The Trunk: Morphic-laza.370.mcz

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The Trunk: Morphic-laza.370.mcz

Alexander Lazarević uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-laza.370
Author: laza
Time: 3 March 2010, 5:50:21.943 am
UUID: 395d8f91-3f11-0840-9692-79f811ebbd4b
Ancestors: Morphic-ar.369

Add to the windows menu:

- contain every visible window (collapsed or not)
- show a collapsed window in the list by putting () around the label
- show a touched window by putting a leading * to the label
- group windows by model (eg. Browsers are most likely always at the top of the list)
- have a "close all like this" menu entry to close all windows of a same kind (eg. close all open inspectors) [won't touch any windows with changed content]
- have a "close all but this" menu entry which does exactly like the above, but without closing the selected window

=============== Diff against Morphic-ar.369 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TheWorldMainDockingBar>>allOtherWindowsLike: (in category 'submenu - windows') -----
+ allOtherWindowsLike: window
+ ^ self allVisibleWindows reject: [:each |
+ each model name ~= window model name or: [each = window]]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TheWorldMainDockingBar>>allVisibleWindows (in category 'submenu - windows') -----
+ allVisibleWindows
+ ^SystemWindow windowsIn: World satisfying: [ :w | w visible ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TheWorldMainDockingBar>>closeAllWindowsLike: (in category 'submenu - windows') -----
+ closeAllWindowsLike: window
+ self closeAllWindowsBut: window.
+ window model canDiscardEdits ifTrue: [window delete]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TheWorldMainDockingBar>>windowMenuFor:on: (in category 'submenu - windows') -----
  windowMenuFor: window on: menu
  addItem: [ :item |
  contents: 'Close';
  target: window;
  selector: #delete ];
  addItem: [ :item |
+ item
+ contents: 'Close all like this';
+ target: self;
+ selector: #closeAllWindowsLike:;
+ arguments: { window } ];
+ addItem: [ :item |
+ item
+ contents: 'Close all but this';
+ target: self;
+ selector: #closeAllWindowsBut:;
+ arguments: { window } ];
+ addItem: [ :item |
  contents: 'Toggle Full Screen';
  target: window;
  selector: #expandBoxHit ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TheWorldMainDockingBar>>allWindowsLike: (in category 'submenu - windows') -----
+ allWindowsLike: window
+ ^ self allVisibleWindows reject: [:each | each model ~= window model or: [each = window]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TheWorldMainDockingBar>>listWindowsOn: (in category 'submenu - windows') -----
  listWindowsOn: menu
+ | windows |
+ windows := SortedCollection sortBlock: [:winA :winB |
+ winA model name = winB model name
+ ifTrue: [winA label < winB label]
+ ifFalse: [winA model name < winB model name]].
+ windows addAll: self allVisibleWindows.
+ windows ifEmpty: [
- | expanded |
- expanded := SystemWindow windowsIn: World satisfying: [ :w | w isCollapsed not ].
- expanded ifEmpty: [
  menu addItem: [ :item |
+ contents: 'No Windows' translated;
- contents: 'No open Windows' translated;
  isEnabled: false ] ].
+ windows do: [ :each |
- expanded do: [ :each |
  menu addItem: [ :item |
+ contents: (self windowMenuItemLabelFor: each);
- contents: (each label contractTo: 50);
  icon: (self colorIcon: each paneColor);
  target: each;
  selector: #comeToFront;
  subMenuUpdater: self
  selector: #windowMenuFor:on:
  arguments: { each };
+ action: [ each activateAndForceLabelToShow; expand ] ] ].!
- action: [ each activateAndForceLabelToShow ] ] ].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TheWorldMainDockingBar>>windowMenuItemLabelFor: (in category 'submenu - windows') -----
+ windowMenuItemLabelFor: window
+ | s |
+ s := WriteStream on: String new.
+ window model canDiscardEdits ifFalse: [ s nextPut: $* ].
+ window isCollapsed ifTrue: [ s nextPut: $( ].
+ s nextPutAll: window label.
+ window isCollapsed ifTrue: [ s nextPut: $) ].
+ ^s contents contractTo: 50!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TheWorldMainDockingBar>>closeAllWindowsBut: (in category 'submenu - windows') -----
+ closeAllWindowsBut: window
+ (self allOtherWindowsLike: window) do: [:each |
+ each model canDiscardEdits ifTrue: [each delete]]!