The Trunk: Morphic-mt.1644.mcz

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The Trunk: Morphic-mt.1644.mcz

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-mt.1644
Author: mt
Time: 15 April 2020, 3:08:24.191047 pm
UUID: 230c1e8d-5cad-1d44-a3db-29bc3887e602
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1643

Revising the latest fix in TableLayout. Thanks to Levente for pointing this out. There is no benefit in renaming "arrangement" into "cells".

=============== Diff against Morphic-mt.1643 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TableLayout>>computeExtraSpacing:in:horizontal:target: (in category 'layout') -----
  computeExtraSpacing: arrangement in: newBounds horizontal: aBool target: aMorph
  "Compute the required extra spacing for laying out the cells"
  "match newBounds extent with arrangement's orientation"
  | extent extra centering n extraPerCell cell last hFill vFill max amount allow |
  extent := newBounds extent.
  aBool ifFalse: [extent := extent transposed].
  "figure out if we have any horizontal or vertical space fillers"
  hFill := vFill := false.
  max := 0 @ 0.
  arrangement do:
  [:c |
  max := (max x max: c cellSize x) @ (max y + c cellSize y).
  max := max max: c cellSize.
  hFill := hFill or: [c hSpaceFill].
  vFill := vFill or: [c vSpaceFill]].
  "Take client's shrink wrap constraints into account.
  Note: these are only honored when there are no #spaceFill children,
  or when #rubberBandCells is set."
  allow := properties rubberBandCells not.
  aMorph hResizing == #shrinkWrap
  ifTrue: [allow & hFill ifFalse: [extent := max x @ (max y max: extent y)]]
  ifFalse: [allow & vFill ifFalse: [extent := (max x max: extent x) @ max y]]].
  aMorph vResizing == #shrinkWrap
  ifFalse: [allow & hFill ifFalse: [extent := max x @ (max y max: extent y)]]
  ifTrue: [allow & vFill ifFalse: [extent := (max x max: extent x) @ max y]]].
  "Now compute the extra v space"
  extra := extent y
  - (arrangement inject: 0 into: [:sum :c | sum + c cellSize y]).
  extra > 0
  ["Check if we have any #spaceFillers"
  ["use only #spaceFillers"
  n := arrangement inject: 0
  into: [:sum :c | c vSpaceFill ifTrue: [sum + 1] ifFalse: [sum]].
  n isZero ifFalse: [extraPerCell := extra asFloat / n asFloat].
  extra := last := 0.
  arrangement do:
  [:c |
  c vSpaceFill
  [extra := (last := extra) + extraPerCell.
  amount := 0 @ (extra truncated - last truncated).
  c do: [:cc | cc cellSize: cc cellSize + amount]]]]
  ["no #spaceFillers; distribute regularly"
  centering := properties wrapCentering.
  "centering == #topLeft ifTrue:[]." "add all extra space to the last cell; e.g., do nothing"
  centering == #bottomRight
  ["add all extra space to the first cell"
+ arrangement ifNotEmpty: [arrangement first addExtraSpace: 0 @ extra]].
- arrangement ifNotEmpty: [:cells | cells first addExtraSpace: 0 @ extra]].
  centering == #center
  ["add 1/2 extra space to the first and last cell"
+ arrangement ifNotEmpty: [arrangement first addExtraSpace: 0 @ (extra // 2)]].
- arrangement ifNotEmpty: [:cells | cells first addExtraSpace: 0 @ (extra // 2)]].
  centering == #justified
  ["add extra space equally distributed to each cell"
  n := arrangement size - 1 max: 1.
  extraPerCell := extra asFloat / n asFloat.
  extra := last := 0.
  arrangement do:
  [:c |
  c addExtraSpace: 0 @ (extra truncated - last truncated).
  extra := (last := extra) + extraPerCell]]]].
  "Now compute the extra space for the primary direction"
  centering := properties listCentering.
  1 to: arrangement size
  [:i |
  cell := arrangement at: i.
  extra := extent x - cell cellSize x.
  extra > 0
  ["Check if we have any #spaceFillers"
  cell := cell nextCell.
  cell hSpaceFill
  ["use only #spaceFillers"
  n := cell inject: 0
  into: [:sum :c | c hSpaceFill ifTrue: [sum + c target spaceFillWeight] ifFalse: [sum]].
  n isZero ifFalse: [extraPerCell := extra asFloat / n asFloat].
  extra := last := 0.
  cell do:
  [:c |
  c hSpaceFill
  [extra := (last := extra) + (extraPerCell * c target spaceFillWeight).
  amount := extra truncated - last truncated.
  c cellSize: c cellSize + (amount @ 0)]]]
  ["no #spaceFiller; distribute regularly"
  "centering == #topLeft ifTrue:[]" "add all extra space to the last cell; e.g., do nothing"
  centering == #bottomRight
  ["add all extra space to the first cell"
  cell addExtraSpace: extra @ 0].
  centering == #center
  ["add 1/2 extra space to the first and last cell"
  cell addExtraSpace: (extra // 2) @ 0].
  centering == #justified
  ["add extra space equally distributed to each cell"
  n := cell size - 1 max: 1.
  extraPerCell := extra asFloat / n asFloat.
  extra := last := 0.
  cell do:
  [:c |
  c addExtraSpace: (extra truncated - last truncated) @ 0.
  extra := (last := extra) + extraPerCell]]]]]!