The Trunk: Morphic-kb.410.mcz

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The Trunk: Morphic-kb.410.mcz

Balázs Kósi uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-kb.410
Author: kb
Time: 5 April 2010, 4:22:43.288 pm
UUID: e7381b65-efe2-470b-8388-840148e7c55a
Ancestors: Morphic-cmm.409

 - SearchBarMorph >> smartSearch: retains keyboard focus if no match was found.

=============== Diff against Morphic-cmm.409 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SearchBarMorph>>initialize (in category 'initialize') -----
  super initialize.
  text := Text new.
  backgroundColor := TranslucentColor gray alpha: 0.3.
  self width: 200.
+ self crAction: (MessageSend receiver: self selector: #smartSearch:).
- self crAction: (MessageSend receiver: self selector: #smartSearch).
  self setBalloonText: 'Searches for globals and methods'.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SearchBarMorph>>smartSearch: (in category 'search') -----
+ smartSearch: evt
+ "Take the user input and perform an appropriate search"
+ | input newContents |
+ input := self contents asString ifEmpty:[^self].
+ (Smalltalk bindingOf: input) ifNotNil:[:assoc| | global |
+ "It's a global or a class"
+ global := assoc value.
+ ^ToolSet browse: (global isBehavior ifTrue:[global] ifFalse:[global class]) selector: nil.
+ ].
+ (SystemNavigation new allImplementorsOf: input asSymbol) ifNotEmpty:[:list|
+ ^SystemNavigation new
+ browseMessageList: list
+ name: 'Implementors of ' , input
+ ].
+ input first isUppercase ifTrue:[
+ (Utilities classFromPattern: input withCaption: '') ifNotNil:[:aClass|
+ ^ToolSet browse: aClass selector: nil.
+ ].
+ ] ifFalse:[
+ ^ToolSet default browseMessageNames: input
+ ].
+ newContents := input, ' -- not found.'.
+ self
+ newContents: newContents;
+ selectFrom: input size+1 to: newContents size.
+ evt hand newKeyboardFocus: self!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextMorph>>keyStroke: (in category 'event handling') -----
  keyStroke: evt
  "Handle a keystroke event."
- | action |
  self resetBlinkCursor. "don't blink during type-in"
+ evt keyValue = 13 ifTrue: [ "CR - check for special action"
+ self crAction ifNotNil: [ :action |
- evt keyValue = 13 ifTrue:["CR - check for special action"
- action := self crAction.
- action ifNotNil:[
  "Note: Code below assumes that this was some
  input field reacting on CR. Break the keyboard
  focus so that the receiver can be safely deleted."
  evt hand newKeyboardFocus: nil.
+ ^action valueWithEnoughArguments: { evt } ] ].
+ self handleInteraction: [ editor readKeyboard ] fromEvent: evt.
- ^action value]].
- self handleInteraction: [editor readKeyboard] fromEvent: evt.
  "self updateFromParagraph."
  super keyStroke: evt  "sends to keyStroke event handler, if any"!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SearchBarMorph>>smartSearch (in category 'search') -----
- smartSearch
- "Take the user input and perform an appropriate search"
- | input newContents |
- input := self contents asString ifEmpty:[^self].
- (Smalltalk bindingOf: input) ifNotNil:[:assoc| | global |
- "It's a global or a class"
- global := assoc value.
- ^ToolSet browse: (global isBehavior ifTrue:[global] ifFalse:[global class]) selector: nil.
- ].
- (SystemNavigation new allImplementorsOf: input asSymbol) ifNotEmpty:[:list|
- ^SystemNavigation new
- browseMessageList: list
- name: 'Implementors of ' , input
- ].
- input first isUppercase ifTrue:[
- (Utilities classFromPattern: input withCaption: '') ifNotNil:[:aClass|
- ^ToolSet browse: aClass selector: nil.
- ].
- ] ifFalse:[
- ^ToolSet default browseMessageNames: input
- ].
- newContents := input, ' -- not found.'.
- self
- newContents: newContents;
- selectFrom: input size+1 to: newContents size!

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Re: The Trunk: Morphic-kb.410.mcz

Balázs Kósi

You need to run [ TheWorldMainDockingBar updateInstances ] to get this working.
The expression above is in the postscript of the Morphic package, but somehow it
doesn't get executed.
