Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Morphic-eem.451.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Morphic-eem.451 Author: eem Time: 1 July 2010, 11:42:04.096 am UUID: 45cb6a21-abc6-44eb-8014-8f333bfe6359 Ancestors: Morphic-eem.450 Morphic support for browser multi-windows. 1 of 4 (Morphic, ToolBuilder-Kernel, ToolBuilder-Morphic, Tools). Also fix docking bar's Help menu for unload all packages images =============== Diff against Morphic-bf.449 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: PluggableSystemWindowWithLabelButton>>savedMultiWindowState: (in category 'accessing') ----- + savedMultiWindowState: aSavedMultiWindowState + labelButton := MultiWindowLabelButtonMorph + on: aSavedMultiWindowState + getState: nil + action: #selectWindowsMenu. + labelButton + triggerOnMouseDown: true; + savedMultiWindowState: aSavedMultiWindowState. + labelButton + layoutFrame: (LayoutFrame "i.e. in the left 40% of the title bar" + fractions: (0@0 corner: 0.4@0) + offsets: (20@ -20 corner: 0@0)); + hResizing: #spaceFill; + vResizing: #spaceFill. + self addMorphFront: labelButton. + self adjustExtraButton! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemWindow>>delete (in category 'open/close') ----- delete | thisWorld sketchEditor aPaintBox | + self mustNotClose ifTrue: [^self]. + model okToClose ifFalse: [^self]. - self mustNotClose ifTrue: [^ self]. - model okToChange ifFalse: [^ self]. thisWorld := self world. sketchEditor := self extantSketchEditor. self isFlexed ifTrue: [owner delete] ifFalse: [super delete]. model windowIsClosing; release. model := nil. sketchEditor ifNotNil: [sketchEditor deleteSelfAndSubordinates. + (thisWorld notNil + and: [(aPaintBox := thisWorld paintBoxOrNil) notNil]) ifTrue: + [aPaintBox delete]]. - thisWorld notNil ifTrue: - [(aPaintBox := thisWorld paintBoxOrNil) ifNotNil: [aPaintBox delete]]]. + SystemWindow noteTopWindowIn: thisWorld! - SystemWindow noteTopWindowIn: thisWorld. - ! Item was added: + ----- Method: MultiWindowLabelButtonMorph>>savedMultiWindowState: (in category 'accessing') ----- + savedMultiWindowState: anObject + "Set the value of savedMultiWindowState" + + savedMultiWindowState := anObject! Item was added: + PluggableSystemWindow subclass: #PluggableSystemWindowWithLabelButton + instanceVariableNames: 'labelButton' + classVariableNames: '' + poolDictionaries: '' + category: 'Morphic-Windows'! + + !PluggableSystemWindowWithLabelButton commentStamp: 'eem 6/29/2010 19:02' prior: 0! + A PluggableSystemWindowWithLabelButton provides the pull-down menu of browser panes in the multi-pane browser. + + Instance Variables + labelButton: <BrowserPaneButtonMorph> + + labelButton + - the labelButton is a hack to hold onto the panes of a multi-paned browser so that an inst var doesn't have to be added to the Browser hierarchy. + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: PluggableSystemWindowWithLabelButton>>passivate (in category 'top window') ----- + passivate + super passivate. + self removeProperty: #clickPoint! Item was added: + ----- Method: PluggableSystemWindowWithLabelButton>>adjustExtraButton (in category 'resize/collapse') ----- + adjustExtraButton + labelButton ifNil: [^self]. + labelButton + position: self innerBounds topLeft + (20 @ -3); + extent: self innerBounds extent * (0.4@1)! Item was added: + ----- Method: MultiWindowLabelButtonMorph>>drawOn: (in category 'drawing') ----- + drawOn: aCanvas + "Be invisible."! Item was changed: ----- Method: TheWorldMainDockingBar>>helpMenuOn: (in category 'submenu - help') ----- helpMenuOn: aDockingBar aDockingBar addItem: [ :it | it contents: 'Help' translated; addSubMenu: [ :menu | 'Todo'. menu addItem:[:item| item contents: 'Online Resources' translated; help: 'Online resources for Squeak' translated; target: self; icon: MenuIcons smallHelpIcon; selector: #showWelcomeText:label:in:; arguments: { #squeakOnlineResources. 