The Trunk: Morphic-kfr.1019.mcz

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The Trunk: Morphic-kfr.1019.mcz

Karl Ramberg uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-kfr.1019
Author: kfr
Time: 27 October 2015, 5:21:35.825 pm
UUID: 440773d3-8bad-4232-b989-60c0a6dfb1f0
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1018

Adds a GradientEditor for morphic

=============== Diff against Morphic-mt.1018 ===============

Item was added:
+ RectangleMorph subclass: #GradientDisplayMorph
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Morphic-Widgets'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientDisplayMorph>>colorRamp (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ colorRamp
+ ^self fillStyle colorRamp!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientDisplayMorph>>colorRamp: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ colorRamp: aColorRamp
+ self fillStyle colorRamp: aColorRamp!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientDisplayMorph>>drawOn: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ drawOn: aCanvas
+ "Draw a hatch pattern first."
+ aCanvas
+ fillRectangle: self innerBounds
+ fillStyle: (InfiniteForm with: ColorPresenterMorph hatchForm).
+ super drawOn: aCanvas!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientDisplayMorph>>initialize (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ initialize
+ | fill colorRamp |
+ super initialize.
+ "self hResizing: #spaceFill. "
+ colorRamp := {0.0 -> Color green. 0.3 -> Color red. 0.7 -> Color black. 1.0 -> Color blue}.
+ fill := GradientFillStyle ramp: colorRamp.
+ fill origin: 0@0.
+ fill direction: self bounds extent x @ 0.
+ fill radial: false.
+ self fillStyle: fill!

