The Trunk: Morphic-HenrikSperreJohansen.262.mcz

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The Trunk: Morphic-HenrikSperreJohansen.262.mcz

Andreas Raab uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-HenrikSperreJohansen.262
Author: HenrikSperreJohansen
Time: 10 December 2009, 9:44:33 am
UUID: d4e40a85-6a1e-4e63-b70f-23388b290362
Ancestors: Morphic-dtl.261

Changes the display of grip handles of windows to be more inline with the rest of the updated GUI.
See CornerGripMorph class "handle settings"-protocol for customizability.

=============== Diff against Morphic-dtl.261 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CornerGripMorph class>>initializeActiveForm (in category 'class initialization') -----
+ initializeActiveForm
+ ^ActiveForm := self defaultForm!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CornerGripMorph class>>defaultForm (in category 'class initialization') -----
+ defaultForm
+ ^(Form
+ extent: 48@48
+ depth: 32
+ fromArray:
+ #( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50331647 100663295 134217727 167772159 184549375 201326591 218103807 218103807 201326591 184549375 167772159 134217727 100663295 50331647 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50331647 117440511 167772159 218103807 301989887 352321535 385875967 436207615 469762047 469762047 469762047 469762047 452984831 402653183 369098751 318767103 251658239 167772159 117440511 50331647 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50331647 117440511 201326591 301989887 385875967 452984831 536870911 587202559 637534207 654311423 687865855 687865855 704643071 687865855 671088639 637534207 603979775 553648127 486539263 402653183 335544319 218103807 117440511 50331647 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33554431 100663295 201326591 301989887 402653183 520093695 637534207 687865855 754974719 838860799 889192447 922746879 956301311 973078527 973078527 956301311 939524095 905969663 855638015 788529151 704643071 654311423 570425343 436207615 352321535 218103807 100663295 33554431 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67108863 167772159 268435455 385875967 520093695 654311423 721420287 838860799 922746879 989855743 1056964607 1107296255 1140850687 1174405119 1191182335 1191182335 1191182335 1157627903 1124073471 1073741823 1006632959 939524095 872415231 771751935 671088639 570425343 436207615 318767103 167772159 67108863 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83886079 201326591 335544319 469762047 620756991 738197503 855638015 956301311 1040187391 1124073471 1224736767 1258291199 1325400063 1358954495 1375731711 1375731711 1375731711 1375731711 1358954495 1342177279 1291845631 1224736767 1157627903 1073741823 989855743 889192447 788529151 654311423 520093695 385875967 234881023 83886079 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83886079 218103807 369098751 520093695 654311423 805306367 939524095 1056964607 1157627903 1241513983 1325400063 1409286143 1476395007 1509949439 1543503871 1577058303 1610612735 1610612735 1593835519 1560281087 1509949439 1493172223 1426063359 1342177279 1275068415 1191182335 1090519039 973078527 855638015 704643071 570425343 419430399 251658239 83886079 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83886079 218103807 385875967 536870911 687865855 855638015 1006632959 1124073471 1224736767 1342177279 1442840575 1526726655 1593835519 1660944383 1711276031 1761607679 1778384895 1778384895 1778384895 1778384895 1778384895 1728053247 1677721599 1627389951 1543503871 1476395007 1375731711 1275068415 1157627903 1040187391 905969663 754974719 587202559 419430399 268435455 83886079 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83886079 218103807 369098751 536870911 704643071 889192447 1040187391 1191182335 1308622847 1409286143 1543503871 1627389951 1694498815 1778384895 1845493759 1895825407 1946157055 1962934271 1979711487 1979711487 1979711487 1962934271 1912602623 1862270975 1795162111 1728053247 1660944383 1577058303 1459617791 1342177279 1224736767 1107296255 939524095 771751935 587202559 