Chris Muller uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-cmm.338
Author: cmm
Time: 12 February 2010, 10:53:15.198 am
UUID: d7a54a1a-49fa-4755-8c7c-1c4293c07523
Ancestors: Morphic-dtl.337
- Filed-in Andreas' fix for when an OrderedCollection inspector's scroll-bar is not properly set on initial open.
- 3.11 look-change; "halos" both by their name and their function, should be more like a wisp than a solid object. Therefore, their borderWidth has been changed to 0.
=============== Diff against Morphic-dtl.337 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: LazyListMorph>>listChanged (in category 'list management') -----
"set newList to be the list of strings to display"
listItems := Array new: self getListSize withAll: nil.
+ maxWidth := nil.
selectedRow := nil.
selectedRows := PluggableSet integerSet.
self adjustHeight.
self adjustWidth.
self changed.
Item was changed:
----- Method: HaloMorph>>createHandleAt:color:iconName: (in category 'private') -----
createHandleAt: aPoint color: aColor iconName: iconName
| bou handle |
bou := Rectangle center: aPoint extent: self handleSize asPoint.
Preferences alternateHandlesLook
ifTrue: [
handle := RectangleMorph newBounds: bou color: aColor.
+ handle borderWidth: 0.
- handle borderWidth: 1.
handle useRoundedCorners.
self setColor: aColor toHandle: handle]
ifFalse: [handle := EllipseMorph newBounds: bou color: aColor].
handle borderColor: aColor muchDarker.
handle wantsYellowButtonMenu: false.
iconName isNil
ifFalse: [| form |
form := ScriptingSystem formAtKey: iconName.
form isNil
ifFalse: [| image |
image := ImageMorph new.
image image: form.
image color: aColor makeForegroundColor.
image lock.
handle addMorphCentered: image]].
^ handle!