Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-mt.1712
Author: mt
Time: 4 November 2020, 4:45:33.94762 pm
UUID: 532fbef4-796e-f342-9302-d1c0731146b7
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1711
Fixes dropping for non-world paste-up morphs.
=============== Diff against Morphic-mt.1711 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: PasteUpMorph>>morphToDropFrom: (in category 'dropping/grabbing') -----
morphToDropFrom: aMorph
"Given a morph being carried by the hand which the hand is about to drop, answer the actual morph to be deposited. Normally this would be just the morph itself, but several unusual cases arise, which this method is designed to service."
| aNail representee handy posBlock |
+ handy := self isWorldMorph
+ ifTrue: [self primaryHand]
+ ifFalse: [self currentHand].
- handy := self primaryHand.
posBlock :=
[:z | | tempPos |
tempPos := handy position
- ((handy targetOffset - aMorph formerPosition)
* (z extent / aMorph extent)) rounded.
self pointFromWorld: tempPos].
self alwaysShowThumbnail
[aNail := aMorph
representativeNoTallerThan: self maxHeightToAvoidThumbnailing
norWiderThan: self maximumThumbnailWidth
thumbnailHeight: self heightForThumbnails.
aNail == aMorph
[aMorph formerPosition: aMorph position.
aNail position: (posBlock value: aNail)].
((aMorph isKindOf: MorphThumbnail)
and: [(representee := aMorph morphRepresented) owner isNil])
[representee position: (posBlock value: representee).
self showingListView
listViewLineForFieldList: (self valueOfProperty: #fieldListSelectors)].
(aMorph hasProperty: #newPermanentScript)
ifTrue: [^aMorph asEmptyPermanentScriptor].
((aMorph isPhraseTileMorph) or: [aMorph isSyntaxMorph])
ifFalse: [^aMorph morphToDropInPasteUp: self].
aMorph userScriptSelector isEmptyOrNil
self automaticPhraseExpansion ifFalse: [^aMorph]].
^aMorph morphToDropInPasteUp: self!