David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Morphic-hjh.1453.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-hjh.1453
Author: hjh
Time: 14 June 2018, 8:47:23.595445 am
UUID: 709cc547-ea46-426f-86a7-e014af1a5f6b
Ancestors: Morphic-cbc.1452
Moved Morph>>beTransparent to 'accessing'
Added guard in MorphicProject>>updateLocaleDependents to check for the presence of Etoys
Fix comment in Morph>>saveOnFile (SmartRefStream)
This change makes 'New MorphicProject' work after unloading Etoys (Preference okToReinitializeFlaps not enabled )
=============== Diff against Morphic-cbc.1452 ===============
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>beTransparent (in category 'accessing') -----
+ beTransparent
+ self color: Color transparent!
Item was changed:
----- Method: Morph>>saveOnFile (in category 'fileIn/out') -----
+ "Ask the user for a filename and save myself on a SmartRefStream file. Writes out the version and class structure. The file is fileIn-able. UniClasses will be filed out."
- "Ask the user for a filename and save myself on a SmartReferenceStream file. Writes out the version and class structure. The file is fileIn-able. UniClasses will be filed out."
| aFileName |
aFileName := ('my {1}.morph' translated format: {self class name}) asFileName. "do better?"
aFileName := UIManager default saveFilenameRequest: 'File name?' translated
initialAnswer: aFileName.
aFileName ifNil: [^ Beeper beep].
self allMorphsDo: [:m | m prepareToBeSaved].
self saveOnFileNamed: aFileName!
Item was changed:
----- Method: MorphicProject>>updateLocaleDependents (in category 'language') -----
"Set the project's natural language as indicated"
+ (self world respondsTo: #isTileScriptingElement) ifTrue: "Etoys present" [
ActiveWorld allTileScriptingElements do: [:viewerOrScriptor |
+ viewerOrScriptor localeChanged]].
- viewerOrScriptor localeChanged].
Flaps disableGlobalFlaps: false.
(Preferences eToyFriendly or: [
(Smalltalk classNamed: 'SugarNavigatorBar') ifNotNil: [:c | c showSugarNavigator] ifNil: [false]])
ifTrue: [
Flaps addAndEnableEToyFlaps.
ActiveWorld addGlobalFlaps]
ifFalse: [Flaps enableGlobalFlaps].
(Project current isFlapIDEnabled: 'Navigator' translated)
ifFalse: [Flaps enableDisableGlobalFlapWithID: 'Navigator' translated].
ScrapBook default emptyScrapBook.
MenuIcons initializeTranslations.
super updateLocaleDependents.
"self setFlaps.
self setPaletteFor: aLanguageSymbol."