Item was added:
+ RectangleMorph subclass: #GradientEditor
+ instanceVariableNames: 'gradientDisplay rampMorphs selectedSketch gradientMorph row text target selector morph'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Morphic-Widgets'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor class>>on:selector:forMorph:colorRamp: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ on: aTarget selector: aSelector forMorph: aMorph colorRamp: aColorRamp
+ ^self new
+ setTarget: aTarget
+ selector: aSelector
+ forMorph: aMorph
+ colorRamp: aColorRamp.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>addButtonRow (in category 'initialization') -----
+ addButtonRow
+ | button button2 buttonRow button4 |
+ buttonRow := RectangleMorph new extent: self width @ 30;
+ borderWidth: 0; color: Color transparent.
+ buttonRow layoutPolicy: TableLayout new;
+ cellPositioning: #center;
+ listCentering: #topLeft;
+ listDirection: #LeftToRight;
+ reverseTableCells: true;
+ cellInset: 20 @ 20.
+ button := SimpleButtonMorph new target: self;
+ label: 'Add color';
+ actionSelector: #addHandle.
+ buttonRow  addMorph: button.
+ button2 := SimpleButtonMorph new target: self;
+ label: 'Remove color';
+ actionSelector: #deleteHandle.
+ buttonRow addMorph: button2.
+ button4 := SimpleButtonMorph new target: self;
+ label: 'Close';
+ actionSelector: #delete.
+ buttonRow addMorph: button4.
+ self addMorph: buttonRow!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>addHandle (in category 'change reporting') -----
+ addHandle
+ | handleInstance colorIcon |
+ handleInstance := self handle.
+ colorIcon := SketchMorph
+ withForm: ((Color random value iconOrThumbnailOfSize: 20) borderWidth: 1 color: Color black)..
+ self eventHandler: colorIcon target: colorIcon.
+ self eventHandler: handleInstance target: self.
+ row addMorph: handleInstance.
+ handleInstance position: gradientDisplay left - 10 + (gradientDisplay width // 2) @ (gradientDisplay top - 18).
+ handleInstance addMorph: colorIcon.
+ rampMorphs addLast: handleInstance.
+ colorIcon position: gradientDisplay left - 10 + (gradientDisplay width // 2) @ (gradientDisplay bottom + 5).
+ self updateColorRamp!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>addHandles (in category 'initialization') -----
+ addHandles
+ | handle handleInstance colorIcon colorRamp |
+ rampMorphs := OrderedCollection new.
+ colorRamp := self gradientDisplay colorRamp asOrderedCollection.
+ handle := self handle.
+ colorRamp
+ do: [:i |
+ colorIcon := SketchMorph
+ withForm: ((i value iconOrThumbnailOfSize: 20) borderWidth: 1 color: Color black)..
+ self eventHandler: colorIcon target: colorIcon.
+ handleInstance := handle copy.
+ self eventHandler: handleInstance target: self.
+ row addMorph: handleInstance.
+ handleInstance position: gradientDisplay left - 10 + (gradientDisplay width * i key) @ (gradientDisplay top - 18).
+ handleInstance addMorph: colorIcon.
+ rampMorphs addLast: handleInstance.
+ colorIcon position: gradientDisplay left - 10 + (gradientDisplay width * i key) @ (gradientDisplay bottom + 5)].
+ self changed.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>changeColor:event:target: (in category 'change reporting') -----
+ changeColor: aSketchMorph event: evt target: aMorph
+ | newColor |
+ newColor := aSketchMorph rotatedForm colorAt: aSketchMorph rotatedForm center.
+ selectedSketch := aSketchMorph.
+   self changeColorTarget: self selector: #updateColor: originalColor: newColor value hand: evt hand.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>colorRamp (in category 'accessing') -----
+ colorRamp
+ | i string |
+ string := gradientDisplay fillStyle colorRamp asOrderedCollection printString.
+ i := string indexOf:$(.
+   ^string copyFrom: i to: string size!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>colorRamp: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ colorRamp: aColorRamp
+ "rampMorphs do:[ :i | rampMorphs remove:i.  row removeMorph: i . ].
+       self changed."
+ gradientDisplay colorRamp: aColorRamp.
+ self addHandles.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>deleteHandle (in category 'change reporting') -----
+ deleteHandle
+ rampMorphs do:[ :i | (i color == Color red) ifTrue:[ rampMorphs remove: i. row removeMorph: i]].
+ self updateColorRamp
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>eventHandler:target: (in category 'event handling') -----
+ eventHandler: anInstance target: aTarget
+ (anInstance isKindOf: SketchMorph)
+ ifTrue:[anInstance on: #mouseUp
+ send: #changeColor:event:target:
+ to: self withValue: aTarget]
+ ifFalse:[anInstance on: #mouseDown
+ send: #limitHandleMove:event:from:
+ to: self withValue: aTarget.
+ anInstance on: #mouseMove
+ send: #limitHandleMove:event:from:
+ to: self withValue: aTarget]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>gradientDisplay (in category 'accessing') -----
+ gradientDisplay
+ ^gradientDisplay!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>handle (in category 'initialization') -----
+ handle
+  | handle |
+ handle := PolygonMorph
+ vertices: (Array
+ with: 0 @ 0
+ with: 16 @ 0
+ with: 8 @ 16)
+ color: Color gray
+ borderWidth: 1
+ borderColor: Color black.
+ ^handle
+ addMorph: ((RectangleMorph
+ newBounds: (8 @ 18 extent: 1 @ (gradientDisplay height - 2))
+ color: Color orange)
+ borderWidth: 0).!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
+ initialize
+ super initialize.
+ self myLayout.
+ self extent: 600 @ 150.
+ row := RectangleMorph new extent: self width @ 100.
+ row addMorph: (gradientDisplay := GradientDisplayMorph new position: 20 @ 20;
+ extent: self width - 40 @ 40).
+ gradientDisplay fillStyle direction: gradientDisplay width @ 0.
+ "self addHandles."
+ self addMorph: row.
