Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-mt.1140
Author: mt
Time: 9 May 2016, 1:37:31.427729 pm
UUID: fecf2a29-d4e3-c547-b948-21eca8fe7c5a
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1139
Look up a morph's active hand also via the world it is in. Use this when activating a system window or deleting a morph. -- This makes much Morphic code work from within MVC or testing environments.
=============== Diff against Morphic-mt.1139 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Morph>>activeHand (in category 'structure') -----
+ ^ ActiveHand ifNil: [
+ self isInWorld
+ ifTrue: [self world activeHand]
+ ifFalse: [nil]]!
- ^ActiveHand!
Item was changed:
----- Method: Morph>>delete (in category 'submorphs-add/remove') -----
"Remove the receiver as a submorph of its owner and make its
new owner be nil."
| aWorld |
self removeHalo.
+ self isInWorld ifTrue: [
+ self disableSubmorphFocusForHand: self activeHand.
+ self activeHand
+ releaseKeyboardFocus: self;
+ releaseMouseFocus: self].
+ "Preserve world reference for player notificaiton. See below."
aWorld := self world ifNil: [World].
+ owner ifNotNil:[
+ self privateDelete.
+ self player ifNotNil: [:player |
- "Terminate genie recognition focus"
- "I encountered a case where the hand was nil, so I put in a little
- protection - raa "
- " This happens when we are in an MVC project and open
- a morphic window. - BG "
- aWorld ifNotNil:
- [self disableSubmorphFocusForHand: self activeHand.
- self activeHand releaseKeyboardFocus: self;
- releaseMouseFocus: self.].
- owner ifNotNil:[ self privateDelete.
- self player ifNotNil: [ :player |
- "Player must be notified"
player noteDeletionOf: self fromWorld: aWorld]].!
Item was changed:
----- Method: SystemWindow>>activate (in category 'top window') -----
"Bring the receiver to the top. If I am modal, bring along my owning window as well."
| modalOwner |
self modalChild ifNotNil:
[ : modalChild | modalChild owner ifNotNil:
[ modalChild activate.
^ modalChild modalChild ifNil: [ modalChild flash ] ] ].
(isCollapsed not and:
[ self paneMorphs size > 1 and: [ self splitters isEmpty ] ]) ifTrue: [ self addPaneSplitters ].
self activateWindow.
+ PasteUpMorph globalCommandKeysEnabled ifTrue: [self activeHand addKeyboardListener: self].
- PasteUpMorph globalCommandKeysEnabled ifTrue: [ActiveHand addKeyboardListener: self].
modalOwner := self modalOwner.
(modalOwner notNil and: [ modalOwner isSystemWindow ]) ifTrue: [ modalOwner bringBehind: self ]!