Chris Muller uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Morphic-cmm.1052 Author: cmm Time: 21 November 2015, 11:23:10.034 am UUID: 984e80fd-459b-467b-b350-bff00bb77b60 Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1051 - Restore the use-case "Replace Expression With A New Expression" (e.g., fix autoEnclose). "Connect Existing Expression To A New Expression" is already present via the Command key. We need to support both of those use cases. =============== Diff against Morphic-mt.1051 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: TextEditor>>autoEncloseFor: (in category 'typing support') ----- autoEncloseFor: typedChar "Answer whether typeChar was handled by auto-enclosure. Caller should call normalCharacter if not." | openers closers | openers := '([{'. closers := ')]}'. (closers includes: typedChar) ifTrue: [ | pos | self blinkPrevParen: typedChar. ((pos := self indexOfNextNonwhitespaceCharacter) notNil and: [ (paragraph string at: pos) = typedChar ]) ifTrue: [ self moveCursor: [ : position | position + pos - pointBlock stringIndex + 1 ] forward: true select: false. ^ true ] ifFalse: [ ^ false ] ]. + (self class autoEnclose and: [ openers includes: typedChar ]) ifTrue: + [ self + addString: (closers at: (openers indexOf: typedChar)) asString ; + insertTypeAhead ; - (openers includes: typedChar) ifTrue: [ - self - openTypeIn; - addString: typedChar asString; - addString: (closers at: (openers indexOf: typedChar)) asString ; - insertAndCloseTypeIn ; moveCursor: [ : position | position - 1 ] forward: false select: false. + ^ false ]. - ^ true ]. ^ false! Item was changed: ----- Method: TextEditor>>dispatchOnKeyboardEvent: (in category 'typing support') ----- dispatchOnKeyboardEvent: aKeyboardEvent "Carry out the action associated with this character, if any. Type-ahead is passed so some routines can flush or use it." | honorCommandKeys typedChar | typedChar := aKeyboardEvent keyCharacter. "Create a new command for separating characters. Do not create separate commands for consecutive separators." ((Character separators includes: typedChar) and: [(Character separators includes: previousKeyCharacter) not]) ifTrue: [self closeTypeIn]. previousKeyCharacter := typedChar. "Handle one-line input fields." (typedChar == Character cr and: [morph acceptOnCR]) ifTrue: [^ true]. "Clear highlight for last opened parenthesis." self clearParens. "Handle line breaks and auto indent." typedChar == Character cr ifTrue: [ aKeyboardEvent controlKeyPressed ifTrue: [^ self normalCharacter: aKeyboardEvent]. aKeyboardEvent shiftPressed ifTrue: [^ self lf: aKeyboardEvent]. aKeyboardEvent commandKeyPressed ifTrue: [^ self crlf: aKeyboardEvent]. ^ self crWithIndent: aKeyboardEvent]. "Handle indent/outdent with selected text block." typedChar == Character tab ifTrue: [ aKeyboardEvent shiftPressed ifTrue: [self outdent: aKeyboardEvent. ^ true] ifFalse: [self hasMultipleLinesSelected ifTrue: [self indent: aKeyboardEvent. ^ true]]]. honorCommandKeys := Preferences cmdKeysInText. (honorCommandKeys and: [typedChar == Character enter]) ifTrue: [^ self dispatchOnEnterWith: aKeyboardEvent]. "Special keys overwrite crtl+key combinations - at least on Windows. To resolve this conflict, assume that keys other than cursor keys aren't used together with Crtl." ((self class specialShiftCmdKeys includes: aKeyboardEvent keyValue) and: [aKeyboardEvent keyValue < 27]) ifTrue: [^ aKeyboardEvent controlKeyPressed ifTrue: [self perform: (self class shiftCmdActions at: aKeyboardEvent keyValue + 1) with: aKeyboardEvent] ifFalse: [self perform: (self class cmdActions at: aKeyboardEvent keyValue + 1) with: aKeyboardEvent]]. "backspace, and escape keys (ascii 8 and 27) are command keys" ((honorCommandKeys and: [aKeyboardEvent commandKeyPressed]) or: [self class specialShiftCmdKeys includes: aKeyboardEvent keyValue]) ifTrue: [ ^ aKeyboardEvent shiftPressed ifTrue: [self perform: (self class shiftCmdActions at: aKeyboardEvent keyValue + 1) with: aKeyboardEvent] ifFalse: [self perform: (self class cmdActions at: aKeyboardEvent keyValue + 1) with: aKeyboardEvent]]. "the control key can be used to invoke shift-cmd shortcuts" (honorCommandKeys and: [ aKeyboardEvent controlKeyPressed ]) ifTrue: [^ self perform: (self class shiftCmdActions at: aKeyboardEvent keyValue + 1) with: aKeyboardEvent]. - "Automatically enclose paired characters such as brackets." self class autoEnclose + ifTrue: + [ (self autoEncloseFor: typedChar) ifFalse: [ self normalCharacter: aKeyboardEvent ] ] + ifFalse: [ self normalCharacter: aKeyboardEvent ]. + - ifTrue: [((self hasSelection and: [self enclose: aKeyboardEvent]) - or: [self autoEncloseFor: typedChar]) - ifTrue: [^ true]]. - - self normalCharacter: aKeyboardEvent. ^ false! |
