Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Morphic-mt.1109 Author: mt Time: 12 April 2016, 7:40:42.953943 pm UUID: 1f3d1aa2-1df5-7446-85d0-5262c3d99a83 Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1108 Reduce the use of globals in project classes. Clean-up code. =============== Diff against Morphic-mt.1108 =============== Item was removed: - ----- Method: MorphicProject>>addItem:toMenu:selection:requestor: (in category 'utilities') ----- - addItem: item toMenu: menu selection: action requestor: requestingProject - "Add a menu item representing this project to a menu being created by requestingProject" - - | color | - "Color to be used for this menu item" - color := self world isInMemory - ifTrue: [Color black] - ifFalse: [Color brown]. - "Menu item of type appropriate for current project" - requestingProject - addItem: item - toMenu: menu - selection: action - color: color - thumbnail: thumbnail! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphicProject>>color (in category 'accessing') ----- + color + + ^ self world isInMemory + ifTrue: [Color black] + ifFalse: [Color brown]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MorphicProject>>interruptName:preemptedProcess: (in category 'utilities') ----- interruptName: labelString preemptedProcess: theInterruptedProcess "Create a Notifier on the active scheduling process with the given label." | preemptedProcess projectProcess | ActiveHand ifNotNil:[ActiveHand interrupted]. + ActiveWorld := world. "reinstall active globals" + ActiveHand := world primaryHand. - ActiveWorld := World. "reinstall active globals" - ActiveHand := World primaryHand. ActiveHand interrupted. "make sure this one's interrupted too" ActiveEvent := nil. projectProcess := self uiProcess. "we still need the accessor for a while" preemptedProcess := theInterruptedProcess ifNil: [Processor preemptedProcess]. "Only debug preempted process if its priority is >= projectProcess' priority" preemptedProcess priority < projectProcess priority ifTrue:[preemptedProcess := projectProcess]. preemptedProcess suspend. ToolSet interrupt: preemptedProcess label: labelString.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MorphicProject>>openImage:name:saveResource: (in category 'editors') ----- openImage: aForm name: fullName saveResource: aBoolean "Open a view on an image. If aBoolean is true, save the image as a project resource." aBoolean ifTrue: [self resourceManager addResource: aForm url: (FileDirectory urlForFileNamed: fullName) asString]. + (world drawingClass withForm: aForm) openInWorld - (World drawingClass withForm: aForm) openInWorld ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MorphicProject>>pauseEventRecorder (in category 'enter') ----- pauseEventRecorder "Suspend any event recorder, and return it if found" + ^ world pauseEventRecorder! - ^World pauseEventRecorder! Item was changed: ----- Method: MorphicProject>>pointerMoved (in category 'utilities') ----- pointerMoved "Pointer has moved during a drag operation. Perform any necessary updates. In Morphic, pay the price for reading the sensor directly." + world activeHand - World activeHand newMouseFocus: nil; showTemporaryCursor: nil; flushEvents! Item was changed: ----- Method: MorphicProject>>resetDisplay (in category 'display') ----- resetDisplay "Bring the display to a usable state after handling primitiveError." + world install "init hands and redisplay"! - World install "init hands and redisplay"! Item was changed: ----- Method: MorphicProject>>restoreDisplay (in category 'display') ----- restoreDisplay "Clear the screen to gray and then redisplay all the scheduled views." + ^ world restoreMorphicDisplay - ^ World restoreMorphicDisplay ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MorphicProject>>saveState (in category 'enter') ----- saveState "Save the current state in me prior to leaving this project" changeSet := ChangeSet current. thumbnail ifNotNil: [thumbnail hibernate]. - world := World. world sleep. transcript := Transcript. