The Trunk: Morphic-fbs.662.mcz

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The Trunk: Morphic-fbs.662.mcz

Frank Shearar uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-fbs.662
Author: fbs
Time: 3 July 2013, 9:50:19.085 pm
UUID: fdf483c9-3f11-f842-888f-24421c1c6acb
Ancestors: Morphic-fbs.661

Some stuff that's easily movable from Morphic to MorphicExtras.

=============== Diff against Morphic-fbs.661 ===============

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: HandMorph>>pauseEventRecorderIn: (in category 'event handling') -----
- pauseEventRecorderIn: aWorld
- "Suspend any recorder prior to a project change, and return it.
- It will be resumed after starting the new project."
- eventListeners ifNil:[^nil].
- eventListeners do:
- [:er | (er isKindOf: EventRecorderMorph) ifTrue: [^ er pauseIn: aWorld]].
- ^ nil!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Morph>>asEPS (in category '*morphic-Postscript Canvases') -----
- asEPS
- ^ EPSCanvas morphAsPostscript: self rotated: false.
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Morph>>asPostscriptPrintJob (in category '*morphic-Postscript Canvases') -----
- asPostscriptPrintJob
- ^ DSCPostscriptCanvas morphAsPostscript: self rotated: false.
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Morph>>printPSToFileNamed: (in category 'menus') -----
- printPSToFileNamed: aString
- "Ask the user for a filename and print this morph as postscript."
- | fileName rotateFlag psCanvasType psExtension |
- fileName := aString asFileName.
- psCanvasType := PostscriptCanvas defaultCanvasType.
- psExtension := psCanvasType defaultExtension.
- fileName := UIManager default request: (String streamContents: [ :s |
- s nextPutAll: ('File name? ("{1}" will be added to end)' translated format: {psExtension})])
- initialAnswer: fileName.
- fileName isEmpty
- ifTrue: [^ Beeper beep].
- (fileName endsWith: psExtension)
- ifFalse: [fileName := fileName , psExtension].
- rotateFlag := (UIManager default chooseFrom: {
- 'portrait (tall)' translated.
- 'landscape (wide)' translated.
- } title: 'Choose orientation...' translated) = 2.
- ((FileStream newFileNamed: fileName asFileName) converter: TextConverter defaultSystemConverter)
- nextPutAll: (psCanvasType morphAsPostscript: self rotated: rotateFlag);
- close!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: PasteUpMorph class>>newWorldTesting (in category 'project') -----
- newWorldTesting
- | world ex |
- ex := 500@500.
- world := PasteUpMorph newWorldForProject: nil.
- world extent: ex; color: Color orange.
- world openInWorld.
- world viewBox: (0@0 extent: ex).
- BouncingAtomsMorph new openInWorld: world.
- "-----
- | world window |
- world := PasteUpMorph newWorldForProject: nil.
- world extent: 300@300; color: Color orange.
- world viewBox: (0@0 extent: 300@300).
- window := (SystemWindow labelled: 'the new world') model: world.
- window color: Color orange.
- window addMorph: world frame: (0@0 extent: 1.0@1.0).
- window openInWorld.
- ---"
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand: (in category 'menu') -----
  addCustomMenuItems: aCustomMenu hand: aHandMorph
  | outer |
  super addCustomMenuItems: aCustomMenu hand: aHandMorph.
  aCustomMenu add: 'text properties...' translated action: #changeTextColor.
  aCustomMenu addUpdating: #autoFitString target: self action: #autoFitOnOff.
  aCustomMenu addUpdating: #wrapString target: self action: #wrapOnOff.
  aCustomMenu add: 'text margins...' translated action: #changeMargins:.
  aCustomMenu add: 'add predecessor' translated action: #addPredecessor:.
  aCustomMenu add: 'add successor' translated action: #addSuccessor:.
  outer := self owner.
  outer ifNotNil: [
  outer isLineMorph ifTrue:
  [container isNil
+ ifTrue: [Smalltalk at: #TextOnCurveContainer ifPresent: [:ignored | aCustomMenu add: 'follow owner''s curve' translated action: #followCurve]]
- ifTrue: [aCustomMenu add: 'follow owner''s curve' translated action: #followCurve]
  ifFalse: [aCustomMenu add: 'reverse direction' translated action: #reverseCurveDirection.
  aCustomMenu add: 'set baseline' translated action: #setCurveBaseline:]]
  [self fillsOwner
  ifFalse: [aCustomMenu add: 'fill owner''s shape' translated action: #fillingOnOff]
  ifTrue: [aCustomMenu add: 'rectangular bounds' translated action: #fillingOnOff].
  self avoidsOcclusions
  ifFalse: [aCustomMenu add: 'avoid occlusions' translated action: #occlusionsOnOff]
  ifTrue: [aCustomMenu add: 'ignore occlusions' translated action: #occlusionsOnOff]]].
  aCustomMenu addLine.
  aCustomMenu add: 'holder for characters' translated action: #holderForCharacters