The Trunk: Morphic-cmm.378.mcz

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The Trunk: Morphic-cmm.378.mcz

Chris Muller uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-cmm.378
Author: cmm
Time: 9 March 2010, 3:27:04.295 pm
UUID: 3b79efb6-0588-4fcd-a69a-6db20688cc6e
Ancestors: Morphic-dtl.377

- Fixed bug with MenuMorph>>#addStayUpIcons.
- Utilities class>>#authorInitialsPerSe is often set to an empty string, not nil.  Updated some guards accordingly.
- The changed-indicator was made two-pixels thick from 3.10.  Instead of putting it back to one, I softened it a bit, which looks better and more refined.

=============== Diff against Morphic-dtl.377 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PluggableTextMorph>>drawFrameAdornment:on: (in category 'drawing') -----
+ drawFrameAdornment: aColor on: aCanvas
- drawFrameAdornment: aColor on: aCanvas
  "Indicate edit status for the text editor"
- | form |
  self class simpleFrameAdornments
+ ifTrue:
+ [ aCanvas
+ frameRectangle: self innerBounds
+ width: 1
+ color: aColor.
+ aCanvas
+ frameRectangle: (self innerBounds insetBy: 1)
+ width: 1
+ color: (aColor alpha: aColor alpha / 3.0) ]
+ ifFalse:
+ [ | form |
+ "Class-side adornment cache is currently using pre-multiplied alpha, so we need to use rule 34 which works for < 32bpp, too."
+ form := self class adornmentWithColor: aColor.
+ aCanvas
+ image: form
+ at: self innerBounds topRight - (form width @ 0)
+ sourceRect: form boundingBox
+ rule: 34 ]!
- ifTrue:[^aCanvas frameRectangle: self innerBounds width: 2 color: aColor].
- "Class-side adornment cache is currently using pre-multiplied alpha,
- so we need to use rule 34 which works for < 32bpp, too."
- form := self class adornmentWithColor: aColor.
- aCanvas image: form at: (self innerBounds topRight - (form width@0))
- sourceRect: form boundingBox rule: 34.
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>saveOnURL: (in category 'fileIn/out') -----
+ saveOnURL: suggestedUrlString
- saveOnURL: suggestedUrlString
  "Save myself on a SmartReferenceStream file.  If I don't already have a url, use the suggested one.  Writes out the version and class structure.  The file is fileIn-able.  UniClasses will be filed out."
  | url pg stamp pol |
+ (pg := self valueOfProperty: #SqueakPage)
+ ifNil: [ pg := SqueakPage new ]
+ ifNotNil:
+ [ pg contentsMorph ~~ self ifTrue:
+ [ self inform: 'morph''s SqueakPage property is out of date'.
+ pg := SqueakPage new ] ].
+ (url := pg url) ifNil: [ url := pg urlNoOverwrite: suggestedUrlString ].
+ stamp := Utilities authorInitialsPerSe.
+ stamp isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [ stamp := '*' ].
+ pg
+ saveMorph: self
+ author: stamp.
+ SqueakPageCache
+ atURL: url
+ put: pg.
+ "setProperty: #SqueakPage"
+ (pol := pg policy) ifNil: [ pol := #neverWrite ].
+ pg
+ policy: #now ;
+ dirty: true.
+ pg write.
+ "force the write"
- (pg := self valueOfProperty: #SqueakPage) ifNil: [pg := SqueakPage new]
- ifNotNil: [pg contentsMorph ~~ self ifTrue: [
- self inform: 'morph''s SqueakPage property is out of date'.
- pg := SqueakPage new]].
- (url := pg url) ifNil: [url := pg urlNoOverwrite: suggestedUrlString].
- stamp := Utilities authorInitialsPerSe ifNil: ['*'].
- pg saveMorph: self author: stamp.
- SqueakPageCache atURL: url put: pg. "setProperty: #SqueakPage"
- (pol := pg policy) ifNil: [pol := #neverWrite].
- pg policy: #now; dirty: true.  pg write. "force the write"
  pg policy: pol.
+ ^pg!
- ^ pg!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>saveOnURLbasic (in category 'fileIn/out') -----
  "Ask the user for a url and save myself on a SmartReferenceStream file.  Writes out the version and class structure.  The file is fileIn-able.  UniClasses will be filed out."
  | url pg stamp pol |
  (pg := self valueOfProperty: #SqueakPage) ifNil: [pg := SqueakPage new]
  [pg contentsMorph ~~ self
  [self inform: 'morph''s SqueakPage property is out of date'.
  pg := SqueakPage new]].
  (url := pg url) ifNil:
  [url := ServerDirectory defaultStemUrl , '1.sp'. "A new legal place"
  url := UIManager default
  request: 'url of a place to store this object.
  Must begin with file:// or ftp://'
  initialAnswer: url.
  url isEmpty ifTrue: [^#cancel]].
+ stamp := Utilities authorInitialsPerSe.
+ stamp isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [ stamp := '*' ].
- stamp := Utilities authorInitialsPerSe ifNil: ['*'].
  pg saveMorph: self author: stamp.
  SqueakPageCache atURL: url put: pg. "setProperty: #SqueakPage"
  (pol := pg policy) ifNil: [pol := #neverWrite].
  policy: #now;
  dirty: true.
  pg write. "force the write"
  pg policy: pol.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MenuMorph>>addStayUpIcons (in category 'construction') -----
  | title closeBox pinBox titleBarArea titleString |
  title := submorphs
  detect: [:ea | ea hasProperty: #titleString]
  ifNone: [self setProperty: #needsTitlebarWidgets toValue: true.
  ^ self].
  closeBox := IconicButton new target: self;
  actionSelector: #delete;
  labelGraphic: self class closeBoxImage;
  color: Color transparent;
  extent: 14 @ 16;
  borderWidth: 0.
  pinBox := IconicButton new target: self;
  actionSelector: #stayUp:;
  arguments: {true};
  labelGraphic: self class pushPinImage;
  color: Color transparent;
  extent: 14 @ 15;
  borderWidth: 0.
  Preferences noviceMode
  ifTrue: [closeBox setBalloonText: 'close this menu'.
  pinBox setBalloonText: 'keep this menu up'].
  titleBarArea :=  AlignmentMorph newRow vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
  layoutInset: 3;
  color: Preferences menuTitleColor;
  addMorphBack: closeBox;
  addMorphBack: title;
  addMorphBack: pinBox.
  title color: Color transparent.
  titleString := title
  findDeepSubmorphThat: [:each | each respondsTo: #font: ]
+ ifAbsent: [StringMorph contents: String empty].
- ifAbsent: [nil].
  titleString font: Preferences windowTitleFont.
  Preferences roundedMenuCorners
  ifTrue: [titleBarArea useRoundedCorners].
  self addMorphFront: titleBarArea.
  titleBarArea setProperty: #titleString toValue: (title valueOfProperty: #titleString).
  title removeProperty: #titleString.
  self setProperty: #hasTitlebarWidgets toValue: true.
  self removeProperty: #needsTitlebarWidgets.
  self removeStayUpItems!