Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-mt.1263
Author: mt
Time: 12 August 2016, 10:11:07.792343 am
UUID: 88924fd0-05f5-454a-87b7-461a195b3d70
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1262
Remove obsolete preference for balloon color. It is in the current UI theme now.
=============== Diff against Morphic-mt.1262 ===============
Item was changed:
+ (PackageInfo named: 'Morphic') postscript: 'TheWorldMainDockingBar updateInstances. "For more fine-granular visual settings."
+ Preferences removePreference: #''BalloonMorph>>balloonColor''.'!
- (PackageInfo named: 'Morphic') postscript: 'TheWorldMainDockingBar updateInstances. "For more fine-granular visual settings."'!