Chris Muller uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Morphic-cmm.452 Author: cmm Time: 2 July 2010, 7:21:27.827 pm UUID: 256fdb5f-e51a-463a-94b1-05ca25e3c8bd Ancestors: Morphic-eem.451 Removed Command+, command-key from enclosing in <>'s for the following reasons: 1) It is already correctly handled by Control+[comma]. There is little or no need for this enclosing character to exist at all in SmalltalkEditor, in particular because Squeak has Seaside which eliminates the need to type a lot of HTML enclosing brackets. But to _overload_ this command with two separate hot-key combinations is insane. 2) Control+[surround key] is universally consistent for the shifted enclosing characters, e.g., $(, ${. $< should follow suit. $[, on the other hand, is not shifted on the keyboard, and therefore uses the standard Command key, not Control. 3) It's a pain in the ass. I'm finally fed up because, every day, I am accidently hitting the , (comma) key when I mean to only hit the Command key to browse senders, or "do it" or save a method. Unnecessary, inconsistent, overloaded, and painful. Whew! Goodbye and good riddance. =============== Diff against Morphic-eem.451 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: TextEditor class>>initializeCmdKeyShortcuts (in category 'keyboard shortcut tables') ----- initializeCmdKeyShortcuts "Initialize the (unshifted) command-key (or alt-key) shortcut table." "NOTE: if you don't know what your keyboard generates, use Sensor kbdTest" "TextEditor initialize" | cmdMap cmds | cmdMap := Array new: 256 withAll: #noop:. "use temp in case of a crash" cmdMap at: 1 + 1 put: #cursorHome:. "home key" cmdMap at: 4 + 1 put: #cursorEnd:. "end key" cmdMap at: 8 + 1 put: #backspace:. "ctrl-H or delete key" cmdMap at: 11 + 1 put: #cursorPageUp:. "page up key" cmdMap at: 12 + 1 put: #cursorPageDown:. "page down key" cmdMap at: 13 + 1 put: #crWithIndent:. "cmd-Return" cmdMap at: 27 + 1 put: #offerMenuFromEsc:. "escape key" cmdMap at: 28 + 1 put: #cursorLeft:. "left arrow key" cmdMap at: 29 + 1 put: #cursorRight:. "right arrow key" cmdMap at: 30 + 1 put: #cursorUp:. "up arrow key" cmdMap at: 31 + 1 put: #cursorDown:. "down arrow key" cmdMap at: 32 + 1 put: #selectWord:. "space bar key" cmdMap at: 127 + 1 put: #forwardDelete:. "del key" '0123456789-=' do: [:char | cmdMap at: char asciiValue + 1 put: #changeEmphasis:]. '([{''"<' do: [:char | cmdMap at: char asciiValue + 1 put: #enclose:]. - cmdMap at: $, asciiValue + 1 put: #shiftEnclose:. - cmds := #($a #selectAll: $c #copySelection: $e #exchange: $f #find: $g #findAgain: $h #setSearchString: $k #offerFontMenu: $u #align: $v #paste: $w #backWord: $x #cut: $y #swapChars: $z #undo:). 1 to: cmds size by: 2 do: [:i | cmdMap at: (cmds at: i) asciiValue + 1 put: (cmds at: i + 1)]. cmdActions := cmdMap! Item was changed: ----- Method: TextEditor>>enclose: (in category 'editing keys') ----- enclose: characterStream "Insert or remove bracket characters around the current selection. Flushes typeahead." | char left right startIndex stopIndex oldSelection which text | char := sensor keyboard. self closeTypeIn. startIndex := self startIndex. stopIndex := self stopIndex. oldSelection := self selection. + which := '([{"''' indexOf: char ifAbsent: [ ^true ]. + left := '([{"''' at: which. + right := ')]}"''' at: which. - which := '([<{"''' indexOf: char ifAbsent: [ ^true ]. - left := '([<{"''' at: which. - right := ')]>}"''' at: which. text := paragraph text. ((startIndex > 1 and: [stopIndex <= text size]) and: [ (text at: startIndex-1) = left and: [(text at: stopIndex) = right]]) ifTrue: [ "already enclosed; strip off brackets" self selectFrom: startIndex-1 to: stopIndex. self replaceSelectionWith: oldSelection] ifFalse: [ "not enclosed; enclose by matching brackets" self replaceSelectionWith: (Text string: (String with: left), oldSelection string, (String with: right) attributes: emphasisHere). self selectFrom: startIndex+1 to: stopIndex]. ^true! Item was changed: (PackageInfo named: 'Morphic') postscript: '(Preferences dictionaryOfPreferences at: #alternativeWindowBoxesLook) defaultValue: false. + SystemProgressMorph initialize; reset. + TextEditor initialize. + SmalltalkEditor initialize'! - SystemProgressMorph initialize; reset'! |
2010/7/3 <[hidden email]>
$[, on the other hand, is not shifted on the keyboard, [...] at least if "the keyboard" happens to have an us-keyboard layout ... In general I don't see a great benefit for the whole Squeak community in having hardcoded platform-language centric shortcuts. Alex |
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