).
> +       super methodListMenu: aMenu.
> +       ^aMenu!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>name: (in category 'accessing') -----
> + name: anObject
> +
> +       name := anObject!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>patchBlock (in category 'accessing') -----
> + patchBlock
> +
> +       ^ patchBlock!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>patchBlock: (in category 'accessing') -----
> + patchBlock: anObject
> +
> +       patchBlock := anObject.
> +       self updateItems!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>revertSelection (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
> + revertSelection
> +       super revertSelection.
> +       selection ifNotNil: [
> +               ignore add: selection.
> +               self changed: #list].
> + !
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>updateItems (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
> + updateItems
> +       " update our items using the patchBlock "
> +       self patch: patchBlock value!
> Item was changed:
>   ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>widgetSpecs (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>   widgetSpecs
>         ^ #(
> +               ((listMorph:selection:menu:keystroke: list selection methodListMenu: methodListKey:from:) (0 0 0.5 0.6) )
> +               ((textMorph: versionName) (0.5 0 1 0) (0 0 0 30))
> +               ((textMorph: logMessage) (0.5 0 1 0.6) (0 30 0 -30))
> +               ((buttonRow) (0.5 0.6 1 0.6) (0 -30 0 0))
> +               ((textMorph: text) (0 0.6 1 1) (0 0 0 0))
> -               ((textMorph: versionName) (0 0 1 0) (0 0 0 30))
> -               ((textMorph: logMessage) (0 0 1 1) (0 30 0 -30))
> -               ((buttonRow) (0 1 1 1) (0 -40 0 0))
>                 )!
> Item was changed:
>   ----- Method: MCTool>>showModally (in category 'morphic ui') -----
>   showModally
>         modalProcess := Processor activeProcess.
> +       self window openInWorldExtent: self defaultExtent.
> -       self window openInWorldExtent: (400@400).
>         [self window world notNil] whileTrue: [
>                 self window outermostWorldMorph doOneCycle.
>         ].
>         morph := nil.
>         ^ modalValue!
> Item was changed:
>   Notification subclass: #MCVersionNameAndMessageRequest
> +       instanceVariableNames: 'suggestion initialMessage patchBlock'
> -       instanceVariableNames: 'suggestion initialMessage'
>         classVariableNames: ''
>         poolDictionaries: ''
>         category: 'Monticello-Versioning'!
> Item was changed:
>   ----- Method: MCVersionNameAndMessageRequest>>defaultAction (in category 'handling') -----
>   defaultAction
>         ^ MCSaveVersionDialog new
>                 versionName: suggestion;
>                 logMessage: initialMessage;
> +               patchBlock: patchBlock;
>                 showModally!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCVersionNameAndMessageRequest>>patchBlock (in category 'accessing') -----
> + patchBlock
> +       ^ patchBlock!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCVersionNameAndMessageRequest>>patchBlock: (in category 'accessing') -----
> + patchBlock: aBlock
> +       patchBlock := aBlock
> + !
> Item was changed:
>   ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>newVersion (in category 'operations') -----
>   newVersion
> +       | packageSnapshot parentSnapshot patch |
> +       parentSnapshot := self parentSnapshot.
>         ^ (self requestVersionNameAndMessageWithSuggestion: self uniqueVersionName
> +               initialMessage: self patchMessageSuggestion
> +               patchBlock: [patch := (packageSnapshot := package snapshot) patchRelativeToBase: parentSnapshot]
> +       ) ifNotNil: [:tuple |
> +               self newVersionWithName: tuple first withBlanksTrimmed
> +                       message: (self patchMessageStripped: tuple second)
> +                       snapshot: (tuple third
> +                               ifEmpty: [packageSnapshot]
> +                               ifNotEmpty: [
> +                                       MCPatcher apply: (patch ignoring: tuple third)
> +                                               to: parentSnapshot])]
> -               initialMessage: self patchMessageSuggestion) ifNotNil:
> -                       [:pair |
> -                       self newVersionWithName: pair first withBlanksTrimmed
> -                               message: (self patchMessageStripped: pair last)].
>   !
> Item was changed:
>   ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>newVersionWithName:message: (in category 'operations') -----
>   newVersionWithName: nameString message: messageString
> +       ^self newVersionWithName: nameString message: messageString snapshot: package snapshot!
> -       | info deps |
> -       info := ancestry infoWithName: nameString message: messageString.
> -       ancestry := MCWorkingAncestry new addAncestor: info.
> -       self modified: true; modified: false.
> -
> -       deps := self requiredPackages collect:
> -               [:ea |
> -               MCVersionDependency
> -                       package: ea
> -                       info: ea workingCopy currentVersionInfo].
> -
> -       ^ MCVersion
> -               package: package
> -               info: info
> -               snapshot: package snapshot