419430399 251658239 83886079 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67108863 184549375 352321535 536870911 704643071 889192447 1056964607 1207959551 1342177279 1476395007 1610612735 1694498815 1811939327 1879048191 1962934271 2030043135 2080374783 2113929215 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2130706431 2097151999 2046820351 1979711487 1912602623 1828716543 1744830463 1644167167 1526726655 1375731711 1258291199 1124073471 939524095 771751935 587202559 419430399 218103807 67108863 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33554431 134217727 285212671 486539263 671088639 872415231 1056964607 1207959551 1358954495 1509949439 1644167167 1761607679 1862270975 1962934271 2046820351 2130706431 2181038079 2231369727 2264924159 2298478591 2315255807 2315255807 2315255807 2281701375 2248146943 2197815295 2147483647 2080374783 1996488703 1895825407 1795162111 1677721599 1560281087 1409286143 1258291199 1124073471 922746879 738197503 553648127 369098751 134217727 33554431 0 0 0 0 0 0 83886079 234881023 419430399 637534207 822083583 1023410175 1207959551 1358954495 1509949439 1660944383 1795162111 1895825407 2013265919 2097151999 2197815295 2281701375 2348810239 2382364671 2432696319 2466250751 2466250751 2466250751 2466250751 2432696319 2399141887 2365587455 2298478591 2231369727 2130706431 2030043135 1946157055 1828716543 1711276031 1560281087 1409286143 1258291199 1090519039 889192447 704643071 503316479 285212671 83886079 0 0 0 0 0 50331647 167772159 335544319 553648127 754974719 973078527 1140850687 1308622847 1476395007 1660944383 1795162111 1929379839 2030043135 2147483647 2264924159 2348810239 2415919103 2499805183 2533359615 2583691263 2600468479 2634022911 2634022911 2617245695 2583691263 2550136831 2516582399 2449473535 2365587455 2298478591 2181038079 2080374783 1962934271 1845493759 1711276031 1543503871 1358954495 1207959551 1023410175 838860799 620756991 419430399 184549375 50331647 0 0 0 0 83886079 234881023 452984831 687865855 889192447 1090519039 1258291199 1442840575 1627389951 1761607679 1912602623 2046820351 2181038079 2281701375 2382364671 2466250751 2550136831 2617245695 2684354559 2717908991 2751463423 2768240639 2785017855 2751463423 2734686207 2701131775 2650800127 2583691263 2499805183 2415919103 2332033023 2214592511 2097151999 1962934271 1811939327 1677721599 1509949439 1325400063 1140850687 956301311 754974719 536870911 301989887 83886079 0 0 0 50331647 167772159 335544319 553648127 771751935 989855743 1191182335 1375731711 1560281087 1728053247 1879048191 2030043135 2164260863 2281701375 2399141887 2499805183 2600468479 2684354559 2751463423 2801795071 2852126719 2885681151 2902458367 2902458367 2885681151 2868903935 2818572287 2768240639 2701131775 2617245695 2533359615 2432696319 2332033023 2197815295 2063597567 1929379839 1778384895 1610612735 1442840575 1258291199 1056964607 855638015 620756991 419430399 184549375 50331647 0 0 83886079 234881023 436207615 671088639 872415231 1090519039 1291845631 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100663295 285212671 553648127 771751935 1023410175 1241513983 1442840575 1627389951 1845493759 2030043135 2197815295 2332033023 2516582399 2650800127 2785017855 2919235583 3019898879 3137339391 3254779903 3338665983 3422552063 3506438143 3556769791 3607101439 3607101439 3590324223 3523215359 3456106495 3372220415 3271557119 3187671039 3070230527 2952790015 2835349503 2684354559 2550136831 2399141887 2231369727 2080374783 1895825407 1711276031 1509949439 1308622847 1090519039 872415231 620756991 385875967 100663295 117440511 301989887 553648127 788529151 1040187391 1258291199 1459617791 1677721599 1845493759 2030043135 2197815295 2365587455 2516582399 2667577343 2801795071 2936012799 3053453311 3170893823 3288334335 3372220415 3456106495 3539992575 3623878655 3674210303 3674210303 3640655871 3573547007 3489660927 3405774847 3305111551 3204448255 3103784959 2969567231 2868903935 2717908991 2566914047 2432696319 2264924159 2080374783 1929379839 1728053247 1543503871 1308622847 1124073471 