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MorphicProject>>setFlaps (in category 'flaps support') ----- setFlaps | flapTabs flapIDs sharedFlapTabs navigationMorph | self flag: #toRemove. "check if this method still used by Etoys" flapTabs := ActiveWorld flapTabs. flapIDs := flapTabs collect: [:tab | tab knownName]. flapTabs do: [:tab | (tab isMemberOf: ViewerFlapTab) ifFalse: [tab isGlobalFlap ifTrue: [Flaps removeFlapTab: tab keepInList: false. tab currentWorld reformulateUpdatingMenus] ifFalse: [| referent | referent := tab referent. referent isInWorld ifTrue: [referent delete]. tab delete]]]. sharedFlapTabs := Flaps classPool at: #SharedFlapTabs. flapIDs do: [:id | id = 'Navigator' translated ifTrue: [sharedFlapTabs add: Flaps newNavigatorFlap]. id = 'Widgets' translated ifTrue: [sharedFlapTabs add: Flaps newWidgetsFlap]. id = 'Tools' translated ifTrue: [sharedFlapTabs add: Flaps newToolsFlap]. id = 'Squeak' translated ifTrue: [sharedFlapTabs add: Flaps newSqueakFlap]. id = 'Supplies' translated ifTrue: [sharedFlapTabs add: Flaps newSuppliesFlap]. id = 'Stack Tools' translated ifTrue: [sharedFlapTabs add: Flaps newStackToolsFlap]. id = 'Painting' translated ifTrue: [sharedFlapTabs add: Flaps newPaintingFlap]. id = 'Objects' translated ifTrue: [sharedFlapTabs add: Flaps newObjectsFlap ]]. 2 timesRepeat: [flapIDs do: [:id | Flaps enableDisableGlobalFlapWithID: id]]. ActiveWorld flapTabs do: [:flapTab | flapTab isCurrentlyTextual ifTrue: [flapTab changeTabText: flapTab knownName]]. Flaps positionNavigatorAndOtherFlapsAccordingToPreference. + navigationMorph := ActiveWorld findDeeplyA: ProjectNavigationMorph preferredNavigator. - navigationMorph := World findDeeplyA: ProjectNavigationMorph preferredNavigator. navigationMorph isNil ifTrue: [^ self]. navigationMorph allMorphs do: [:morph | morph class == SimpleButtonDelayedMenuMorph ifTrue: [(morph findA: ImageMorph) isNil ifTrue: [| label | label := morph label. label isNil ifFalse: [| name | name := morph knownName. name isNil ifTrue: [morph name: label. name := label]. morph label: name translated]]]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MorphicProject>>showImage:named: (in category 'utilities') ----- showImage: aForm named: imageName "Show an image, possibly attached to the pointer for positioning" + HandMorph attach: (world drawingClass withForm: aForm) - HandMorph attach: (World drawingClass withForm: aForm) ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MorphicProject>>spawnNewProcess (in category 'active process') ----- spawnNewProcess uiProcess := [ + [world doOneCycle. Processor yield ] repeat. - [World doOneCycle. Processor yield ] repeat. ] newProcess priority: Processor userSchedulingPriority. uiProcess resume! Item was changed: ----- Method: MorphicProject>>textWindows (in category 'utilities') ----- textWindows "Answer a dictionary of all system windows for text display keyed by window title. Generate new window titles as required to ensure unique keys in the dictionary." | aDict windows title | aDict := Dictionary new. + windows := world submorphs select: [:m | m isSystemWindow]. - windows := World submorphs select: [:m | m isSystemWindow]. windows do: [:w | | assoc | assoc := w titleAndPaneText. assoc ifNotNil: [w holdsTranscript ifFalse: [title := assoc key. (aDict includesKey: title) ifTrue: [ | newKey | "Ensure unique keys in aDict" (1 to: 100) detect: [:e | newKey := title, '-', e asString. (aDict includesKey: newKey) not]. title := newKey. assoc := newKey -> assoc value]. aDict add: assoc]]]. ^ aDict ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Project>>isMorphic (in category '*Morphic-testing') ----- isMorphic + + ^ false! - "Complexity is because #isMVC is lazily installed" - ^ world isInMemory - ifTrue: [world isMorph] - ifFalse: [(self projectParameters at: #isMVC ifAbsent: [false]) not]! |
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