Andreas Raab uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Morphic-kb.318 Author: kb Time: 4 February 2010, 2:27:58.374 am UUID: 6cec3ca5-bd8c-4223-98ea-b0039e73e4d0 Ancestors: Morphic-kb.317 - fix: MenuMorph releases selection for keyboard events. Before this you could not move through menu items with the cursor if it had a submenu. - fix: With left or right arrow now you can only move into a submenu. Before this those keystrokes were added to the filter if the selectedItem had no submenu. =============== Diff against Morphic-kb.317 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: MenuMorph>>releasesSelection: (in category 'events') ----- releasesSelection: evt " The MenuMorph releases its selection if the selected item releases it. Used in #selectItem:event: " self selectedItem ifNil: [ ^true ]. evt ifNil: [ ^true ]. + evt isKeyboard ifTrue: [ ^true ]. (self selectedItem containsPoint: evt position) ifTrue: [ ^true ]. ^self selectedItem releasesSelection: evt! Item was changed: ----- Method: MenuMorph>>keyStroke: (in category 'keyboard control') ----- keyStroke: evt | matchString char asc selectable help | help := BalloonMorph string: 'Enter text to\narrow selection down\to matching items ' withCRs for: self corner: #topLeft. help popUpForHand: self activeHand. (self rootMenu hasProperty: #hasUsedKeyboard) ifFalse: [self rootMenu setProperty: #hasUsedKeyboard toValue: true. self changed]. (evt commandKeyPressed and: [self commandKeyHandler notNil]) ifTrue: [self commandKeyHandler commandKeyTypedIntoMenu: evt. ^self deleteIfPopUp: evt]. char := evt keyCharacter. asc := char asciiValue. char = Character cr ifTrue: [selectedItem ifNotNil: [selectedItem hasSubMenu ifTrue: [evt hand newMouseFocus: selectedItem subMenu. ^evt hand newKeyboardFocus: selectedItem subMenu] ifFalse: ["self delete." ^selectedItem invokeWithEvent: evt]]. (selectable := self items) size = 1 ifTrue: [^selectable first invokeWithEvent: evt]. ^self]. asc = 27 ifTrue: ["escape key" self valueOfProperty: #matchString ifPresentDo: [:str | str isEmpty ifFalse: ["If filtered, first ESC removes filter" self setProperty: #matchString toValue: String new. self selectItem: nil event: evt. ^self displayFiltered: evt]]. "If a stand-alone menu, just delete it" popUpOwner ifNil: [^self delete]. "If a sub-menu, then deselect, and return focus to outer menu" self selectItem: nil event: evt. evt hand newMouseFocus: popUpOwner owner. + ^evt hand newKeyboardFocus: popUpOwner owner ]. + - ^evt hand newKeyboardFocus: popUpOwner owner]. (asc = 28 or: [asc = 29]) ifTrue: ["left or right arrow key" (selectedItem notNil and: [selectedItem hasSubMenu]) ifTrue: [evt hand newMouseFocus: selectedItem subMenu. selectedItem subMenu moveSelectionDown: 1 event: evt. + ^evt hand newKeyboardFocus: selectedItem subMenu] + ifFalse: [ ^self ] ]. - ^evt hand newKeyboardFocus: selectedItem subMenu]]. asc = 30 ifTrue: [^self moveSelectionDown: -1 event: evt]. "up arrow key" asc = 31 ifTrue: [^self moveSelectionDown: 1 event: evt]. "down arrow key" asc = 11 ifTrue: [^self moveSelectionDown: -5 event: evt]. "page up key" asc = 12 ifTrue: [^self moveSelectionDown: 5 event: evt]. "page down key" matchString := self valueOfProperty: #matchString ifAbsentPut: [String new]. matchString := char = Character backspace ifTrue: [matchString isEmpty ifTrue: [matchString] ifFalse: [matchString allButLast]] ifFalse: [matchString copyWith: evt keyCharacter]. self setProperty: #matchString toValue: matchString. self displayFiltered: evt. help := BalloonMorph string: 'Enter text to\narrow selection down\to matching items ' withCRs for: self corner: #topLeft. help popUpForHand: self activeHand. ! |
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