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2801795071 2684354559 2566914047 2432696319 2264924159 2113929215 1946157055 1761607679 1593835519 1392508927 1174405119 956301311 721420287 486539263 251658239 67108863 50331647 167772159 369098751 603979775 822083583 1040187391 1258291199 1442840575 1627389951 1811939327 1996488703 2164260863 2298478591 2449473535 2583691263 2701131775 2818572287 2902458367 3003121663 3087007743 3137339391 3187671039 3221225471 3254779903 3254779903 3238002687 3204448255 3154116607 3103784959 3019898879 2936012799 2835349503 2751463423 2617245695 2483027967 2348810239 2214592511 2046820351 1879048191 1694498815 1509949439 1308622847 1124073471 889192447 671088639 436207615 201326591 50331647 0 100663295 268435455 503316479 738197503 973078527 1174405119 1375731711 1560281087 1744830463 1929379839 2080374783 2214592511 2365587455 2483027967 2617245695 2717908991 2818572287 2902458367 2969567231 3036676095 3087007743 3103784959 3137339391 3137339391 3120562175 3103784959 3053453311 2986344447 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2701131775 2617245695 2533359615 2432696319 2332033023 2197815295 2063597567 1929379839 1778384895 1610612735 1442840575 1258291199 1056964607 855638015 620756991 419430399 184549375 50331647 0 0 0 83886079 234881023 452984831 687865855 889192447 1090519039 1258291199 1442840575 1627389951 1761607679 1912602623 2046820351 2181038079 2281701375 2382364671 2466250751 2550136831 2617245695 2684354559 2717908991 2751463423 2768240639 2785017855 2751463423 2734686207 2701131775 2650800127 2583691263 2499805183 2415919103 2332033023 2214592511 2097151999 1962934271 1811939327 1677721599 1509949439 1325400063 1140850687 956301311 754974719 536870911 301989887 83886079 0 0 0 0 50331647 167772159 335544319 553648127 754974719 973078527 1140850687 1308622847 1476395007 1660944383 1795162111 1929379839 2030043135 2147483647 2264924159 2348810239 2415919103 2499805183 2533359615 2583691263 2600468479 2634022911 2634022911 2617245695 2583691263 2550136831 2516582399 2449473535 2365587455 2298478591 2181038079 2080374783 1962934271 1845493759 1711276031 1543503871 1358954495 1207959551 1023410175 838860799 620756991 419430399 184549375 50331647 0 0 0 0 0 83886079 234881023 419430399 637534207 822083583 1023410175 1207959551 1358954495 1509949439 1660944383 1795162111 1895825407 2013265919 2097151999 2197815295 2281701375 2348810239 2382364671 2432696319 2466250751 2466250751 2466250751 2466250751 2432696319 2399141887 2365587455 2298478591 2231369727 2130706431 2030043135 1946157055 1828716543 1711276031 1560281087 1409286143 1258291199 1090519039 889192447 704643071 503316479 285212671 83886079 0 0 0 0 0 0 33554431 134217727 285212671 486539263 671088639 872415231 1056964607 1207959551 1358954495 1509949439 1644167167 1761607679 1862270975 1962934271 2046820351 2130706431 2181038079 2231369727 2264924159 2298478591 2315255807 2315255807 2315255807 2281701375 2248146943 2197815295 2147483647 2080374783 1996488703 1895825407 1795162111 1677721599 1560281087 1409286143 1258291199 1124073471 922746879 738197503 553648127 369098751 134217727 33554431 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67108863 184549375 352321535 536870911 704643071 889192447 1056964607 1207959551 1342177279 1476395007 1610612735 1694498815 1811939327 1879048191 1962934271 2030043135 2080374783 2113929215 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2130706431 2097151999 2046820351 1979711487 1912602623 1828716543 1744830463 1644167167 1526726655 1375731711 1258291199 1124073471 939524095 771751935 587202559 419430399 218103807 67108863 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83886079 218103807 369098751 536870911 704643071 889192447 1040187391 1191182335 1308622847 1409286143 1543503871 1627389951 1694498815 1778384895 1845493759 1895825407 1946157055 1962934271 1979711487 1979711487 1979711487 1962934271 1912602623 1862270975 1795162111 1728053247 1660944383 1577058303 1459617791 1342177279 1224736767 1107296255 939524095 771751935 587202559 419430399 251658239 83886079 