The Trunk: Morphic-cmm.622.mcz

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The Trunk: Morphic-cmm.622.mcz

Chris Muller uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-cmm.622
Author: cmm
Time: 9 August 2012, 8:14:27.696 pm
UUID: 2c07775c-face-4d3f-bcb0-2c230163bb41
Ancestors: Morphic-bf.621

Reduce, by one, the number of keystrokes required to exit Squeak without saving the image.  The N key will now work.

=============== Diff against Morphic-bf.621 ===============

Item was changed:
  AlignmentMorph subclass: #UserDialogBoxMorph
+ instanceVariableNames: 'titleMorph labelMorph buttonRow value selectedButton cancelButton timeout savedLabel keyMap'
- instanceVariableNames: 'titleMorph labelMorph buttonRow value selectedButton cancelButton timeout savedLabel'
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'Morphic-Windows'!
  !UserDialogBoxMorph commentStamp: 'ar 12/11/2009 22:33' prior: 0!
  A DialogBoxMorph is Morph used in simple yes/no/confirm dialogs. Strongly modal.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: UserDialogBoxMorph>>addButton:value:selected:performActionOnEscape: (in category 'constructing') -----
+ addButton: buttonLabel value: buttonValue selected: isSelected performActionOnEscape: performActionOnEscape
- addButton: buttonLabel value: buttonValue selected: isSelected performActionOnEscape: performActionOnEscape
  "Adds a button with the given label and value.
  The value is returned if the user presses the button."
  | button |
+ button := PluggableButtonMorphPlus new
+ label: buttonLabel ;
+ action: [ self closeDialog: buttonValue ] ;
+ color: self buttonColor twiceLighter.
- button := PluggableButtonMorphPlus new.
- button label: buttonLabel.
- button action:[self closeDialog: buttonValue].
- button color: self buttonColor twiceLighter.
  isSelected ifTrue: [ self selectButton: button ].
+ performActionOnEscape ifTrue: [ self performActionOnEscapeOf: button ].
+ self registerKeyFor: button.
+ buttonRow addMorphBack: button!
- performActionOnEscape ifTrue: [ self performActionOnEscapeOf: button ].
- buttonRow addMorphBack: button.
- !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: UserDialogBoxMorph>>checkAgainstKeymap: (in category 'events') -----
+ checkAgainstKeymap: aCharacter
+ keyMap
+ at: aCharacter asLowercase
+ ifPresent: [ : foundButton | foundButton performAction ]
+ ifAbsent: [ "do nothing" ]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: UserDialogBoxMorph>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
  | titleRow titleFill cc |
  super initialize.
  self color: Color white.
  self listDirection: #topToBottom; wrapCentering: #center;
  hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
  self layoutInset: 0@0; cellInset: 5@5.
  self borderStyle: BorderStyle thinGray.
  self useRoundedCorners;
  shadowColor: (TranslucentColor r: 0.0 g: 0.0 b: 0.0 alpha: 0.666);
  shadowOffset: 1 @ 1.
  cc := Color gray: 0.8.
  titleRow := AlignmentMorph newRow.
  titleRow hResizing: #spaceFill; vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
  titleRow layoutInset: 2@5.
  titleRow color: cc.
  titleFill := GradientFillStyle ramp: {0.0 -> Color white. 1 ->cc}.
  titleFill radial: false; origin: titleRow topLeft; direction: 0 @ TextStyle defaultFont height.
  titleRow fillStyle: titleFill.
  titleRow fillStyle: self titleGradient.
  titleMorph := StringMorph new.
  titleMorph emphasis: 1.
  titleRow addMorph: titleMorph.
  labelMorph := TextMorph new.
  labelMorph margins: 5@5.
  labelMorph lock.
  buttonRow := AlignmentMorph newRow vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
  buttonRow hResizing: #shrinkWrap; layoutInset: 5@5; cellInset: 5@5.
  buttonRow color: Color transparent.
+ self
+ addMorphBack: titleRow ;
+ addMorphBack: labelMorph ;
+ addMorphBack: buttonRow ;
+ addDropShadow.
+ keyMap := Dictionary new!
- self addMorphBack: titleRow.
- self addMorphBack: labelMorph.
- self addMorphBack: buttonRow.
- self addDropShadow.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: UserDialogBoxMorph>>keyStroke: (in category 'events') -----
  keyStroke: evt
  | evtCharacter |
  self stopAutoTrigger.
  evtCharacter := evt keyCharacter.
  evtCharacter = Character escape ifTrue: [
  ^cancelButton ifNotNil: [ cancelButton performAction ] ].
  evtCharacter = Character cr ifTrue: [
  ^selectedButton ifNotNil: [ selectedButton performAction ] ].
  (evtCharacter = Character arrowLeft or: [
  evt shiftPressed and: [ evtCharacter = Character tab ] ]) ifTrue: [
  ^self selectPreviousButton ].
  (evtCharacter = Character arrowRight or: [
  evtCharacter = Character tab ]) ifTrue: [
+ ^self selectNextButton ].
+ self checkAgainstKeymap: evtCharacter!
- ^self selectNextButton ].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: UserDialogBoxMorph>>registerKeyFor: (in category 'constructing') -----
+ registerKeyFor: button
+ button label do:
+ [ : eachChar | eachChar isAlphaNumeric ifTrue:
+ [ keyMap
+ at: eachChar asLowercase
+ ifPresent: [ : found | "It's already taken, don't use it." ]
+ ifAbsent:
+ [ ^ keyMap
+ at: eachChar asLowercase
+ put: button ] ] ]!