Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of MonticelloConfigurations to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/MonticelloConfigurations-ul.67.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: MonticelloConfigurations-ul.67
Author: ul
Time: 12 December 2009, 2:28:16 am
UUID: 47ea34f3-7a7a-5e4c-a478-c0942068d47f
Ancestors: MonticelloConfigurations-bf.66
- replace sends of #ifNotNilDo: to #ifNotNil:, #ifNil:ifNotNilDo: to #ifNil:ifNotNil:, #ifNotNilDo:ifNil: to #ifNotNil:ifNil:
=============== Diff against MonticelloConfigurations-bf.66 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: MCConfigurationBrowser>>store (in category 'actions') -----
(self checkRepositories and: [self checkDependencies]) ifFalse: [^self].
+ self pickName ifNotNil: [:name |
- self pickName ifNotNilDo: [:name |
self configuration name: name.
+ self pickRepository ifNotNil: [:repo |
- self pickRepository ifNotNilDo: [:repo |
repo storeVersion: self configuration]].!
Item was changed:
----- Method: MCConfigurationBrowser>>addRepository (in category 'repositories') -----
(self pickRepositorySatisfying: [:ea | (self repositories includes: ea) not])
+ ifNotNil: [:repo |
- ifNotNilDo: [:repo |
(repo isKindOf: MCHttpRepository)
ifFalse: [^self inform: 'Only HTTP repositories are supported'].
self repositories add: repo.
self changed: #repositoryList.
Item was changed:
----- Method: MCConfigurationBrowser>>selectedPackage (in category 'dependencies') -----
+ ^ self selectedDependency ifNotNil: [:dep | dep package]!
- ^ self selectedDependency ifNotNilDo: [:dep | dep package]!
Item was changed:
----- Method: MCConfigurationBrowser>>description (in category 'description') -----
+ self selectedDependency ifNotNil: [:dep | ^ ('Package: ', dep package name, String cr,
- self selectedDependency ifNotNilDo: [:dep | ^ ('Package: ', dep package name, String cr,
dep versionInfo summary) asText].
+ self selectedRepository ifNotNil: [:repo | ^repo creationTemplate
- self selectedRepository ifNotNilDo: [:repo | ^repo creationTemplate
ifNotNil: [repo creationTemplate asText]
ifNil: [repo asCreationTemplate asText addAttribute: TextColor red]].
^ ''
Item was changed:
----- Method: MCConfigurationBrowser>>description: (in category 'description') -----
description: aText
+ self selectedRepository ifNotNil: [:repo |
- self selectedRepository ifNotNilDo: [:repo |
| new |
new := MCRepository readFrom: aText asString.
(new class = repo class
and: [new description = repo description])
ifTrue: [
repo creationTemplate: aText asString.
self changed: #description]
ifFalse: [
self inform: 'This does not match the previous definition!!'