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83886079 218103807 385875967 536870911 687865855 855638015 1006632959 1124073471 1224736767 1342177279 1442840575 1526726655 1593835519 1660944383 1711276031 1761607679 1778384895 1778384895 1778384895 1778384895 1778384895 1728053247 1677721599 1627389951 1543503871 1476395007 1375731711 1275068415 1157627903 1040187391 905969663 754974719 587202559 419430399 268435455 83886079 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83886079 218103807 369098751 520093695 654311423 805306367 939524095 1056964607 1157627903 1241513983 1325400063 1409286143 1476395007 1509949439 1543503871 1577058303 1610612735 1610612735 1593835519 1560281087 1509949439 1493172223 1426063359 1342177279 1275068415 1191182335 1090519039 973078527 855638015 704643071 570425343 419430399 251658239 83886079 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83886079 201326591 335544319 469762047 620756991 738197503 855638015 956301311 1040187391 1124073471 1224736767 1258291199 1325400063 1358954495 1375731711 1375731711 1375731711 1375731711 1358954495 1342177279 1291845631 1224736767 1157627903 1073741823 989855743 889192447 788529151 654311423 520093695 385875967 234881023 83886079 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67108863 167772159 268435455 385875967 520093695 654311423 721420287 838860799 922746879 989855743 1056964607 1107296255 1140850687 1174405119 1191182335 1191182335 1191182335 1157627903 1124073471 1073741823 1006632959 939524095 872415231 771751935 671088639 570425343 436207615 318767103 167772159 67108863 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33554431 100663295 201326591 301989887 402653183 520093695 637534207 687865855 754974719 838860799 889192447 922746879 956301311 973078527 973078527 956301311 939524095 905969663 855638015 788529151 704643071 654311423 570425343 436207615 352321535 218103807 100663295 33554431 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50331647 117440511 201326591 301989887 385875967 452984831 536870911 587202559 637534207 654311423 687865855 687865855 704643071 687865855 671088639 637534207 603979775 553648127 486539263 402653183 335544319 218103807 117440511 50331647 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50331647 117440511 167772159 218103807 301989887 352321535 385875967 436207615 469762047 469762047 469762047 469762047 452984831 402653183 369098751 318767103 251658239 167772159 117440511 50331647 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50331647 100663295 134217727 167772159 184549375 201326591 218103807 218103807 201326591 184549375 167772159 134217727 100663295 50331647 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
+ offset: 0@0)!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CornerGripMorph class>>initializePassiveForm (in category 'class initialization') -----
+ initializePassiveForm
+ ^PassiveForm := self defaultForm!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CornerGripMorph>>drawOn: (in category 'drawing') -----
+ drawOn: aCanvas
+ bounds := self bounds.
+ aCanvas
+ translucentImage: (self alphaHandle)
+ at: (bounds origin )
+ sourceRect: (self handleOrigin extent: bounds extent )!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CornerGripMorph class>>defaultFormFromFileNamed: (in category 'handle settings') -----
+ defaultFormFromFileNamed: aString
+ "If you dislike the alpha scale of the default handle, use this method to install a new one.
+ File should be in a readable image format, and contain a 48x48 32bit radial gradient with color white.
+ Use passiveColor: / activeColor: to change them after file is loaded, see initialize for an example"
+ |sourceStream|
+ sourceStream := WriteStream on: String new.
+ sourceStream nextPutAll: 'defaultForm';
+ nextPut: Character cr;
+ nextPut: Character cr;
+ nextPut: $^;
+ nextPut: $(;
+ nextPutAll: (ImageReadWriter formFromFileNamed: aString) storeString;
+ nextPut: $).
+ self class compile: sourceStream contents.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TopLeftGripMorph>>handleOrigin (in category 'private') -----
