Karl Ramberg uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Morphic-kfr.1424.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-kfr.1424
Author: kfr
Time: 3 May 2018, 8:09:18.476229 pm
UUID: 4e43a771-b83b-9a48-9633-6665d351ae79
Ancestors: Morphic-kfr.1423
Guard against textStyle = nil
=============== Diff against Morphic-kfr.1423 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: TextMorph>>fixUponLoad:seg: (in category 'objects from disk') -----
fixUponLoad: aProject seg: anImageSegment
"We are in an old project that is being loaded from disk. Fix up conventions that have changed."
+ | substituteFont includesSubstituteFont |
- | substituteFont |
substituteFont := aProject projectParameters at: #substitutedFont ifAbsent: [#none].
+ includesSubstituteFont := false.
+ self textStyle ifNotNil: [includesSubstituteFont := self textStyle fontArray includes: substituteFont].
+ (substituteFont ~~ #none and: [includesSubstituteFont])
- (substituteFont ~~ #none and: [self textStyle fontArray includes: substituteFont])
ifTrue: [ self fit ].
^ super fixUponLoad: aProject seg: anImageSegment!