> -               dependencies: deps!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>newVersionWithName:message:snapshot: (in category 'operations') -----
> + newVersionWithName: nameString message: messageString snapshot: aSnapshot
> +       | info deps clean |
> +       info := ancestry infoWithName: nameString message: messageString.
> +       ancestry := MCWorkingAncestry new addAncestor: info.
> +       clean := (package snapshot patchRelativeToBase: aSnapshot) isEmpty.
> +       self modified: clean; modified: clean not. "hack to ensure label is updated"
> +
> +       deps := self requiredPackages collect:
> +               [:ea |
> +               MCVersionDependency
> +                       package: ea
> +                       info: ea workingCopy currentVersionInfo].
> +
> +       ^ MCVersion
> +               package: package
> +               info: info
> +               snapshot: aSnapshot
> +               dependencies: deps!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>parentSnapshot (in category 'private') -----
> + parentSnapshot
> +       "prefer parent in selected repository"
> +       MCRepositoryRequest signal ifNotNil: [:repo |
> +               self ancestors do: [:ancestor |
> +                       (repo versionWithInfo: ancestor)
> +                               ifNotNil: [:ver | ^ver snapshot]]].
> +       "otherwise, look in all repositories"
> +       self ancestors do: [:ancestor |
> +               (self repositoryGroup versionWithInfo: ancestor)
> +                       ifNotNil: [:ver | ^ver snapshot]].
> +       "otherwise"
> +       ^MCSnapshot empty!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>patchMessageAncestry (in category 'operations') -----
> + patchMessageAncestry
> +       ^ String streamContents: [:strm |
> +               strm nextPutAll:        ancestry summary; cr.
> +               self ancestors do: [:ancestor |
> +                       strm cr.
> +                       strm nextPutAll: ancestor name; nextPut: $:; crtab.
> +                       strm nextPutAll: ancestor message; cr.]]
> + !
> Item was changed:
>   ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>patchMessageChanges (in category 'operations') -----
>   patchMessageChanges
> +       | changes |
> +       changes := package snapshot patchRelativeToBase: self parentSnapshot.
> -       | changes parentInfo parentSnapshot |
> -       parentInfo := self ancestors
> -               ifEmpty: [nil]
> -               ifNotEmpty: [self ancestors first].
> -       parentSnapshot :=       self findSnapshotWithVersionInfo: parentInfo.
> -       changes := package snapshot patchRelativeToBase: parentSnapshot.
>         ^ (MCPatchMessage new patch: changes) message!
> Item was changed:
>   ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>patchMessageSuggestion (in category 'operations') -----
>   patchMessageSuggestion
> +       ^ String streamContents: [:strm | strm
> +               nextPutAll: self patchMessageDefault; cr;cr;
> +               nextPutAll: self patchMessageChangesDelimiter; cr;
> +               nextPutAll: self patchMessageAncestry]!
> -       ^       self patchMessageDefault, String cr, String cr,
> -               self patchMessageChangesDelimiter, String cr,
> -               self patchMessageChangesHeader, String cr,
> -               self patchMessageChanges!
> Item was removed:
> - ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>requestVersionNameAndMessageWithSuggestion:initialMessage: (in category 'private') -----
> - requestVersionNameAndMessageWithSuggestion: nameString initialMessage: msgString
> -       ^ (MCVersionNameAndMessageRequest new
> -               suggestedName: nameString;
> -               initialMessage: msgString
> -               ) signal!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>requestVersionNameAndMessageWithSuggestion:initialMessage:patchBlock: (in category 'private') -----
> + requestVersionNameAndMessageWithSuggestion: nameString initialMessage: msgString patchBlock: aPatchBlock
> +       ^ (MCVersionNameAndMessageRequest new
> +               suggestedName: nameString;
> +               initialMessage: msgString;
> +               patchBlock: aPatchBlock
> +               ) signal!
> Item was changed:
>   ----- Method: MCWorkingCopyBrowser>>saveVersion (in category 'actions') -----
>   saveVersion
>         | repo |
>         self canSave ifFalse: [^self].
>         self checkForNewerVersions ifFalse: [^self].
>         repo := self repository.
> +       (self withRepository: repo do: [workingCopy newVersion]) ifNotNil:
> -       workingCopy newVersion ifNotNil:
>                 [:v |
>                 (MCVersionInspector new version: v) show.
>                 Cursor wait showWhile: [repo storeVersion: v].
>                 MCCacheRepository default cacheAllFileNamesDuring:
>                         [repo cacheAllFileNamesDuring:
>                                 [v allAvailableDependenciesDo:
>                                         [:dep |
>                                         (repo includesVersionNamed: dep info name)
>                                                 ifFalse: [repo storeVersion: dep]]]]]!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: MCWorkingCopyBrowser>>withRepository:do: (in category 'actions') -----
> + withRepository: aRepository do: aBlock
> +       ^aBlock
> +               on: MCRepositoryRequest
> +               do: [:req | req resume: aRepository]!