+ handleOrigin
+ ^25@25!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CornerGripMorph class>>activeForm (in category 'accessing') -----
+ activeForm
+ ^ActiveForm ifNil: [self initializeActiveForm]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CornerGripMorph>>alphaHandle (in category 'drawing') -----
+ alphaHandle
+ handleColor ifNil: [handleColor := self passiveForm].
+ "The following line is only needed on first load, so existing windows don't blow up from the new handles.
+ Can safely be deleted along with this comment in a later update"
+ (handleColor class == Form)
+ ifFalse: [handleColor := self passiveForm].
+ ^handleColor
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BottomRightGripMorph>>borderOffset (in category 'private') -----
+ borderOffset
+ |width|
+ width :=SystemWindow borderWidth +1.
+ ^self handleOrigin - (width asPoint)!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CornerGripMorph>>transparentRectangle (in category 'private') -----
+ transparentRectangle
+ "This could be a class var, provided either bounds of grips does not change, or one ensures a new one is installed when such an event occurs"
+ ^Form extent: self bounds extent depth: 32!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BottomRightGripMorph>>handleOrigin (in category 'private') -----
+ handleOrigin
+ ^0@0!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BottomLeftGripMorph>>borderOffset (in category 'private') -----
+ borderOffset
+ |width|
+ width :=SystemWindow borderWidth +1.
+ ^self handleOrigin + (width @ width negated)!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CornerGripMorph class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
+ initialize
+ "CornerGripMorph initialize"
+ super initialize.
+ self initializeActiveForm.
+ self initializePassiveForm.
+ self activeColor: Color orange.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CornerGripMorph>>activeForm (in category 'private') -----
+ activeForm
+ ^self clipForm: self class activeForm!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CornerGripMorph>>setInverseColors (in category 'private') -----
+ setInverseColors
+ handleColor := self activeForm.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CornerGripMorph>>clipForm: (in category 'private') -----
+ clipForm: aHandle
+ |cutArea|
+ "This doesn't really needs to be done every draw, but only if border width changes.
+ In that case,, we'd have to install a newly initialized one anyways, so the current method will fail.
+ Good enough for now though."
+ cutArea := self transparentRectangle.
+ aHandle getCanvas image: cutArea
+ at: self borderOffset
+ sourceRect: cutArea boundingBox
+ rule: Form and.
+ ^aHandle
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TopRightGripMorph>>handleOrigin (in category 'private') -----
+ handleOrigin
+ ^0@25!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TopLeftGripMorph>>borderOffset (in category 'private') -----
+ borderOffset
+ |width|
+ width :=SystemWindow borderWidth +1.
+ ^self handleOrigin + width asPoint!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CornerGripMorph class>>activeColor: (in category 'handle settings') -----
+ activeColor: aColor
+ |canvas|
+ canvas := self initializeActiveForm getCanvas.
+ canvas
+ privatePort fillPattern: aColor;
+ combinationRule: Form rgbMul;
+ fillRect: (self activeForm boundingBox) offset: 0@0.
+ self subclassesDo: [:each | each activeColor: aColor]
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CornerGripMorph class>>passiveForm (in category 'accessing') -----
+ passiveForm
+ ^PassiveForm ifNil: [self initializePassiveForm]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CornerGripMorph>>setDefaultColors (in category 'private') -----
+ setDefaultColors
+ handleColor := self passiveForm.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TopRightGripMorph>>borderOffset (in category 'private') -----
+ borderOffset
+ |width|
+ width :=SystemWindow borderWidth +1 .
+ ^self handleOrigin + ( width negated @ (width) )!

