The Trunk: Morphic-kfr.1023.mcz

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The Trunk: Morphic-kfr.1023.mcz

Karl Ramberg uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-kfr.1023
Author: kfr
Time: 1 November 2015, 9:20:03.104 pm
UUID: 3f59454c-b3fb-44ac-a78a-29c653670044
Ancestors: Morphic-kfr.1022

Adding a code pane for reading/editing of the color ramp

=============== Diff against Morphic-kfr.1022 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GradientEditor>>addHandles (in category 'change reporting') -----
  | handle colorRamp |
  rampMorphs := OrderedCollection new.
+ colorRamp := gradientDisplay colorRamp asOrderedCollection.
- colorRamp := self gradientDisplay colorRamp asOrderedCollection.
  handle := self handle.
  do: [:i |
  self addHandleForColor: i value position: i key
  self changed.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GradientEditor>>colorRamp (in category 'accessing') -----
+ ^gradientDisplay fillStyle colorRamp asArray printString.
+ !
- | i string |
- string := gradientDisplay fillStyle colorRamp asOrderedCollection printString.
- i := string indexOf:$(.
-   ^string copyFrom: i to: string size!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GradientEditor>>colorRamp: (in category 'accessing') -----
  colorRamp: aColorRamp
- "rampMorphs do:[ :i | rampMorphs remove:i.  row removeMorph: i . ].
-       self changed."
  gradientDisplay colorRamp: aColorRamp.
+ self changed: #colorRamp.
+ self changed
- self addHandles.

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>colorRampExpression: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ colorRampExpression: aString
+ "Set my color by evaluating aString, a Smalltalk expression which results in a Color instance."
+ | col |
+ {aString.}
+ detect:
+ [ : each | ([ col := Compiler evaluate: each ]
+ on: Error
+ do:
+ [ : err | nil ]) notNil ]
+ ifNone: [ nil ].
+ col ifNotNil: [ self colorRamp: col.
+ rampMorphs do:[ :each| each delete].
+ self addHandles; updateColorRamp. ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GradientEditor>>colorRampExpressionMorph (in category 'initialization') -----
+ colorRampExpressionMorph
+ | inputField builder |
+ builder := ToolBuilder default.
+ inputField := (builder build: (builder pluggableInputFieldSpec new
+ model: self;
+ getText: #colorRamp;
+ setText: #colorRampExpression:;
+ softLineWrap: true)).
+ inputField
+ hResizing: #spaceFill ;
+ vResizing: #spaceFill ;
+ height: (Preferences standardDefaultTextFont height * 3/2).
+ ^ inputField!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GradientEditor>>eventHandler:target: (in category 'event handling') -----
+ eventHandler: anInstance target: aTarget
+ (anInstance isKindOf: SketchMorph)
+ ifTrue: [anInstance
+ on: #mouseUp
- eventHandler: anInstance target: aTarget
- (anInstance isKindOf: SketchMorph)
- ifTrue:[anInstance on: #mouseUp
  send: #changeColor:event:target:
+ to: self
+ withValue: aTarget]
+ ifFalse: [anInstance
+ on: #mouseDown
- to: self withValue: aTarget]
- ifFalse:[anInstance on: #mouseDown
  send: #limitHandleMove:event:from:
+ to: self
+ withValue: aTarget.
+ anInstance
+ on: #mouseMove
- to: self withValue: aTarget.
- anInstance on: #mouseMove
  send: #limitHandleMove:event:from:
+ to: self
+ withValue: aTarget]!
- to: self withValue: aTarget]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: GradientEditor>>gradientDisplay (in category 'accessing') -----
- gradientDisplay
- ^gradientDisplay!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GradientEditor>>handle (in category 'initialization') -----
+ | handle |
+ handle := PolygonMorph
-  | handle |
- handle := PolygonMorph
  vertices: (Array
  with: 0 @ 0
  with: 16 @ 0
  with: 8 @ 16)
+ color: Color white darker
- color: (Color white darker)
  borderWidth: 1
  borderColor: Color black.
+ ^ handle
- ^handle
  addMorph: ((RectangleMorph
  newBounds: (8 @ 18 extent: 1 @ (gradientDisplay height - 2))
  color: Color orange)
+ borderWidth: 0)!
- borderWidth: 0).!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GradientEditor>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
  super initialize.
  self myLayout.
+ self extent: 500 @ 200.
+ row := RectangleMorph new extent: self width @ 100;
+ color: Color transparent;
+ borderColor: #inset.
- self extent: 600 @ 150.
- row := RectangleMorph new extent: self width @ 100; color: Color transparent; borderColor: #inset.
  row addMorph: (gradientDisplay := GradientDisplayMorph new position: 20 @ 20;
  extent: self width - 40 @ 40).
  gradientDisplay fillStyle direction: gradientDisplay width @ 0.
  self addMorph: row.
  self addButtonRow.
+ self addMorph: self colorRampExpressionMorph!
- "text := PluggableTextMorph
- on: self
- text: #colorRamp
- accept: nil
- readSelection: nil
- menu: nil.
- text color: Color white;
- width: self width;
- height: 50.
- self addMorph: text."
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GradientEditor>>setTarget:selector:forMorph:colorRamp: (in category 'initialization') -----
  setTarget: aTarget selector: aSelector forMorph:aMorph colorRamp: aColorRamp
+ self target: aTarget; selector: aSelector; morph: aMorph; colorRamp: aColorRamp; addHandles
- self target: aTarget.
- self selector: aSelector.
- self morph: aMorph.
- self colorRamp: aColorRamp.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GradientEditor>>updateColorRamp (in category 'change reporting') -----
  | newAssociation newKey newColor sketch colorRamp |
  self updateRampMorphs.
  colorRamp := OrderedCollection new.
  do: [:i |
  newKey := ((i position x - gradientDisplay left / gradientDisplay width) asFloat roundUpTo: 0.01)
  min: 1.0
  max: 0.0.
  sketch := i findA: SketchMorph.
  newColor := sketch rotatedForm colorAt: sketch rotatedForm center.
  newAssociation := newKey -> newColor.
  colorRamp addLast: newAssociation].
  colorRamp := colorRamp sorted.
  gradientDisplay colorRamp: colorRamp.
  gradientDisplay fillStyle direction: gradientDisplay extent x @ 0.
  self changed.
  target ifNotNil:[
  target perform: selector
  with: colorRamp
  with: morph].
+ self changed: #colorRamp!
- "text setText: self colorRamp"!