Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-mt.1700
Author: mt
Time: 14 October 2020, 1:50:17.463569 pm
UUID: a72563b1-c6ff-f943-8d4d-e25020cbb89c
Ancestors: Morphic-eem.1699
Rename #collectWithIndex: to #withIndexCollect:. See Diff against Morphic-eem.1699 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: SequenceableCollection>>segmentedSlopes (in category '*Morphic-NewCurves-cubic support') -----
"For a collection of floats. Returns the slopes for straight
segments between vertices."
"last slope closes the polygon. Always return same size as
self. "
^ self
+ withIndexCollect: [:x :i | (self atWrap: i + 1)
- collectWithIndex: [:x :i | (self atWrap: i + 1)
- x]!
Item was changed:
----- Method: TextEditor>>changeEmphasisOrAlignment (in category 'attributes') -----
| aList reply code align menuList startIndex |
startIndex := self startIndex.
aList := #(normal bold italic narrow underlined struckOut leftFlush centered rightFlush justified).
align := paragraph text alignmentAt: startIndex
ifAbsent: [ paragraph textStyle alignment ].
code := paragraph text emphasisAt: startIndex.
menuList := WriteStream on: Array new.
menuList nextPut: (code isZero ifTrue:['<on>'] ifFalse:['<off>']), 'normal' translated.
menuList nextPutAll: (#(bold italic underlined struckOut) collect:[:emph|
(code anyMask: (TextEmphasis perform: emph) emphasisCode)
ifTrue: [ '<on>', emph asString translated ]
ifFalse: [ '<off>',emph asString translated ]]).
((paragraph text attributesAt: startIndex)
anySatisfy: [ :attr | attr isKern and: [attr kern < 0 ]])
ifTrue: [ menuList nextPut:'<on>', 'narrow' translated ]
ifFalse: [ menuList nextPut:'<off>', 'narrow' translated ].
+ menuList nextPutAll: (#(leftFlush centered rightFlush justified) withIndexCollect: [ :type :i |
- menuList nextPutAll: (#(leftFlush centered rightFlush justified) collectWithIndex: [ :type :i |
align = (i-1)
ifTrue: [ '<on>',type asString translated ]
ifFalse: [ '<off>',type asString translated ]]).
aList := #(normal bold italic underlined struckOut narrow leftFlush centered rightFlush justified).
reply := UIManager default chooseFrom: menuList contents values: aList lines: #(1 6).
reply notNil ifTrue: [
(#(leftFlush centered rightFlush justified) includes: reply)
ifTrue: [
self setAlignment: reply.
paragraph composeAll.
self recomputeSelection]
ifFalse: [
self setEmphasis: reply.
paragraph composeAll.
self recomputeSelection]].
^ true!