Item was changed:
  AbstractResizerMorph subclass: #CornerGripMorph
  instanceVariableNames: 'target'
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'Morphic-Windows'!
+ CornerGripMorph class
+ instanceVariableNames: 'ActiveForm PassiveForm'!
  !CornerGripMorph commentStamp: 'jmv 1/29/2006 17:15' prior: 0!
  I am the superclass of a hierarchy of morph specialized in allowing the user to resize windows.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CornerGripMorph>>borderOffset (in category 'private') -----
+ borderOffset
+ "The offset from my corner to where the border starts"
+ ^self subclassResponsibility!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CornerGripMorph>>handleOrigin (in category 'private') -----
+ handleOrigin
+ "The handles origin is the offset into the alphaForm"
+ ^self subclassResponsibility!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BottomLeftGripMorph>>handleOrigin (in category 'private') -----
+ handleOrigin
+ ^25@0!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CornerGripMorph>>passiveForm (in category 'private') -----
+ passiveForm
+ ^self clipForm: self class passiveForm!

Item was changed:

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CornerGripMorph class>>passiveColor: (in category 'handle settings') -----
+ passiveColor: aColor
+ |canvas|
+ (canvas := self initializePassiveForm getCanvas).
+ canvas
+ privatePort fillPattern: aColor;
+ combinationRule: Form rgbMul;
+ fillRect: (self passiveForm boundingBox) offset: 0@0.
+ self subclassesDo: [:each | each passiveColor: aColor]
+ !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TopLeftGripMorph>>drawOn: (in category 'drawing') -----
- drawOn: aCanvas
- | dotBounds alphaCanvas windowBorderWidth dotBounds2 |
- windowBorderWidth := SystemWindow borderWidth.
- bounds := self bounds.
- alphaCanvas := aCanvas asAlphaBlendingCanvas: 0.7.
- "alphaCanvas
- frameRectangle: bounds color: Color blue."
- dotBounds := (bounds insetBy: 1).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds right: (dotBounds left + windowBorderWidth).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 bottom: (dotBounds2 top + windowBorderWidth).
- alphaCanvas
- fillRectangle: dotBounds2
- color: self handleColor.
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds left: (dotBounds left + windowBorderWidth).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 bottom: (dotBounds2 top + windowBorderWidth).
- alphaCanvas
- fillRectangle: dotBounds2
- color: self handleColor.
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 left: (dotBounds2 left + 7).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 right: (dotBounds2 right - 7).
- alphaCanvas
- fillRectangle: dotBounds2
- color: self dotColor.
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds right: (dotBounds left + windowBorderWidth).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 top: (dotBounds2 top + windowBorderWidth).
- alphaCanvas
- fillRectangle: dotBounds2
- color: self handleColor.
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 top: (dotBounds2 top + 7).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 bottom: (dotBounds2 bottom - 7).
- alphaCanvas
- fillRectangle: dotBounds2
- color: self dotColor!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: BottomRightGripMorph>>drawOn: (in category 'drawing') -----
- drawOn: aCanvas
- | dotBounds alphaCanvas windowBorderWidth dotBounds2 |
- windowBorderWidth := SystemWindow borderWidth.
- bounds := self bounds.
- alphaCanvas := aCanvas asAlphaBlendingCanvas: 0.7.
- "alphaCanvas
- frameRectangle: bounds color: Color blue."
- dotBounds := (bounds insetBy: 1).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds left: (dotBounds right - windowBorderWidth).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 top: (dotBounds2 bottom - windowBorderWidth).
- alphaCanvas
- fillRectangle: dotBounds2
- color: self handleColor.
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds right: (dotBounds right - windowBorderWidth).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 top: (dotBounds2 bottom - windowBorderWidth).
