The Trunk: Morphic-mt.1283.mcz

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The Trunk: Morphic-mt.1283.mcz

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-mt.1283
Author: mt
Time: 16 August 2016, 10:26:56.894039 am
UUID: 193d4a20-8085-d040-a108-f7b7747f14bf
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1282

This fixes a bug that became clear in UserInputEventTests where ActiveWorld was broken after these tests ran.

Due to the latest refactorings in the Project mechanism, we can implement the set/clear of ActiveWorld, ActiveHand, and ActiveEvent more safely.

Tell me if I am mistaken, but #ensure: should not slow down event dispatch to a notable extent -- not even on ARM platforms.

=============== Diff against Morphic-mt.1282 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: HandMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: (in category 'initialization') -----
+ becomeActiveDuring: aBlock
+ "Make the receiver the ActiveHand during the evaluation of aBlock."
+ | priorHand |
+ priorHand := ActiveHand.
+ ActiveHand := self.
+ ^ aBlock ensure: [ActiveHand := priorHand].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear: (in category 'private events') -----
  sendEvent: anEvent focus: focusHolder clear: aBlock
  "Send the event to the morph currently holding the focus, or if none to the owner of the hand."
+ | result w |
- | result |
  focusHolder ifNotNil:[^self sendFocusEvent: anEvent to: focusHolder clear: aBlock].
+ w := self world.
+ w becomeActiveDuring: [
+ self becomeActiveDuring: [
+ anEvent becomeActiveDuring: [
+ result := w processEvent: anEvent]]].
- ActiveEvent := anEvent.
- [result := owner processEvent: anEvent]
- ensure: [ActiveEvent := nil].
  ^ result == #rejected ifTrue: [anEvent] ifFalse: [result "filtered event"]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: (in category 'private events') -----
  sendFocusEvent: anEvent to: focusHolder clear: aBlock
  "Send the event to the morph currently holding the focus"
  | result w |
+ w := focusHolder world ifNil: [aBlock value. ^ anEvent].
+ w becomeActiveDuring: [
+ self becomeActiveDuring: [
+ anEvent becomeActiveDuring: [
+ result := focusHolder processFocusEvent: anEvent]]].
- w := focusHolder world ifNil:[aBlock value. ^ anEvent].
- w becomeActiveDuring:[
- ActiveHand := self.
- ActiveEvent := anEvent.
- result := focusHolder processFocusEvent: anEvent.
- ].
  ^ result == #rejected ifTrue: [anEvent] ifFalse: [result "filtered event"]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MorphicEvent>>becomeActiveDuring: (in category 'initialize') -----
+ becomeActiveDuring: aBlock
+ "Make the receiver the ActiveEvent during the evaluation of aBlock."
+ | priorEvent |
+ priorEvent := ActiveEvent.
+ ActiveEvent := self.
+ ^ aBlock ensure: [ActiveEvent := priorEvent].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MorphicProject>>exportSegmentWithChangeSet:fileName:directory: (in category 'file in/out') -----
  exportSegmentWithChangeSet: aChangeSetOrNil fileName: aFileName
  directory: aDirectory
  "Store my project out on the disk as an *exported*
  ImageSegment.  All outPointers will be in a form that can be resolved
  in the target image.  Name it <project name>.extSeg.  Whatdo we do
  about subProjects, especially if they are out as local image
  segments?  Force them to come in?
  Player classes are included automatically."
  | is str ans revertSeg roots holder collector fd mgr stacks |
  "Files out a changeSet first, so that a project can contain
  its own classes"
  world ifNil: [^ false].
  world presenter ifNil: [^ false].
  ScrapBook default emptyScrapBook.
  world currentHand pasteBuffer: nil.  "don't write the paste buffer."
  world currentHand mouseOverHandler initialize.  "forget about any
  references here"
  "Display checkCurrentHandForObjectToPaste."
  Command initialize.
  world clearCommandHistory.
  world fullReleaseCachedState; releaseViewers.
  world cleanseStepList.
  world localFlapTabs size = world flapTabs size ifFalse: [
  self error: 'Still holding onto Global flaps'].
