The Trunk: Morphic-mt.1264.mcz

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The Trunk: Morphic-mt.1264.mcz

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-mt.1264
Author: mt
Time: 12 August 2016, 10:26:01.261343 am
UUID: 0c9f94c5-23b0-d44d-963c-4b70b7a58be9
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1263

Use #sorted: instead of #sortBy: to better indicate that it is a copy and not an in-place update like #sort:.

=============== Diff against Morphic-mt.1263 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileDirectoryWrapper>>contents (in category 'accessing') -----
+ ^((model directoryNamesFor: item) sorted: [ :a :b | a caseInsensitiveLessOrEqual: b]) collect: [ :n |
- ^((model directoryNamesFor: item) sortBy: [ :a :b | a caseInsensitiveLessOrEqual: b]) collect: [ :n |
  FileDirectoryWrapper with: (item directoryNamed: n) name: n model: self

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PasteUpMorph>>sortSubmorphsBy: (in category 'viewing') -----
  sortSubmorphsBy: sortOrderSymbol
  "Sort the receiver's submorphs by the criterion indicated in the provided symbol"
  self invalidRect: self fullBounds.
+ submorphs := submorphs sorted: [:a :b | (a perform: sortOrderSymbol) <= (b perform: sortOrderSymbol)].
- submorphs := submorphs sortBy:[:a :b | (a perform: sortOrderSymbol) <= (b perform: sortOrderSymbol)].
  self layoutChanged.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TheWorldMainDockingBar>>themesAndWindowColorsOn: (in category 'submenu - extras') -----
  themesAndWindowColorsOn: menu
  | themes |
+ themes := UserInterfaceTheme allThemes asArray sorted: [:t1 :t2 |
- themes := UserInterfaceTheme allThemes asArray sortBy: [:t1 :t2 |
  t1 name <= t2 name].
  menu addItem:[:item|
  contents: (Model useColorfulWindows ifTrue: ['<yes>'] ifFalse: ['<no>']), 'Colorful Windows' translated;
  target: self;
  selector: #toggleColorfulWindows].
  menu addItem:[:item|
  contents: (SystemWindow gradientWindow not ifTrue: ['<yes>'] ifFalse: ['<no>']), 'Flat Widget Look' translated;
  target: self;
  selector: #toggleGradients].
  menu addLine.
  menu addItem:[:item |
  contents: (((Preferences valueOfFlag: #menuAppearance3d ifAbsent: [false]) and: [Morph useSoftDropShadow]) ifTrue: ['<yes>'] ifFalse: ['<no>']), 'Soft Shadows' translated;
  target: self;
  selector: #toggleSoftShadows].
  menu addItem:[:item |
  contents: (((Preferences valueOfFlag: #menuAppearance3d ifAbsent: [false]) and: [Morph useSoftDropShadow not]) ifTrue: ['<yes>'] ifFalse: ['<no>']), 'Hard Shadows' translated;
  target: self;
  selector: #toggleHardShadows].
  menu addLine.
  menu addItem:[:item |
  contents: (SystemWindow roundedWindowCorners ifTrue: ['<yes>'] ifFalse: ['<no>']), 'Rounded Window/Dialog/Menu Look' translated;
  target: self;
  selector: #toggleRoundedWindowLook].
  menu addItem:[:item |
  contents: (PluggableButtonMorph roundedButtonCorners ifTrue: ['<yes>'] ifFalse: ['<no>']), 'Rounded Button/Scrollbar Look' translated;
  target: self;
  selector: #toggleRoundedButtonLook].
  menu addLine.
  themes ifEmpty: [
  menu addItem: [ :item |
  contents: '(No UI themes found.)' translated;
  isEnabled: false ] ].
  themes do: [ :each |
  menu addItem: [ :item |
  contents: (UserInterfaceTheme current == each ifTrue: ['<yes>'] ifFalse: ['<no>']), each name;
  target: each;
  selector: #apply ] ].
  add: 'Edit Current UI Theme...' target: self selector: #editCurrentTheme.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TheWorldMenu>>alphabeticalMorphMenu (in category 'construction') -----
  | list splitLists menu firstChar lastChar subMenu |
  list := Morph withAllSubclasses select: [:m | m includeInNewMorphMenu].
+ list := list sorted: [:c1 :c2 | c1 name < c2 name].
- list := list asArray sortBy: [:c1 :c2 | c1 name < c2 name].
  splitLists := self splitNewMorphList: list depth: 3.
  menu := MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self.
  1 to: splitLists size
  [:i |
  firstChar := i = 1
  ifTrue: [$A]
  [((splitLists at: i - 1) last name first asInteger + 1)
  lastChar := i = splitLists size
  ifTrue: [$Z]
  ifFalse: [(splitLists at: i) last name first].
  subMenu := MenuMorph new.
  (splitLists at: i) do:
  [:cl |
  add: cl name
  target: self
  selector: #newMorphOfClass:event:
  argument: cl].
  menu add: firstChar asString , ' - ' , lastChar asString subMenu: subMenu].