- alphaCanvas
- fillRectangle: dotBounds2
- color: self handleColor.
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 left: (dotBounds2 left + 7).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 right: (dotBounds2 right - 7).
- alphaCanvas
- fillRectangle: dotBounds2
- color: self dotColor.
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds left: (dotBounds right - windowBorderWidth).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 bottom: (dotBounds2 bottom - windowBorderWidth).
- alphaCanvas
- fillRectangle: dotBounds2
- color: self handleColor.
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 top: (dotBounds2 top + 7).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 bottom: (dotBounds2 bottom - 7).
- alphaCanvas
- fillRectangle: dotBounds2
- color: self dotColor!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: BottomLeftGripMorph>>drawOn: (in category 'drawing') -----
- drawOn: aCanvas
- | dotBounds alphaCanvas windowBorderWidth dotBounds2 |
- windowBorderWidth := SystemWindow borderWidth.
- bounds := self bounds.
- alphaCanvas := aCanvas asAlphaBlendingCanvas: 0.7.
- "alphaCanvas
- frameRectangle: bounds color: Color blue."
- dotBounds := (bounds insetBy: 1).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds right: (dotBounds left + windowBorderWidth).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 top: (dotBounds2 bottom - windowBorderWidth).
- alphaCanvas
- fillRectangle: dotBounds2
- color: self handleColor.
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds left: (dotBounds left + windowBorderWidth).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 top: (dotBounds2 bottom - windowBorderWidth).
- alphaCanvas
- fillRectangle: dotBounds2
- color: self handleColor.
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 left: (dotBounds2 left + 7).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 right: (dotBounds2 right - 7).
- alphaCanvas
- fillRectangle: dotBounds2
- color: self dotColor.
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds right: (dotBounds left + windowBorderWidth).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 bottom: (dotBounds2 bottom - windowBorderWidth).
- alphaCanvas
- fillRectangle: dotBounds2
- color: self handleColor.
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 top: (dotBounds2 top + 7).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 bottom: (dotBounds2 bottom - 7).
- alphaCanvas
- fillRectangle: dotBounds2
- color: self dotColor!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TopRightGripMorph>>drawOn: (in category 'drawing') -----
- drawOn: aCanvas
- | dotBounds alphaCanvas windowBorderWidth dotBounds2 |
- windowBorderWidth := SystemWindow borderWidth.
- bounds := self bounds.
- alphaCanvas := aCanvas asAlphaBlendingCanvas: 0.7.
- "alphaCanvas
- frameRectangle: bounds color: Color blue."
- dotBounds := (bounds insetBy: 1).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds left: (dotBounds right - windowBorderWidth).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 bottom: (dotBounds2 top + windowBorderWidth).
- alphaCanvas
- fillRectangle: dotBounds2
- color: self handleColor.
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds right: (dotBounds right - windowBorderWidth).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 bottom: (dotBounds2 top + windowBorderWidth).
- alphaCanvas
- fillRectangle: dotBounds2
- color: self handleColor.
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 left: (dotBounds2 left + 7).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 right: (dotBounds2 right - 7).
- alphaCanvas
- fillRectangle: dotBounds2
- color: self dotColor.
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds left: (dotBounds right - windowBorderWidth).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 top: (dotBounds2 top + windowBorderWidth).
- alphaCanvas
- fillRectangle: dotBounds2
- color: self handleColor.
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 top: (dotBounds2 top + 7).
- dotBounds2 := dotBounds2 bottom: (dotBounds2 bottom - 7).
- alphaCanvas
- fillRectangle: dotBounds2
- color: self dotColor!

