The Trunk: Morphic-mt.1609.mcz

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The Trunk: Morphic-mt.1609.mcz

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-mt.1609
Author: mt
Time: 17 December 2019, 12:00:26.280485 pm
UUID: 0b40ea06-1636-2a4b-b28a-a1a284d7730f
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1608

Fixes the debugging output of keyboard events.

Do not print the key character for key up/down anymore because those are just low-level, platform-dependent key codes in our current OpenSmalltalk VM.

Only for key-stroke events, print those characters because those are platform independent.

=============== Diff against Morphic-mt.1608 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: HandMorph>>showEvent: (in category 'events-debugging') -----
  showEvent: anEvent
  "Show details about the event on the display form. Useful for debugging."
  | message borderWidth |
  ShowEvents == true ifFalse: [^ self].
  borderWidth := 5.
  message := String streamContents: [:strm |
  nextPutAll: '[HandMorph >> #showEvent:]'; cr;
  nextPutAll: 'event'; tab; tab; tab; tab; nextPutAll: anEvent printString; cr;
+ nextPutAll: 'keyboard focus'; tab; tab; nextPutAll: self keyboardFocus printString; cr;
- nextPutAll: 'keyboard focus'; tab; nextPutAll: self keyboardFocus printString; cr;
  nextPutAll: 'mouse focus'; tab; tab; nextPutAll: self mouseFocus printString].
  message := message asDisplayText
  foregroundColor: Color black
  backgroundColor: Color white.
  "Offset to support multiple hands debugging."
  Display fill: (0 @ 0 extent: message form extent + (borderWidth asPoint * 2)) rule: Form over fillColor: Color white.
  message displayOn: Display at: borderWidth asPoint + (0 @  ((owner hands indexOf: self) - 1 * message form height)).!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: KeyboardEvent>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
  printOn: aStream
  "Print the receiver on a stream"
  aStream nextPut: $[.
  aStream nextPutAll: self cursorPoint printString; space.
+ aStream nextPutAll: type; space.
+ self isKeystroke ifTrue: [
+ aStream nextPutAll: ''''.
+ self printKeyStringOn: aStream.
+ aStream nextPut: $'; space].
- aStream nextPutAll: type; nextPutAll: ' '''.
- self printKeyStringOn: aStream.
- aStream nextPut: $'; space.
  aStream nextPut: $(.
  aStream nextPutAll: keyValue printString.
  aStream nextPut: $); space.
  aStream nextPutAll: timeStamp printString.
  aStream nextPut: $]!