+ self addButtonRow.
+ text := PluggableTextMorph
+ on: self
+ text: #colorRamp
+ accept: nil
+ readSelection: nil
+ menu: nil.
+ text color: Color white;
+ width: self width;
+ height: 50.
+ self addMorph: text.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>limitHandleMove:event:from: (in category 'change reporting') -----
+ limitHandleMove: association event: evt from: handle
+ | p  newBounds |
+ rampMorphs do:[ : i | i color: Color gray].
+ newBounds := gradientDisplay bounds.
+ newBounds := (newBounds left: (newBounds left - 10)).
+ newBounds := (newBounds right: (newBounds right - 10)).
+ p := evt cursorPoint adhereTo: newBounds.
+ handle position: (p x )@ (handle position y).
+ handle color: Color red.
+ self updateColorRamp!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>morph: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ morph: aMorph
+ ^morph := aMorph!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>myLayout (in category 'initialization') -----
+ myLayout
+ self layoutPolicy: TableLayout new;
+ hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
+ vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
+ cellPositioning: #center;
+ listCentering: #topLeft;
+ layoutInset: 10@10;
+ listDirection: #topToBottom;
+ reverseTableCells: true;
+ wrapCentering: #topLeft;
+ cellInset: 19 @ 10!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>selector: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ selector: aSelector
+ ^selector := aSelector!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>setTarget:selector:forMorph:colorRamp: (in category 'initialization') -----
+ setTarget: aTarget selector: aSelector forMorph:aMorph colorRamp: aColorRamp
+ self target: aTarget.
+ self selector: aSelector.
+ self morph: aMorph.
+ self colorRamp: aColorRamp.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>target: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ target: aTarget
+ ^target := aTarget!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>updateColor: (in category 'change reporting') -----
+ updateColor: aColor
+ selectedSketch rotatedForm  floodFill: aColor at: selectedSketch rotatedForm center.
+ self updateColorRamp
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>updateColorRamp (in category 'change reporting') -----
+ updateColorRamp
+ | newAssociation newKey newColor sketch colorRamp |
+ self updateRampMorphs.
+ colorRamp := OrderedCollection new.
+ rampMorphs
+ do: [:i |
+ newKey := ((i position x - gradientDisplay left / gradientDisplay width) asFloat roundUpTo: 0.01)
+ min: 1.0
+ max: 0.0.
+ sketch := i findA: SketchMorph.
+ newColor := sketch rotatedForm colorAt: sketch rotatedForm center.
+ newAssociation := newKey -> newColor.
+ colorRamp addLast: newAssociation].
+ colorRamp := colorRamp sorted.
+ gradientDisplay colorRamp: colorRamp.
+ gradientDisplay fillStyle direction: gradientDisplay extent x @ 0.
+ self changed.
+ target ifNotNil:[
+ target perform: selector
+ with: colorRamp
+ with: morph].
+ text setText: self colorRamp!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>updateRampMorphs (in category 'change reporting') -----
+ updateRampMorphs
+ rampMorphs do:[ :i | i isInWorld ifFalse:[ rampMorphs remove: i]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GradientFillStyle>>addFillStyleMenuItems:hand:from: (in category '*Morphic-Balloon') -----
  addFillStyleMenuItems: aMenu hand: aHand from: aMorph
  "Add the items for changing the current fill style of the receiver"
  self isRadialFill ifTrue:[
  aMenu add: 'linear gradient' translated target: self selector: #beLinearGradientIn: argument: aMorph.
  ] ifFalse:[
  aMenu add: 'radial gradient' translated target: self selector: #beRadialGradientIn: argument: aMorph.
  aMenu addLine.
+ aMenu add: 'change color ramp' translated target: self selector: #changeColorRampIn:event: argument: aMorph.
- aMenu add: 'change first color' translated target: self selector: #changeFirstColorIn:event: argument: aMorph.
- aMenu add: 'change second color' translated target: self selector: #changeSecondColorIn:event: argument: aMorph.
  aMenu addLine.
  super addFillStyleMenuItems: aMenu hand: aHand from: aMorph.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientFillStyle>>changeColorRampIn:event: (in category '*Morphic-Balloon') -----
+ changeColorRampIn: aMorph event: evt
+ ^self changeColorSelector: #colorRamp:forMorph: hand: evt hand morph: aMorph originalColor:aMorph fillStyle colorRamp!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GradientFillStyle>>changeColorSelector:hand:morph:originalColor: (in category '*Morphic-Balloon') -----
  changeColorSelector: aSymbol hand: aHand morph: aMorph originalColor: originalColor
  "Change either the firstColor or the lastColor (depending on aSymbol).  Put up a color picker to hande it.  We always use a modal picker so that the user can adjust both colors concurrently."
+ ^(GradientEditor on: self selector: aSymbol forMorph: aMorph colorRamp: originalColor) openNear: aMorph fullBoundsInWorld.
+ "NewColorPickerMorph useIt
- NewColorPickerMorph useIt
  [ (NewColorPickerMorph
  on: self
  originalColor: originalColor
  setColorSelector: aSymbol) openNear: aMorph fullBoundsInWorld ]
  [ ColorPickerMorph new
  initializeModal: false ;
  sourceHand: aHand ;
  target: self ;
  selector: aSymbol ;
  argument: aMorph ;
  originalColor: originalColor ;
  putUpFor: aMorph
+ near: aMorph fullBoundsInWorld ]"!
- near: aMorph fullBoundsInWorld ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientFillStyle>>colorRamp:forMorph: (in category '*Morphic-Balloon') -----
+ colorRamp: aColorRamp forMorph: aMorph
+ colorRamp :=aColorRamp.
+ isTranslucent := nil.
+ pixelRamp := nil.
+ aMorph changed.!