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Re: The Trunk: Monticello-topa.599.mcz

Tobias Pape

On 03.09.2014, at 21:43, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:

> A quick test and it seems to be working properly this time.  Thank you!
> The purpose of *reviewing* is, you might need to make a *change*!
> (otherwise, why bother reviewing?)  So if I need to make a change, I
> need that change to be *saved*!   It hardly seems like something that
> logical should need to be called "CM's workflow" but if that's what it
> takes for it to behave this way, fine by me.   ;-)

Well, I just remembered your objections, hence the "name" ;)
but now that I actually can review the changes, (because they are there),
I probably will act more in that way than before.

> BTW, what did you mean by:
>  "Allow for proper comparison of MCPatchOperation?"
> Is that just about this same feature -- the fact that the user is able
> to select certain PatchOperations to be ignored or did you mean some
> other, unrelated fix?

No, it is a prerequisite fix.
The addition of #= and #hash for MCAddition, MCModification, MCRemoval

> Thanks again!

:) You should thank more Bert than me.


> On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 7:37 AM,  <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Tobias Pape uploaded a new version of Monticello to project The Trunk:
>> ==================== Summary ====================
>> Name: Monticello-topa.599
>> Author: topa
>> Time: 3 September 2014, 2:36:05.016 pm
>> UUID: 4b7e0536-55d7-4a52-91fe-82bb2d8a6531
>> Ancestors: Monticello-bp.598, Monticello-bf.540
>> * Merge bf.540: Save dialog now shows a list of changes to be submitted. Clicking a list item shows a diff in the lower pane. Advanced users can also make this save ignore individual changes using the item's context menu.
>>   * On 'Accept' another snapshot is created to capture changes done while the dialog was open (to not break CM's workflow :).
>> * Allow for proper comparison of MCPatchOperation
>> =============== Diff against Monticello-bp.598 ===============
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCAddition>>= (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>> + = other
>> +       ^ other isAddition and: [definition = other definition]!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCAddition>>hash (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>> + hash
>> +       ^ definition hash!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCModification>>= (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>> + = other
>> +       ^ other isModification
>> +       and: [obsoletion = other obsoletion
>> +       and: [modification = other modification]]!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCModification>>hash (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>> + hash
>> +       ^ obsoletion hash bitXor: modification hash!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCPatch>>ignoring: (in category 'accessing') -----
>> + ignoring: ignoredOperations
>> +       ^ MCPatch operations: (operations difference: ignoredOperations)!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCRemoval>>= (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>> + = other
>> +       ^ other isRemoval and: [definition = other definition]!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCRemoval>>hash (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>> + hash
>> +       ^ definition hash!
>> Item was added:
>> + Notification subclass: #MCRepositoryRequest
>> +       instanceVariableNames: ''
>> +       classVariableNames: ''
>> +       poolDictionaries: ''
>> +       category: 'Monticello-UI'!
>> Item was changed:
>> + MCPatchBrowser subclass: #MCSaveVersionDialog
>> +       instanceVariableNames: 'name message ignore patchBlock'
>> - MCTool subclass: #MCSaveVersionDialog
>> -       instanceVariableNames: 'name message'
>>        classVariableNames: ''
>>        poolDictionaries: ''
>>        category: 'Monticello-UI'!
>> Item was changed:
>>  ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>accept (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>>  accept
>> +       self updateItems.
>>        self answer:
>>                (Array
>>                        with: (self findTextMorph: #versionName) text asString
>> +                       with: (self findTextMorph: #logMessage) text asString
>> +                       with: ignore)
>> + !
>> -                       with: (self findTextMorph: #logMessage) text asString)
>> -       !
