Andreas Raab uploaded a new version of Monticello to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Monticello-ul.332 Author: ul Time: 11 November 2009, 9:23:53 am UUID: 7126e560-709c-b94c-84d9-cda50c54037f Ancestors: Monticello-ul.331 - speed up MCFileRepositoryInspector by improving #packageList and caching the result. (~25x speedup with a respository of ~500 package versions of ~160 packages) =============== Diff against Monticello-ul.331 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: MCFileRepositoryInspector>>packageList (in category 'morphic ui') ----- packageList + + | result loadedPackages | + packageList ifNotNil: [ ^packageList ]. + result := Set new: versions size. + versions do: [ :each | result add: each first ]. - | result | - result := versions - inject: Set new - into: [ :set :each | set add: each first; yourself ]. - - "sort loaded packages first, then alphabetically" - result := result asSortedCollection: [:a :b | - | loadedA loadedB | - loadedA := loaded anySatisfy: [:each | (each copyUpToLast: $-) = a]. - loadedB := loaded anySatisfy: [:each | (each copyUpToLast: $-) = b]. - loadedA = loadedB - ifTrue: [a < b] - ifFalse: [loadedA]]. + "sort loaded packages first, then alphabetically" + loadedPackages := Set new: loaded size. + loaded do: [ :each | + loadedPackages add: (each copyUpToLast: $-) ]. + result := result asArray sort: [ :a :b | + | loadedA loadedB | + loadedA := loadedPackages includes: a. + loadedB := loadedPackages includes: b. + loadedA = loadedB + ifTrue: [ a < b ] + ifFalse: [ loadedA ] ]. + + ^packageList := result collect: [ :each | self packageHighlight: each ]! - ^result collect: [:each | self packageHighlight: each]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCFileRepositoryInspector>>refresh (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- refresh | packageNames name latest av | packageNames := Set new. + packageList := nil. versions := repository readableFileNames collect: [ :each | name := (each copyUpToLast: $.) copyUpTo: $(. name last isDigit ifFalse: [Array with: name with: '' with: '' with: each] ifTrue: [Array with: (packageNames add: (name copyUpToLast: $-)) "pkg name" with: ((name copyAfterLast: $-) copyUpTo: $.) "user" with: ((name copyAfterLast: $-) copyAfter: $.) asInteger "version" with: each]]. versions := versions select: [:each | (each at: 3) isNumber]. newer := Set new. inherited := Set new. loaded := Set new. (MCWorkingCopy allManagers " select: [ :each | packageNames includes: each packageName]") do: [:each | each ancestors do: [ :ancestor | loaded add: ancestor name. ancestor ancestorsDoWhileTrue: [:heir | (inherited includes: heir name) ifTrue: [false] ifFalse: [inherited add: heir name. true]]]. latest := (versions select: [:v | v first = each package name]) detectMax: [:v | v third]. (latest notNil and: [ each ancestors allSatisfy: [:ancestor | av := ((ancestor name copyAfterLast: $-) copyAfter: $.) asInteger. av < latest third or: [ av = latest third and: [((ancestor name copyAfterLast: $-) copyUpTo: $.) ~= latest second]]]]) ifTrue: [newer add: each package name ]]. self changed: #packageList; changed: #versionList! Item was changed: MCVersionInspector subclass: #MCFileRepositoryInspector + instanceVariableNames: 'repository versions loaded newer inherited selectedPackage selectedVersion order versionInfo packageList' - instanceVariableNames: 'repository versions loaded newer inherited selectedPackage selectedVersion order versionInfo' classVariableNames: 'Order' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Monticello-UI'! |
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