Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Morphic-eem.1735.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Morphic-eem.1735 Author: eem Time: 4 March 2021, 1:13:03.650992 pm UUID: 7ba0bde5-351e-b94c-a4b5-a4846f3f907c Ancestors: Morphic-eem.1734 Use the constants on the class side of MouseEvent (adding numButtons to them) when creating the button field that (incredibly annoyingly) combines mouse buttons and modifier keys. This is a necessary first step to increasing the nu,ber of buttons to include the moveLeft and moveRight buttons on modern gaming mice. =============== Diff against Morphic-eem.1734 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: HandMorph>>generateDropFilesEvent: (in category 'private events') ----- generateDropFilesEvent: evtBuf "Generate the appropriate mouse event for the given raw event buffer." | position buttons modifiers stamp numFiles dragType | stamp := evtBuf second. stamp = 0 ifTrue: [stamp := Time eventMillisecondClock]. dragType := evtBuf third. position := evtBuf fourth @ evtBuf fifth. buttons := MouseEvent redButton. "hacked because necessary for correct mouseMoveDragging handling" modifiers := evtBuf sixth. + buttons := buttons bitOr: (modifiers bitShift: MouseEvent numButtons). - buttons := buttons bitOr: (modifiers bitShift: 3). numFiles := evtBuf seventh. dragType caseOf: { [1] -> [ "dragEnter" externalDropMorph := TransferMorph new dragTransferType: #filesAndDirectories; source: self; passenger: (numFiles = 0 "Usually, numFiles and drop paths are delivered on dragDrop only. Still reserving this possibility for able host implementations." ifTrue: [self flag: #vmCapabilityMissing. 'Unknown host content' translated] ifFalse: [FileDirectory dropFilesAndDirectories: numFiles]); yourself. "During the drag operation, the host system is responsible for displaying the cursor." self grabMorph: externalDropMorph. self showTemporaryCursor: Cursor blank. externalDropMorph bottomRight: self topLeft. "Southeast area of the cursor is blocked by drawings from the source application. Display our drop morph at the opposite corner of the cursor." ]. [2] -> [ "dragMove" ^ MouseMoveEvent new setType: #mouseMove startPoint: self position endPoint: position trail: "{self position. position}"(self mouseDragTrailFrom: evtBuf) buttons: buttons hand: self stamp: stamp ]. [3] -> [ "dragLeave" externalDropMorph ifNotNil: #abandon. externalDropMorph := nil. self showTemporaryCursor: nil ]. [4] -> [ "dragDrop" | oldButtons | externalDropMorph ifNil: [ "dragDrop has been sent without prior dragging. This happens when the VM is configured as singleton application and has been called again (aka #launchDrop)." ^ self error: 'Launch drop for singleton Squeak not yet implemented.']. self showTemporaryCursor: nil. externalDropMorph passenger isString ifTrue: [ self flag: #vmCapabilityMissing. "See above." externalDropMorph passenger: (FileDirectory dropFilesAndDirectories: numFiles)]. externalDropMorph := nil. (Smalltalk classNamed: #DropFilesEvent) ifNotNil: [:eventClass | | classicEvent | "Generate classic DropFilesEvent, providing backward compatibility." classicEvent := eventClass new setPosition: position contents: numFiles hand: self. self processEvent: classicEvent. classicEvent wasHandled ifTrue: [^ nil]]. oldButtons := lastEventBuffer fifth + bitOr: (lastEventBuffer sixth bitShift: MouseEvent numButtons). - bitOr: (lastEventBuffer sixth bitShift: 3). ^ MouseButtonEvent new setType: #mouseUp position: position which: (oldButtons bitXor: buttons) buttons: buttons nClicks: 0 hand: self stamp: stamp ]. [5] -> [ "drag request" "For dnd out. Not properly implemented at the moment." self shouldBeImplemented] }. ^ nil! Item was changed: ----- Method: HandMorph>>generateKeyboardEvent: (in category 'private events') ----- generateKeyboardEvent: evtBuf "Generate the appropriate mouse event for the given raw event buffer" | buttons modifiers type pressType stamp keyValue | stamp := evtBuf second. stamp = 0 ifTrue: [stamp := Sensor eventTimeNow]. pressType := evtBuf fourth. pressType = EventKeyDown ifTrue: [type := #keyDown]. pressType = EventKeyUp ifTrue: [type := #keyUp]. pressType = EventKeyChar ifTrue: [type := #keystroke]. modifiers := evtBuf fifth. + buttons := (modifiers bitShift: MouseEvent numButtons) bitOr: (lastMouseEvent buttons bitAnd: MouseEvent anyButton). - buttons := (modifiers bitShift: 3) bitOr: (lastMouseEvent buttons bitAnd: 7). type = #keystroke ifTrue: [keyValue := (self keyboardInterpreter nextCharFrom: Sensor firstEvt: evtBuf) asInteger] ifFalse: [keyValue := evtBuf third]. ^ KeyboardEvent new setType: type buttons: buttons position: self position keyValue: keyValue hand: self stamp: stamp. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: HandMorph>>generateMouseEvent: (in category 'private events') ----- generateMouseEvent: evtBuf "Generate the appropriate mouse event for the given raw event buffer" | position buttons modifiers type trail stamp oldButtons evtChanged | evtBuf first = lastEventBuffer first ifTrue: ["Workaround for Mac VM bug, *always* generating 3 events on clicks" evtChanged := false. 3 to: evtBuf size do: [:i | (lastEventBuffer at: i) = (evtBuf at: i) ifFalse: [evtChanged := true]]. evtChanged ifFalse: [^nil]]. stamp := evtBuf second. stamp = 0 ifTrue: [stamp := Sensor eventTimeNow]. position := evtBuf third @ evtBuf fourth. buttons := evtBuf fifth. modifiers := evtBuf sixth. type := buttons = 0 + ifTrue: + [lastEventBuffer fifth = 0 + ifTrue: [#mouseMove] "this time no button and previously no button .. just mouse move" + ifFalse: [#mouseUp]] "this time no button but previously some button ... therefore button was released" + ifFalse: + [buttons = lastEventBuffer fifth + ifTrue: [#mouseMove] "button states are the same .. now and past .. therfore a mouse movement" + ifFalse: "button states are different .. button was pressed or released" + [buttons > lastEventBuffer fifth - ifTrue:[ - lastEventBuffer fifth = 0 - ifTrue: [#mouseMove] "this time no button and previously no button .. just mouse move" - ifFalse: [#mouseUp] "this time no button but previously some button ... therefore button was released" - ] - ifFalse:[ - buttons = lastEventBuffer fifth - ifTrue: [#mouseMove] "button states are the same .. now and past .. therfore a mouse movement" - ifFalse: [ "button states are different .. button was pressed or released" - buttons > lastEventBuffer fifth ifTrue: [#mouseDown] + ifFalse:[#mouseUp]]]. + buttons := buttons bitOr: (modifiers bitShift: MouseEvent numButtons). + oldButtons := lastEventBuffer fifth bitOr: (lastEventBuffer sixth bitShift: MouseEvent numButtons). - ifFalse:[#mouseUp]. - ]. - ]. - buttons := buttons bitOr: (modifiers bitShift: 3). - oldButtons := lastEventBuffer fifth - bitOr: (lastEventBuffer sixth bitShift: 3). lastEventBuffer := evtBuf. + type == #mouseMove ifTrue: + [trail := self mouseTrailFrom: evtBuf. + ^MouseMoveEvent new + setType: type + startPoint: self position + endPoint: trail last + trail: trail + buttons: buttons + hand: self + stamp: stamp]. - type == #mouseMove - ifTrue: - [trail := self mouseTrailFrom: evtBuf. - ^MouseMoveEvent new - setType: type - startPoint: (self position) - endPoint: trail last - trail: trail - buttons: buttons - hand: self - stamp: stamp]. ^MouseButtonEvent new setType: type position: position which: (oldButtons bitXor: buttons) buttons: buttons nClicks: (evtBuf seventh ifNil: [0]) hand: self stamp: stamp! Item was changed: ----- Method: HandMorph>>showEvent: (in category 'events-debugging') ----- showEvent: anEvent "Show details about the event on the display form. Useful for debugging." + "ShowEvents := true" + "ShowEvents := false" - | message borderWidth | ShowEvents == true ifFalse: [^ self]. borderWidth := 5. message := String streamContents: [:strm | strm nextPutAll: '[HandMorph >> #showEvent:]'; cr; nextPutAll: 'event'; tab; tab; tab; tab; nextPutAll: anEvent printString; cr; nextPutAll: 'keyboard focus'; tab; tab; nextPutAll: self keyboardFocus printString; cr; nextPutAll: 'mouse focus'; tab; tab; nextPutAll: self mouseFocus printString]. message := message asDisplayText foregroundColor: Color black backgroundColor: Color white. "Offset to support multiple hands debugging." Display fill: (0 @ 0 extent: message form extent + (borderWidth asPoint * 2)) rule: Form over fillColor: Color white. message displayOn: Display at: borderWidth asPoint + (0 @ ((owner hands indexOf: self) - 1 * message form height)).! Item was added: + ----- Method: MouseEvent class>>numButtons (in category 'constants') ----- + numButtons + "We support three button mice." + ^3! |
Finally! A name for that magic number. ^__^
I like this change, too. How will we call the new buttons then? greenButton
and purpleButton? :-) Eliot, could you maybe the next time insert a break or however it is called in the update stream before you push changes that depend on other versions? When I try to merge the changes from the previous week into my image, it freezes unrecoverably because the updater identifies a merge conflict for Morphic (no real problem, just some usual conflicts) and asks me to resolve it before #numEvents is installed - but the new Kernel versions were already loaded and depend on #numEvents ... I can solve this problem by compiling #numEvents manually, but it is a bit tedious to lose the latest state of my image and need to fix it manually, thus the notice. :-) Best, Christoph ----- Carpe Squeak! -- Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Squeak-Dev-f45488.html
Carpe Squeak!
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