>> Item was changed:
>>  ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>defaultExtent (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>>  defaultExtent
>> +       ^ 700@600!
>> -       ^ 400@300!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>ignore (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>> + ignore
>> +       ^ ignore ifNil: [ignore := Set new]!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>ignoreSelection (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>> + ignoreSelection
>> +       selection
>> +               ifNil: [ignore size = items size
>> +                       ifFalse: [ignore addAll: items]
>> +                       ifTrue: [ignore removeAll]]
>> +               ifNotNil: [
>> +                       ignore remove: selection ifAbsent: [
>> +                               ignore add: selection].
>> +                       self selection < items size
>> +                               ifTrue: [self selection: self selection + 1]].
>> +       self changed: #list
>> + !
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>installSelection (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>> + installSelection
>> +       super installSelection.
>> +       selection ifNotNil: [
>> +               ignore remove: selection ifAbsent: [].
>> +               self changed: #list].
>> +
>> + !
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>list (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>> + list
>> +       ^ self items collect: [:ea |
>> +               (self ignore includes: ea)
>> +                       ifFalse: [ea summary]
>> +                       ifTrue: [Text string: '( ', ea summary, ' )' attribute: TextEmphasis struckOut ]]!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>message (in category 'accessing') -----
>> + message
>> +
>> +       ^ message!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>message: (in category 'accessing') -----
>> + message: anObject
>> +
>> +       message := anObject!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>methodListKey:from: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>> + methodListKey: aKeystroke from: aListMorph
>> +       aKeystroke caseOf: {
>> +               [$I] -> [self ignoreSelection].
>> +       } otherwise: [super methodListKey: aKeystroke from: aListMorph ]!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>methodListMenu: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>> + methodListMenu: aMenu
>> +       aMenu addList:#(
>> +               ('ignore (I)'   ignoreSelection 'Do not include this change when saving')
>> +               -).
>> +       super methodListMenu: aMenu.
>> +       ^aMenu!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>name: (in category 'accessing') -----
>> + name: anObject
>> +
>> +       name := anObject!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>patchBlock (in category 'accessing') -----
>> + patchBlock
>> +
>> +       ^ patchBlock!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>patchBlock: (in category 'accessing') -----
>> + patchBlock: anObject
>> +
>> +       patchBlock := anObject.
>> +       self updateItems!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>revertSelection (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>> + revertSelection
>> +       super revertSelection.
>> +       selection ifNotNil: [
>> +               ignore add: selection.
>> +               self changed: #list].
>> + !
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>updateItems (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>> + updateItems
>> +       " update our items using the patchBlock "
>> +       self patch: patchBlock value!
>> Item was changed:
>>  ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>widgetSpecs (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>>  widgetSpecs
>>        ^ #(
>> +               ((listMorph:selection:menu:keystroke: list selection methodListMenu: methodListKey:from:) (0 0 0.5 0.6) )
>> +               ((textMorph: versionName) (0.5 0 1 0) (0 0 0 30))
>> +               ((textMorph: logMessage) (0.5 0 1 0.6) (0 30 0 -30))
>> +               ((buttonRow) (0.5 0.6 1 0.6) (0 -30 0 0))
>> +               ((textMorph: text) (0 0.6 1 1) (0 0 0 0))
>> -               ((textMorph: versionName) (0 0 1 0) (0 0 0 30))
>> -               ((textMorph: logMessage) (0 0 1 1) (0 30 0 -30))
>> -               ((buttonRow) (0 1 1 1) (0 -40 0 0))
>>                )!
>> Item was changed:
>>  ----- Method: MCTool>>showModally (in category 'morphic ui') -----
