Chris Muller uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Morphic-cmm.1230 Author: cmm Time: 4 August 2016, 11:45:46.19494 pm UUID: 75ecc9d2-3132-4933-ba03-98810bd1e903 Ancestors: Morphic-pre.1229 Community Dark Theme. =============== Diff against Morphic-pre.1229 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: BalloonMorph class>>string:for:corner: (in category 'instance creation') ----- string: str for: morph corner: cornerName "Make up and return a balloon for morph. Find the quadrant that clips the text the least, using cornerName as a tie-breaker. tk 9/12/97" + | text vertices balloon | + balloon := self new. + text := self - | tm vertices | - tm := self getTextMorph: (str asString withNoLineLongerThan: Preferences maxBalloonHelpLineLength) for: morph. + balloon userInterfaceTheme textColor ifNotNil: + [:col | text color: col]. + balloon userInterfaceTheme font ifNotNil: [ : font | text font: font ]. + vertices := self getVertices: text bounds. - vertices := self getVertices: tm bounds. vertices := self + getBestLocation: vertices + for: morph + corner: cornerName. + ^ balloon + color: morph balloonColor ; + setVertices: vertices ; + addMorph: text ; - getBestLocation: vertices - for: morph - corner: cornerName. - ^ self new color: morph balloonColor; - setVertices: vertices; - addMorph: tm; setTarget: morph! Item was changed: ----- Method: BalloonMorph>>defaultBorderColor (in category 'initialization') ----- defaultBorderColor + ^ self userInterfaceTheme borderColor ifNil: [self defaultColor muchDarker]! - "answer the default border color/fill style for the receiver" - ^ self defaultColor muchDarker"Color black"! Item was changed: ----- Method: BalloonMorph>>defaultBorderWidth (in category 'initialization') ----- defaultBorderWidth + ^ self userInterfaceTheme borderWidth ifNil: [0]! - "0 is appropriate for balloons because they are transient and wispy, not a solid object deserving a border." - ^ 0! Item was changed: ----- Method: BalloonMorph>>defaultColor (in category 'initialization') ----- defaultColor "answer the default color/fill style for the receiver" + ^ self userInterfaceTheme color ifNil: [self class balloonColor]! - ^ self class balloonColor! Item was changed: ----- Method: BalloonMorph>>popUp (in category 'initialization') ----- popUp - | w worldBounds | - target ifNil: [^ self]. target isInWorld ifFalse: [^ self]. - w := target world. + self prepareToOpen. + "So that if the translation below makes it overlap the receiver, it won't interfere with the rootMorphsAt: logic and hence cause flashing. Without this, flashing happens, believe me!!" - - self lock. - self fullBounds. "force layout" - self setProperty: #morphicLayerNumber toValue: self morphicLayerNumber. - "So that if the translation below makes it overlap the receiver, it won't - interfere with the rootMorphsAt: logic and hence cause flashing. Without - this, flashing happens, believe me!!" ((worldBounds := w bounds) containsRect: self bounds) ifFalse: [self bounds: (self bounds translatedToBeWithin: worldBounds)]. - self openInWorld. w activeHand addBalloonHelp: self. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: BalloonMorph>>popUpForHand: (in category 'initialization') ----- popUpForHand: aHand "Pop up the receiver as balloon help for the given hand" | worldBounds | + self prepareToOpen. - - self lock. - self fullBounds. "force layout" - self setProperty: #morphicLayerNumber toValue: self morphicLayerNumber. aHand world addMorphFront: self. "So that if the translation below makes it overlap the receiver, it won't interfere with the rootMorphsAt: logic and hence cause flashing. Without this, flashing happens, believe me!!" ((worldBounds := aHand world bounds) containsRect: self bounds) ifFalse: [self bounds: (self bounds translatedToBeWithin: worldBounds)]. aHand resetBalloonHelp: self. ! Item was added: + ----- Method: BalloonMorph>>prepareToOpen (in category 'private') ----- + prepareToOpen + "Override the color if not already set." + self userInterfaceTheme color ifNotNil: [ : col | self color: col]. + self + lock ; + fullBounds ; + setProperty: #morphicLayerNumber + toValue: self morphicLayerNumber! Item was changed: ----- Method: MenuItemMorph>>isEnabled: (in category 'accessing') ----- + isEnabled: aBoolean - isEnabled: aBoolean - isEnabled = aBoolean ifTrue: [^ self]. isEnabled := aBoolean. + self color: + (self userInterfaceTheme perform: + (aBoolean + ifTrue: [#textColor] + ifFalse: [#disabledTextColor]))! - self color: (aBoolean ifTrue: [Color black] ifFalse: [Color lightGray]). - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: PluggableTextMorph>>drawFrameAdornment:on: (in category 'drawing') ----- drawFrameAdornment: aColor on: aCanvas "Indicate edit status for the text editor" self class simpleFrameAdornments ifTrue: [ aCanvas frameRectangle: self innerBounds + width: (self userInterfaceTheme frameAdornmentWidth ifNil: [1]) - width: 1 color: aColor. aCanvas frameRectangle: (self innerBounds insetBy: 1) + width: (self userInterfaceTheme frameAdornmentWidth ifNil: [1]) - width: 1 color: (aColor alpha: aColor alpha / 3.0) ] ifFalse: [ | form | "Class-side adornment cache is currently using pre-multiplied alpha, so we need to use rule 34 which works for < 32bpp, too." form := self class adornmentWithColor: aColor. aCanvas image: form at: self innerBounds topRight - (form width @ 0) sourceRect: form boundingBox rule: 34 ]! Item was changed: ----- Method: SearchBar>>scratchPad (in category 'accessing') ----- scratchPad ^ scratchPad ifNil: [ scratchPad := TextMorphForEditView new. "we should be able to use TextMorph here; fix later" scratchPad " on: #keyboardFocusChange send: #removeScratchPad to: self ;" on: #mouseLeave send: #removeScratchPad to: self ; on: #keyStroke send: #handleScratchPadKey: to: self ; margins: (5@0 corner: 5@0); backgroundColor: (BalloonMorph balloonColor alpha: 1.0) ; setEditView: PluggableTextMorph new ; "dummy" autoFit: true ; wrapFlag: true ; newContents: '--scratch area--' ; font: ((UserInterfaceTheme current get: #font for: #PluggableTextMorph) ifNil: [TextStyle defaultFont]); textColor: ((UserInterfaceTheme current get: #textColor for: #PluggableTextMorph) ifNil: [Color black]); caretColor: ((UserInterfaceTheme current get: #caretColor for: #PluggableTextMorph) ifNil: [Color red]); + selectionColor: ((UserInterfaceTheme current get: #selectionColor for: #PluggableTextMorph) ifNil: [Color blue muchDarker] ifNotNil: [ : col | col twiceLighter ]); - selectionColor: ((UserInterfaceTheme current get: #selectionColor for: #PluggableTextMorph) ifNil: [Color blue]) muchDarker; yourself. self layoutScratchPad. Preferences menuAppearance3d ifTrue: [ scratchPad addDropShadow ]. scratchPad ]! |
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