Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-mt.1171
Author: mt
Time: 9 June 2016, 3:10:58.946908 pm
UUID: 6747743c-ceec-3940-897f-9dc223e4ce04
Ancestors: Morphic-bf.1170
Fixes a regression in the keyboard shortcuts for the world main docking bar.
On Mac OS platforms, recent VMs do not generate correct key-down events but still correct key-stroke events. On Windows platforms, VMs do only generate key-down events for some CTRL modifier combinations, especially numbers, but then no key-strokes. Linux is fine, I guess.
=============== Diff against Morphic-bf.1170 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: DockingBarMorph>>filterEvent:for: (in category 'events-processing') -----
filterEvent: aKeyboardEvent for: anObject
"Provide keyboard shortcuts."
| index itemToSelect |
- aKeyboardEvent isKeyDown "No #isKeystroke to improve compatibility for all platforms."
- ifFalse: [^ aKeyboardEvent].
aKeyboardEvent controlKeyPressed
ifFalse: [^ aKeyboardEvent].
+ (aKeyboardEvent isKeyDown or: [aKeyboardEvent isKeystroke]) "We also need #keyDown for Windows platforms because CTRL+X does not trigger key strokes there..."
+ ifFalse: [^ aKeyboardEvent].
"Search field."
aKeyboardEvent keyCharacter = $0
ifTrue: [
self searchBarMorph ifNotNil: [ :morph |
morph model activate: aKeyboardEvent in: morph ].
^ aKeyboardEvent ignore "hit!!"].
"Select menu items."
(aKeyboardEvent keyValue
between: $1 asciiValue
and: $9 asciiValue)
ifFalse: [^ aKeyboardEvent].
index := aKeyboardEvent keyValue - $1 asciiValue + 1.
itemToSelect := (self submorphs select: [ :each |
each isKindOf: DockingBarItemMorph ])
at: index
ifAbsent: [^ aKeyboardEvent].
self activate: aKeyboardEvent.
selectItem: itemToSelect
event: aKeyboardEvent.
^ aKeyboardEvent ignore "hit!!"!