>>  showModally
>>        modalProcess := Processor activeProcess.
>> +       self window openInWorldExtent: self defaultExtent.
>> -       self window openInWorldExtent: (400@400).
>>        [self window world notNil] whileTrue: [
>>                self window outermostWorldMorph doOneCycle.
>>        ].
>>        morph := nil.
>>        ^ modalValue!
>> Item was changed:
>>  Notification subclass: #MCVersionNameAndMessageRequest
>> +       instanceVariableNames: 'suggestion initialMessage patchBlock'
>> -       instanceVariableNames: 'suggestion initialMessage'
>>        classVariableNames: ''
>>        poolDictionaries: ''
>>        category: 'Monticello-Versioning'!
>> Item was changed:
>>  ----- Method: MCVersionNameAndMessageRequest>>defaultAction (in category 'handling') -----
>>  defaultAction
>>        ^ MCSaveVersionDialog new
>>                versionName: suggestion;
>>                logMessage: initialMessage;
>> +               patchBlock: patchBlock;
>>                showModally!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCVersionNameAndMessageRequest>>patchBlock (in category 'accessing') -----
>> + patchBlock
>> +       ^ patchBlock!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCVersionNameAndMessageRequest>>patchBlock: (in category 'accessing') -----
>> + patchBlock: aBlock
>> +       patchBlock := aBlock
>> + !
>> Item was changed:
>>  ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>newVersion (in category 'operations') -----
>>  newVersion
>> +       | packageSnapshot parentSnapshot patch |
>> +       parentSnapshot := self parentSnapshot.
>>        ^ (self requestVersionNameAndMessageWithSuggestion: self uniqueVersionName
>> +               initialMessage: self patchMessageSuggestion
>> +               patchBlock: [patch := (packageSnapshot := package snapshot) patchRelativeToBase: parentSnapshot]
>> +       ) ifNotNil: [:tuple |
>> +               self newVersionWithName: tuple first withBlanksTrimmed
>> +                       message: (self patchMessageStripped: tuple second)
>> +                       snapshot: (tuple third
>> +                               ifEmpty: [packageSnapshot]
>> +                               ifNotEmpty: [
>> +                                       MCPatcher apply: (patch ignoring: tuple third)
>> +                                               to: parentSnapshot])]
>> -               initialMessage: self patchMessageSuggestion) ifNotNil:
>> -                       [:pair |
>> -                       self newVersionWithName: pair first withBlanksTrimmed
>> -                               message: (self patchMessageStripped: pair last)].
>>  !
>> Item was changed:
>>  ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>newVersionWithName:message: (in category 'operations') -----
>>  newVersionWithName: nameString message: messageString
>> +       ^self newVersionWithName: nameString message: messageString snapshot: package snapshot!
>> -       | info deps |
>> -       info := ancestry infoWithName: nameString message: messageString.
>> -       ancestry := MCWorkingAncestry new addAncestor: info.
>> -       self modified: true; modified: false.
>> -
>> -       deps := self requiredPackages collect:
>> -               [:ea |
>> -               MCVersionDependency
>> -                       package: ea
>> -                       info: ea workingCopy currentVersionInfo].
>> -
>> -       ^ MCVersion
>> -               package: package
>> -               info: info
>> -               snapshot: package snapshot
>> -               dependencies: deps!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>newVersionWithName:message:snapshot: (in category 'operations') -----
>> + newVersionWithName: nameString message: messageString snapshot: aSnapshot
>> +       | info deps clean |
>> +       info := ancestry infoWithName: nameString message: messageString.
>> +       ancestry := MCWorkingAncestry new addAncestor: info.
>> +       clean := (package snapshot patchRelativeToBase: aSnapshot) isEmpty.
>> +       self modified: clean; modified: clean not. "hack to ensure label is updated"
>> +
>> +       deps := self requiredPackages collect:
>> +               [:ea |
>> +               MCVersionDependency
>> +                       package: ea
>> +                       info: ea workingCopy currentVersionInfo].
>> +
>> +       ^ MCVersion
>> +               package: package
>> +               info: info
>> +               snapshot: aSnapshot
