Chris Muller uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Morphic-cmm.1104 Author: cmm Time: 7 April 2016, 4:14:29.108974 pm UUID: 3fa0654e-9d15-4a86-94c5-9982def7e94f Ancestors: Morphic-ul.1103 - Put the new 'Wrapped Navigation' feature onto a Preference, so that the ability to easily navigate trees with just one hand on the arrow keys is restored. - It also restores navigation keys [Home], [End], [Pg Up] and [Pg Down] to ONLY navigate, and not cause tree expansions. =============== Diff against Morphic-ul.1103 =============== Item was changed: ScrollPane subclass: #SimpleHierarchicalListMorph instanceVariableNames: 'selectedMorph hoveredMorph getListSelector keystrokeActionSelector autoDeselect columns sortingSelector getSelectionSelector setSelectionSelector potentialDropMorph lineColor' + classVariableNames: 'WrappedNavigation' - classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Morphic-Explorer'! SimpleHierarchicalListMorph class instanceVariableNames: 'expandedForm notExpandedForm'! !SimpleHierarchicalListMorph commentStamp: 'ls 3/1/2004 12:15' prior: 0! Display a hierarchical list of items. Each item should be wrapped with a ListItemWrapper. For a simple example, look at submorphsExample. For beefier examples, look at ObjectExplorer or FileList2.! SimpleHierarchicalListMorph class instanceVariableNames: 'expandedForm notExpandedForm'! Item was added: + ----- Method: SimpleHierarchicalListMorph class>>wrappedNavigation (in category 'preferences') ----- + wrappedNavigation + <preference: 'Wrapped Tree Navigation' + category: 'Morphic' + description: 'When enabled, use of the arrow keys at the top or bottom of a hierarchical list will wrap to the opposite side of the list.' + type: #Boolean> + ^ WrappedNavigation ifNil: [ false ]! Item was added: + ----- Method: SimpleHierarchicalListMorph class>>wrappedNavigation: (in category 'preferences') ----- + wrappedNavigation: aBoolean + WrappedNavigation := aBoolean! Item was changed: ----- Method: SimpleHierarchicalListMorph>>arrowKey: (in category 'keyboard navigation') ----- arrowKey: asciiValue "Handle a keyboard navigation character. Answer true if handled, false if not." + | keyEvent max oldSelection nextSelection howManyItemsShowing keyHandled | + keyHandled := false. - | keyEvent max oldSelection nextSelection howManyItemsShowing | keyEvent := asciiValue. max := self maximumSelection. nextSelection := oldSelection := self getSelectionIndex. keyEvent = 31 ifTrue:["down" + keyHandled := true. nextSelection :=oldSelection + 1. + nextSelection > max ifTrue: [nextSelection := (self class wrappedNavigation ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [max])]]. - nextSelection > max ifTrue: [nextSelection := 1]]. keyEvent = 30 ifTrue:["up" + keyHandled := true. nextSelection := oldSelection - 1. + nextSelection < 1 ifTrue: [nextSelection := self class wrappedNavigation ifTrue: [max] ifFalse: [1]]]. - nextSelection < 1 ifTrue: [nextSelection := max]]. keyEvent = 1 ifTrue: ["home" + keyHandled := true. nextSelection := 1]. keyEvent = 4 ifTrue: ["end" + keyHandled := true. nextSelection := max]. howManyItemsShowing := self numSelectionsInView. keyEvent = 11 ifTrue: ["page up" + keyHandled := true. nextSelection := 1 max: oldSelection - howManyItemsShowing]. keyEvent = 12 ifTrue: ["page down" + keyHandled := true. nextSelection := oldSelection + howManyItemsShowing min: max]. + (nextSelection ~= oldSelection or: [ keyHandled and: [ self class wrappedNavigation not ]]) ifTrue: [ - nextSelection = oldSelection ifFalse: [ self setSelectionIndex: nextSelection. ^ true]. keyEvent = 29 ifTrue:["right" selectedMorph ifNotNil:[ (selectedMorph canExpand and:[selectedMorph isExpanded not]) ifTrue:[self toggleExpandedState: selectedMorph] ifFalse:[self setSelectionIndex: self getSelectionIndex+1]. ]. ^true]. keyEvent = 28 ifTrue:["left" selectedMorph ifNotNil:[ (selectedMorph isExpanded) ifTrue:[self toggleExpandedState: selectedMorph] ifFalse:[self setSelectionIndex: (self getSelectionIndex-1 max: 1)]. ]. ^true]. ^false! |
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