  world releaseSqueakPages.
  holder := Project allProjects. "force them in to outPointers, where
  DiskProxys are made"
  "Just export me, not my previous version"
  revertSeg := self parameterAt: #revertToMe.
  self removeParameter: #revertToMe.
  roots := OrderedCollection new.
  roots add: self; add: world; add: transcript; add: aChangeSetOrNil; add: thumbnail; add: world activeHand.
  "; addAll: classList; addAll: (classList collect: [:cls | cls class])"
  roots := roots reject: [ :x | x isNil]. "early saves may not have
  active hand or thumbnail"
  fd := aDirectory directoryNamed: self resourceDirectoryName.
  fd assureExistence.
  "Clean up resource references before writing out"
  mgr := self resourceManager.
  self resourceManager: nil.
  ResourceCollector current: ResourceCollector new.
  ResourceCollector current localDirectory: fd.
  ResourceCollector current baseUrl: self resourceUrl.
  ResourceCollector current initializeFrom: mgr.
  ProgressNotification signal: '2:findingResources' extra:
  '(collecting resources...)' translated.
  "Must activate old world because this is run at #armsLength.
  Otherwise references to ActiveWorld, ActiveHand, or ActiveEvent
  will not be captured correctly if referenced from blocks or user code."
+ world becomeActiveDuring: [world firstHand becomeActiveDuring: [
- world becomeActiveDuring:[
  is := ImageSegment new copySmartRootsExport: roots asArray.
  "old way was (is := ImageSegment new
  copyFromRootsForExport: roots asArray)"
+ ]].
- ].
  self resourceManager: mgr.
  collector := ResourceCollector current.
  ResourceCollector current: nil.
  ProgressNotification signal: '2:foundResources' extra: ''.
  is state = #tooBig ifTrue: [
  collector replaceAll.
  ^ false].
  str := ''.
  "considered legal to save a project that has never been entered"
  (is outPointers includes: world) ifTrue: [
  str := str, '\Project''s own world is not in the segment.' translated withCRs].
  str isEmpty ifFalse: [
  ans := UIManager default chooseFrom: {
  'Do not write file' translated.
  'Write file anyway' translated.
  'Debug' translated.
  } title: str.
  ans = 1 ifTrue: [
  revertSeg ifNotNil: [projectParameters at:
  #revertToMe put: revertSeg].
  collector replaceAll.
  ^ false].
  ans = 3 ifTrue: [
  collector replaceAll.
  self halt: 'Segment not written' translated]].
  stacks := is findStacks.
  writeForExportWithSources: aFileName
  inDirectory: fd
  changeSet: aChangeSetOrNil.
  SecurityManager default signFile: aFileName directory: fd.
  "Compress all files and update check sums"
  collector forgetObsolete.
  self storeResourceList: collector in: fd.
  self storeHtmlPageIn: fd.
  self storeManifestFileIn: fd.
  self writeStackText: stacks in: fd registerIn: collector.
  "local proj.005.myStack.t"
  self compressFilesIn: fd to: aFileName in: aDirectory
  resources: collector.
  "also deletes the resource directory"
  "Now update everything that we know about"
  mgr updateResourcesFrom: collector.
  revertSeg ifNotNil: [projectParameters at: #revertToMe put: revertSeg].
  collector replaceAll.
  world flapTabs do: [:ft |
  (ft respondsTo: #unhibernate) ifTrue: [ft unhibernate]].
  is arrayOfRoots do: [:obj |
  obj isScriptEditorMorph ifTrue: [obj unhibernate]].
  ^ true

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: (in category 'initialization') -----
  becomeActiveDuring: aBlock
+ "Make the receiver the ActiveWorld during the evaluation of aBlock."
+ | priorWorld |
- "Make the receiver the ActiveWorld during the evaluation of aBlock.
- Note that this method does deliberately *not* use #ensure: to prevent
- re-installation of the world on project switches."
- | priorWorld priorHand priorEvent |
  priorWorld := ActiveWorld.
- priorHand := ActiveHand.
- priorEvent := ActiveEvent.
  ActiveWorld := self.
+ ^ aBlock ensure: [ActiveWorld := priorWorld].!
- ActiveHand := self hands first. "default"
- ActiveEvent := nil. "not in event cycle"
- aBlock
- on: Error
- do: [:ex |
- ActiveWorld := priorWorld.
- ActiveEvent := priorEvent.
- ActiveHand := priorHand.
- ex pass]!