Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-mt.1383
Author: mt
Time: 21 December 2017, 9:28:24.688535 pm
UUID: fb18b808-6654-884a-a1cf-d00df8f2755d
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1382
Fixes a rare bug in text selections. NewParagraph >> #selectionRectsFrom:to: did not honor the contract as of NewParagraph >> #lineIndexOfCharacterIndex:, which is never use a line index < 1.
=============== Diff against Morphic-mt.1382 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: NewParagraph>>selectionRectsFrom:to: (in category 'selection') -----
selectionRectsFrom: characterBlock1 to: characterBlock2
"Return an array of rectangles representing the area between the two character blocks given as arguments."
| line1 line2 rects cb1 cb2 w |
characterBlock1 <= characterBlock2
ifTrue: [cb1 := characterBlock1. cb2 := characterBlock2]
ifFalse: [cb2 := characterBlock1. cb1 := characterBlock2].
cb1 = cb2 ifTrue:
[w := self caretWidth.
^ Array with: (cb1 topLeft - (w@0) corner: cb1 bottomLeft + ((w+1)@0))].
line1 := self lineIndexOfCharacterIndex: cb1 stringIndex.
line2 := self lineIndexOfCharacterIndex: cb2 stringIndex.
cb1 top = (lines at: line1) top
["a word did not fit on prev line - start selection on prev line"
+ line1 := line1 - 1 max: 1].
- line1 := line1 - 1].
line1 = line2 ifTrue:
[^ Array with: (cb1 topLeft corner: cb2 bottomRight)].
rects := OrderedCollection new.
rects addLast: (cb1 topLeft corner: (lines at: line1) bottomRight).
line1+1 to: line2-1 do: [ :i |
| line |
line := lines at: i.
(line left = rects last left and: [ line right = rects last right ])
ifTrue: [ "new line has same margins as old one -- merge them, so that the caller gets as few rectangles as possible"
| lastRect |
lastRect := rects removeLast.
rects add: (lastRect bottom: line bottom) ]
ifFalse: [ "differing margins; cannot merge"
rects add: line rectangle ] ].
rects addLast: ((lines at: line2) topLeft corner: cb2 bottomLeft).
^ rects!