1. This breaks the undo for #autoEnclose, which I had fixed on purpose. 2. This removes a very convenient feature to put brackets around the current selection. Please revert that commit or give a rationale. ;-) Or both. What is that use case "replace expression with new expression"? Just from reading the words, it just worked fine. Best, Marcel |
Hi Marcel, I hope you can find another solution to the Undo. The
change that was made to autoEnclose introduced several bugs, whilst nullifying one use case and overloading another. User-expectations about selection-replacement were violated -- we just talked about this for the Tab key. When the user types a regular character into the Editor, they expect that character to be typed. If the user wishes to modify that expected behavior, they may use one of the modifier keys. With your change, I could not replace any selection with a 9, (, [, {, ' or ". , because "Replace Expression With A New Expression" was eliminated, while at the same time "Connect Existing Expression To A New Expression" was overloaded (introduced a second ways to accomplish the same thing). On Sat, Nov 21, 2015 at 11:15 AM, marcel.taeumel <[hidden email]> wrote: > -1 > > 1. This breaks the undo for #autoEnclose, which I had fixed on purpose. > 2. This removes a very convenient feature to put brackets around the current > selection. > > Please revert that commit or give a rationale. ;-) Or both. > > What is that use case "replace expression with new expression"? Just from > reading the words, it just worked fine. > > Best, > Marcel > > > > -- > View this message in context: > Sent from the Squeak - Dev mailing list archive at > |
This sounds like the sort of change that might benefit from a couple of
days in the inbox. Dave On Sat, Nov 21, 2015 at 11:49:54AM -0600, Chris Muller wrote: > Hi Marcel, I hope you can find another solution to the Undo. The > change that was made to autoEnclose introduced several bugs, whilst > nullifying one use case and overloading another. > > User-expectations about selection-replacement were violated -- we just > talked about this for the Tab key. When the user types a regular > character into the Editor, they expect that character to be typed. If > the user wishes to modify that expected behavior, they may use one of > the modifier keys. > > With your change, I could not replace any selection with a 9, (, [, {, > ' or ". , because "Replace Expression With A New Expression" was > eliminated, while at the same time "Connect Existing Expression To A > New Expression" was overloaded (introduced a second ways to accomplish > the same thing). > > > On Sat, Nov 21, 2015 at 11:15 AM, marcel.taeumel <[hidden email]> wrote: > > -1 > > > > 1. This breaks the undo for #autoEnclose, which I had fixed on purpose. > > 2. This removes a very convenient feature to put brackets around the current > > selection. > > > > Please revert that commit or give a rationale. ;-) Or both. > > > > What is that use case "replace expression with new expression"? Just from > > reading the words, it just worked fine. > > > > Best, > > Marcel > > > > > > > > -- > > View this message in context: > > Sent from the Squeak - Dev mailing list archive at > > |
In reply to this post by Chris Muller-3
Hi Chris,
I fixed undo again: Now we can continue this discussion. 1) I understand that that magical enclosing selection violates that "replace selection with new expression" principle. We might consider adding a preference for that because I just cannot recall those hidden enclose keyboard shotcuts. Having brackets enclosing selections this feels much more convenient. Keeps the flow, you know. ;-) For now, it's gone again. What a pity. 2) Why did you break the undo for autoEnclose in the first place? Was it a slip? Maybe I misunderstood "connect existing expression to a new expression" but the way TextEditor >> #autoEncloseFor: is now (with undo working again) it does not seem to harm anything. You must not modify the text cursor while just typing in (or calling #addString:). See #closeTypeIn for explanation. Btw: The (old/mini) undo in 5.0 was also broken for autoEnclose. That additional closing char did not disappear. --- However, it works now. Does this cover it? Introducing additional ways to do the same is very common in user interface design. It's not just about novices and experts. For example, there is CMD+V and the context menu with "Paste it". To ways to achieve the same thing. :) Best, Marcel |
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