Igor Stasenko uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Morphic-Igor.Stasenko.273.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-Igor.Stasenko.273
Author: Igor.Stasenko
Time: 18 January 2010, 10:49:59.217 pm
UUID: 7d720ccc-10bf-6340-a5fe-649ce9d4c42f
Ancestors: Morphic-ar.272
- fix when using Point in cornerRadius
=============== Diff against Morphic-ar.272 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: FormCanvas>>frameAndFillRoundRect:radius:fillStyle:borderWidth:borderColor: (in category 'drawing-rectangles') -----
frameAndFillRoundRect: aRectangle radius: cornerRadius fillStyle: fillStyle borderWidth: bw borderColor: bc
"Draw a rounded rectangle"
self shadowColor ifNotNil:[
^self fillRoundRect: aRectangle radius: cornerRadius fillStyle: shadowColor.
"see if the round rect is degenerate"
cornerRadius asPoint <= (0@0)
ifTrue:[^self frameAndFillRectangle: aRectangle fillColor: fillStyle asColor borderWidth: bw borderColor: bc].
+ cornerRadius * 2 asPoint >= aRectangle width asPoint
- cornerRadius * 2 >= aRectangle width
ifTrue:[^self fillOval: aRectangle color: fillStyle asColor borderWidth: bw borderColor: bc].
"Okay it's a rounded rectangle"
fillStyle isTransparent ifFalse:["fill interior"
| innerRect radius |
innerRect := aRectangle.
radius := cornerRadius.
bw isZero ifFalse:[
innerRect := innerRect insetBy: bw.
radius := radius - bw.
self fillRoundRect: innerRect radius: radius fillStyle: fillStyle.
self frameRoundRect: aRectangle radius: cornerRadius width: bw color: bc