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Re: The Trunk: Morphic-HenrikSperreJohansen.262.mcz

This is a really nice improvement. Someone up for taking a shot at the
pane resizers to redo them in the same style?

   - Andreas

[hidden email] wrote:

> Andreas Raab uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:
> ==================== Summary ====================
> Name: Morphic-HenrikSperreJohansen.262
> Author: HenrikSperreJohansen
> Time: 10 December 2009, 9:44:33 am
> UUID: d4e40a85-6a1e-4e63-b70f-23388b290362
> Ancestors: Morphic-dtl.261
> Changes the display of grip handles of windows to be more inline with the rest of the updated GUI.
> See CornerGripMorph class "handle settings"-protocol for customizability.

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Re: Re: The Trunk: Morphic-HenrikSperreJohansen.262.mcz

Karl Ramberg
On 2009-12-11 07:34, Andreas Raab wrote:
> This is a really nice improvement. Someone up for taking a shot at the
> pane resizers to redo them in the same style?
> Cheers,
>   - Andreas
Very nice :-)
And the Flap Tabs could also be massaged a little


> [hidden email] wrote:
>> Andreas Raab uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:
>> ==================== Summary ====================
>> Name: Morphic-HenrikSperreJohansen.262
>> Author: HenrikSperreJohansen
>> Time: 10 December 2009, 9:44:33 am
>> UUID: d4e40a85-6a1e-4e63-b70f-23388b290362
>> Ancestors: Morphic-dtl.261
>> Changes the display of grip handles of windows to be more inline with
>> the rest of the updated GUI.
>> See CornerGripMorph class "handle settings"-protocol for
>> customizability.

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Re: Re: The Trunk: Morphic-HenrikSperreJohansen.262.mcz

Tobias Pape

Am 2009-12-11 um 15:45 schrieb Karl Ramberg:

> On 2009-12-11 07:34, Andreas Raab wrote:
>> This is a really nice improvement. Someone up for taking a shot at the pane resizers to redo them in the same style?
>> Cheers,
>>  - Andreas
> Very nice :-)
> And the Flap Tabs could also be massaged a little

Just FYI, most of the squeak users _I_ encounter
turn off Flaps as one of the first things when they
use a new image…
        Most of them consider flaps as a waste of
Screen space or as a distraction.

So long,
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Re: Re: The Trunk: Morphic-HenrikSperreJohansen.262.mcz

Ricardo Moran
I find flaps very useful and I use them all the time. Especially the "Objects" flap and the "Tools" flap. It's also nice to be able to make your own flap to put your stuff, move objects across projects, make annotations...

The new Squeak's GUI it's really nice and I though some days ago how nice would be to have nicer Flaps. I don't know how to do it, but I guess I can look around and see what I can do...

Keep up the good work!

On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Tobias Pape <[hidden email]> wrote:

Am 2009-12-11 um 15:45 schrieb Karl Ramberg:

> On 2009-12-11 07:34, Andreas Raab wrote:
>> This is a really nice improvement. Someone up for taking a shot at the pane resizers to redo them in the same style?
>> Cheers,
>>  - Andreas
> Very nice :-)
> And the Flap Tabs could also be massaged a little

Just FYI, most of the squeak users _I_ encounter
turn off Flaps as one of the first things when they
use a new image…
       Most of them consider flaps as a waste of
Screen space or as a distraction.

So long,

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Re: Re: The Trunk: Morphic-HenrikSperreJohansen.262.mcz

Michael Haupt-3
In reply to this post by Tobias Pape

Am 11.12.2009 um 20:08 schrieb Tobias Pape <[hidden email]>:
> Just FYI, most of the squeak users _I_ encounter
> turn off Flaps as one of the first things when they
> use a new image…
>    Most of them consider flaps as a waste of
> Screen space or as a distraction.

I use only the tools flap regularly, to be honest. With the advent of  
the menu bar, the flap at the top is even a minor annoyance. Still, I  
can imagine tgat people find the flaps useful.

Why again were preferences frowned upon?


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Re[2]: Re: The Trunk: Morphic-HenrikSperreJohansen.262.mcz

Herbert König
In reply to this post by Tobias Pape
Hello Tobias,

TP> Just FYI, most of the squeak users _I_ encounter
TP> turn off Flaps as one of the first things when they
TP> use a new image…

the left flap is the place to move or copy Morphs from Project to
Project. The bottom one has "Escape Browser". I use both regularly and
wouldn't know a different way to do this resp. it takes two clicks for
full screen.

Given wide screen crazyness I attach my flaps on the sides where the
Docking Bar eats too much space as the texts stay left to right.


Herbert                            mailto:[hidden email]