>> +               dependencies: deps!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>parentSnapshot (in category 'private') -----
>> + parentSnapshot
>> +       "prefer parent in selected repository"
>> +       MCRepositoryRequest signal ifNotNil: [:repo |
>> +               self ancestors do: [:ancestor |
>> +                       (repo versionWithInfo: ancestor)
>> +                               ifNotNil: [:ver | ^ver snapshot]]].
>> +       "otherwise, look in all repositories"
>> +       self ancestors do: [:ancestor |
>> +               (self repositoryGroup versionWithInfo: ancestor)
>> +                       ifNotNil: [:ver | ^ver snapshot]].
>> +       "otherwise"
>> +       ^MCSnapshot empty!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>patchMessageAncestry (in category 'operations') -----
>> + patchMessageAncestry
>> +       ^ String streamContents: [:strm |
>> +               strm nextPutAll:        ancestry summary; cr.
>> +               self ancestors do: [:ancestor |
>> +                       strm cr.
>> +                       strm nextPutAll: ancestor name; nextPut: $:; crtab.
>> +                       strm nextPutAll: ancestor message; cr.]]
>> + !
>> Item was changed:
>>  ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>patchMessageChanges (in category 'operations') -----
>>  patchMessageChanges
>> +       | changes |
>> +       changes := package snapshot patchRelativeToBase: self parentSnapshot.
>> -       | changes parentInfo parentSnapshot |
>> -       parentInfo := self ancestors
>> -               ifEmpty: [nil]
>> -               ifNotEmpty: [self ancestors first].
>> -       parentSnapshot :=       self findSnapshotWithVersionInfo: parentInfo.
>> -       changes := package snapshot patchRelativeToBase: parentSnapshot.
>>        ^ (MCPatchMessage new patch: changes) message!
>> Item was changed:
>>  ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>patchMessageSuggestion (in category 'operations') -----
>>  patchMessageSuggestion
>> +       ^ String streamContents: [:strm | strm
>> +               nextPutAll: self patchMessageDefault; cr;cr;
>> +               nextPutAll: self patchMessageChangesDelimiter; cr;
>> +               nextPutAll: self patchMessageAncestry]!
>> -       ^       self patchMessageDefault, String cr, String cr,
>> -               self patchMessageChangesDelimiter, String cr,
>> -               self patchMessageChangesHeader, String cr,
>> -               self patchMessageChanges!
>> Item was removed:
>> - ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>requestVersionNameAndMessageWithSuggestion:initialMessage: (in category 'private') -----
>> - requestVersionNameAndMessageWithSuggestion: nameString initialMessage: msgString
>> -       ^ (MCVersionNameAndMessageRequest new
>> -               suggestedName: nameString;
>> -               initialMessage: msgString
>> -               ) signal!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>requestVersionNameAndMessageWithSuggestion:initialMessage:patchBlock: (in category 'private') -----
>> + requestVersionNameAndMessageWithSuggestion: nameString initialMessage: msgString patchBlock: aPatchBlock
>> +       ^ (MCVersionNameAndMessageRequest new
>> +               suggestedName: nameString;
>> +               initialMessage: msgString;
>> +               patchBlock: aPatchBlock
>> +               ) signal!
>> Item was changed:
>>  ----- Method: MCWorkingCopyBrowser>>saveVersion (in category 'actions') -----
>>  saveVersion
>>        | repo |
>>        self canSave ifFalse: [^self].
>>        self checkForNewerVersions ifFalse: [^self].
>>        repo := self repository.
>> +       (self withRepository: repo do: [workingCopy newVersion]) ifNotNil:
>> -       workingCopy newVersion ifNotNil:
>>                [:v |
>>                (MCVersionInspector new version: v) show.
>>                Cursor wait showWhile: [repo storeVersion: v].
>>                MCCacheRepository default cacheAllFileNamesDuring:
>>                        [repo cacheAllFileNamesDuring:
>>                                [v allAvailableDependenciesDo:
>>                                        [:dep |
>>                                        (repo includesVersionNamed: dep info name)
>>                                                ifFalse: [repo storeVersion: dep]]]]]!
>> Item was added:
>> + ----- Method: MCWorkingCopyBrowser>>withRepository:do: (in category 'actions') -----
>> + withRepository: aRepository do: aBlock
>> +       ^aBlock
>> +               on: MCRepositoryRequest
>> +               do: [:req | req resume: aRepository]!

