Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-mt.1257
Author: mt
Time: 11 August 2016, 10:35:14.255968 am
UUID: 568c11f3-2668-404f-8f39-1304fc34c83e
Ancestors: Morphic-cmm.1256
Fixes a bug that occured when updating tree morphs (such as in the SqueakMap catalog).
=============== Diff against Morphic-cmm.1256 ===============
Item was removed:
- ----- Method: DependencyBrowser>>representsSameBrowseeAs: (in category '*morphic') -----
- representsSameBrowseeAs: anotherModel
- ^ self hasUnacceptedEdits not!
Item was changed:
----- Method: StringMorphAttributeScanner>>initializeFromStringMorph: (in category 'string morph') -----
initializeFromStringMorph: aStringMorph
- | style |
actualFont := aStringMorph font ifNil: [ TextStyle defaultFont ].
- style := actualFont textStyle.
emphasis := actualFont emphasis.
+ fontNumber := (actualFont textStyle ifNotNil: [:style | style fontIndexOf: actualFont]) ifNil: [ 1 ].
- fontNumber := (style fontIndexOf: actualFont) ifNil: [ 1 ].
textColor := aStringMorph color.