'Squeak Online Resources'. (140@140 extent: 560@360) }]. menu addItem:[:item| item contents: 'Keyboard Shortcuts' translated; help: 'Keyboard bindings used in Squeak' translated; target: Utilities; selector: #openCommandKeyHelp ]. menu addItem:[:item| item contents: 'Font Size Summary' translated; help: 'Font size summary from the old Squeak 3.10.2 help menu.' translated; target: TextStyle; selector: #fontSizeSummary ]. menu addItem:[:item| item contents: 'Useful Expressions' translated; help: 'Useful expressions from the old Squeak 3.10.2 help menu.' translated; target: Utilities; selector: #openStandardWorkspace ]. menu addLine. menu addItem:[:item| item contents: 'Extending the system' translated; help: 'Includes code snippets to evaluate for extending the system' translated; target: self; icon: MenuIcons smallHelpIcon; selector: #showWelcomeText:label:in:; arguments: { #extendingTheSystem. 'How to extend the system'. (140@140 extent: 560@360) }]. menu addLine. menu addItem:[:item| item contents: 'Welcome Workspaces' translated; help: 'The Welcome Workspaces' translated; addSubMenu:[:submenu| self welcomeWorkspacesOn: submenu]]. + (Smalltalk classNamed: #HelpBrowser) ifNotNil: + [:classHelpBrowser| - (Smalltalk at: #HelpBrowser) ifNotNil: [ menu addLine. menu addItem: [ :item | item contents: 'Help Browser' translated; help: 'Integrated Help System' translated; + target: classHelpBrowser; - target: (Smalltalk at: #HelpBrowser); selector: #open ] ]. ]].! Item was added: + ----- Method: PluggableSystemWindowWithLabelButton>>mouseDown: (in category 'events') ----- + mouseDown: evt + | wasInactive | + wasInactive := TopWindow ~~ self. + self valueOfProperty: #clickPoint ifPresentDo: + [:firstClick | + (labelButton containsPoint: evt cursorPoint) ifTrue: + [^labelButton mouseDown: evt]]. + super mouseDown: evt. + (wasInactive + and: [model windowActiveOnFirstClick not + and: [labelButton containsPoint: evt cursorPoint]]) ifTrue: + [^labelButton mouseDown: evt]! Item was added: + ----- Method: MultiWindowLabelButtonMorph>>savedMultiWindowState (in category 'accessing') ----- + savedMultiWindowState + "Answer the value of savedMultiWindowState" + + ^ savedMultiWindowState! Item was added: + ----- Method: PluggableSystemWindowWithLabelButton>>extent: (in category 'geometry') ----- + extent: newExtent + super extent: newExtent. + self adjustExtraButton! Item was added: + PluggableButtonMorph subclass: #MultiWindowLabelButtonMorph + instanceVariableNames: 'savedMultiWindowState' + classVariableNames: '' + poolDictionaries: '' + category: 'Morphic-Windows'! + + !MultiWindowLabelButtonMorph commentStamp: 'eem 6/30/2010 16:13' prior: 0! + A MultiWindowLabelButtonMorph is a means of implementing tabbed windows. It cooperates with PluggableSystemWindowWithButton to provide a drop-down menu of windows when clicking in the window label. It requires the model to create a suitable sub-instance of SavedMultiWindowState for inactive windows. To specify multi-windows use the multiWindowStyle: setter to customize a PluggableWindowSpec. + + Instance Variables + savedMultiWindowState: <SavedMultiWindowState> + + savedMultiWindowState + - the sequence of models in a multi-window.! Item was added: + ----- Method: MultiWindowLabelButtonMorph>>performAction (in category 'accessing') ----- + performAction + "Override to interpret the actionSelector as a menu accessor and to activate that menu." + actionSelector ifNotNil: + [(model perform: actionSelector) ifNotNil: + [:menu| + menu + invokeModalAt: self position - (0@5) + in: ActiveWorld + allowKeyboard: Preferences menuKeyboardControl]]! |
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