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Re: The Trunk: Monticello-topa.599.mcz

Chris Muller-4
> ...
> :) You should thank more Bert than me.

Thanks Bert.  :)

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Re: The Trunk: Monticello-topa.599.mcz

Bert Freudenberg
On 03.09.2014, at 23:01, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:

>> ...
>> :) You should thank more Bert than me.
> Thanks Bert.  :)

Hehe, you're welcome. Tobias and I actually had quite some fun yesterday pair-programming this updated version.

- Bert -

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Re: The Trunk: Monticello-topa.599.mcz

Frank Shearar-3
In reply to this post by commits-2
On 3 September 2014 13:37,  <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Tobias Pape uploaded a new version of Monticello to project The Trunk:
> ==================== Summary ====================
> Name: Monticello-topa.599
> Author: topa
> Time: 3 September 2014, 2:36:05.016 pm
> UUID: 4b7e0536-55d7-4a52-91fe-82bb2d8a6531
> Ancestors: Monticello-bp.598, Monticello-bf.540
> * Merge bf.540: Save dialog now shows a list of changes to be submitted. Clicking a list item shows a diff in the lower pane. Advanced users can also make this save ignore individual changes using the item's context menu.
>    * On 'Accept' another snapshot is created to capture changes done while the dialog was open (to not break CM's workflow :).
>  * Allow for proper comparison of MCPatchOperation
> =============== Diff against Monticello-bp.598 ===============

Would this have caused the recent spate of test failures in CI?:
for example says

Error Message

subscript is out of bounds: 3


[] in MCWorkingCopyTest>>snapshot
