The Trunk: Morphic-ct.1619.mcz

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The Trunk: Morphic-ct.1619.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-ct.1619
Author: ct
Time: 22 January 2020, 10:18:49.982972 am
UUID: 7857d3bc-414b-cf4a-87bd-9d0aae05616f
Ancestors: Morphic-cmm.1618

Proposal: Unify all doIt related operations in PluggableTextMorph by delegating them to the editor.

This also fixes the fact that certain hooks such as #printIt:result:, #inspectIt:result:, or #exploreIt:result: were ignored when triggering the operation via the textmorph menu instead of shortcut. This is not an expected behavior, is it?

=============== Diff against Morphic-cmm.1618 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PluggableTextMorph>>doIt (in category 'menu commands') -----
+ ^ self handleEdit: [textMorph editor doIt]!
- ^self handleEdit: [textMorph editor evaluateSelection]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PluggableTextMorph>>exploreIt (in category 'menu commands') -----
+ ^ self handleEdit: [textMorph editor exploreIt]!
- self handleEdit:
- [textMorph editor evaluateSelectionAndDo: [:result | result explore]].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PluggableTextMorph>>inspectIt (in category 'menu commands') -----
+ ^ self handleEdit: [textMorph editor inspectIt]!
- self handleEdit:
- [textMorph editor evaluateSelectionAndDo: [:result | result inspect]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PluggableTextMorph>>printIt (in category 'menu commands') -----
+ ^ self handleEdit: [textMorph editor printIt]!
- | oldEditor |
- textMorph editor selectFrom: selectionInterval first to: selectionInterval last;
- model: model.  "For, eg, evaluateSelection"
- textMorph handleEdit: [(oldEditor := textMorph editor) evaluateSelectionAndDo:
- [:result |
- self flag: #fixIntervalCache. "mt: We should find a better design for discarding unused text editors in text morphs and restoring them on demand."
- selectionInterval := oldEditor markIndex to: oldEditor pointIndex -1.
- textMorph installEditorToReplace: oldEditor.
- textMorph handleEdit: [oldEditor afterSelectionInsertAndSelect: result printString].
- selectionInterval := oldEditor markIndex to: oldEditor pointIndex -1.
- textMorph editor selectFrom: selectionInterval first to: selectionInterval last.
- self scrollSelectionIntoView]]!