Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Morphic-eem.1344.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-eem.1344
Author: eem
Time: 30 June 2017, 11:43:57.311016 am
UUID: 67654d61-5234-4c97-9379-1aa00811c8f6
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1343
Make browseIt (Apple/Alt-b) work for class and pool variables.
=============== Diff against Morphic-mt.1343 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: TextEditor>>browseIt (in category 'menu messages') -----
"Launch a browser for the current selection, if appropriate"
| aSymbol anEntry brow maybeBrowseInstVar |
Preferences alternativeBrowseIt ifTrue: [^ self browseClassFromIt].
self lineSelectAndEmptyCheck: [^ self].
maybeBrowseInstVar :=
[| selectionString |
selectionString := self selection asString.
([model selectedClass] on: Error do: [:ex|]) ifNotNil:
(class allInstVarNames includes: selectionString) ifTrue:
[self systemNavigation
browseAllAccessesTo: selectionString
from: (class classThatDefinesInstanceVariable: selectionString).
(aSymbol := self selectedSymbol) ifNil:
[maybeBrowseInstVar value.
^morph flash].
aSymbol first isUppercase
[anEntry := (model environment
valueOf: aSymbol
+ [ ([model selectedClass] on: Error do: [:ex|]) ifNotNil:
+ [:class|
+ (class bindingOf: aSymbol) ifNotNil: "e.g. a class var"
+ [:binding|
+ self systemNavigation browseAllCallsOn: binding.
+ ^ nil]].
+ self systemNavigation browseAllImplementorsOf: aSymbol.
- [ self systemNavigation browseAllImplementorsOf: aSymbol.
^ nil]).
anEntry ifNil: [^ morph flash].
(anEntry isBehavior and: [anEntry name == aSymbol]) ifFalse: "When is this ever false?"
[anEntry := anEntry class].
brow := SystemBrowser default new.
brow setClass: anEntry selector: nil.
brow class
openBrowserView: (brow openEditString: nil)
label: 'System Browser']
[self systemNavigation browseAllImplementorsOf: aSymbol.
maybeBrowseInstVar value]!