Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Morphic-mt.1740 Author: mt Time: 11 March 2021, 2:11:59.965436 pm UUID: 3512b5b2-7e73-134e-ae42-dfedc359858f Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1739 Minor clean-up in initial halo dispatch: - Do not ask for #handlesMouseDown: but only #wantsHaloFromClick. - Do not rely on aContainer being the actual world (e.g. aPasteUp) but maybe any (inner) container. - Leave two assertions as documentation. Effective rules for halo dispatch not changed. The bug with protruding submorphs is still present. =============== Diff against Morphic-mt.1739 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: MorphicHaloDispatcher>>dispatchHalo:createFor: (in category 'dispatching') ----- + dispatchHalo: anEvent createFor: aContainer + "Invoke a halo on any aContainer's submorph that wants it. Dispatch uses anEvent's #position. The dispatch only ends in that container if no other morph wants it. Note that the event's #shiftPressed state determines whether the dispatch goes innermost-to-outermost (if pressed) or the other way around (if not pressed). + + If there already is a halo, check whether the event still points into the same hierarchy. If it does, do nothing here but rely on the halo itself to process the event (see implementors of #transferHalo:from:). If, however, the event points to a different hierarchy in the container, invoke a new halo and discard the current one. We do this here because the current halo should not bother with its container but only its #target." - dispatchHalo: anEvent createFor: aMorph - "Invoke halos around the top-most world container at aUserInputEvent's #position. If it was already halo'd, zero-in on its next inward component morph at that position. Holding Shift during the click reverses this traversal order." | stack innermost haloTarget | + "The stack is the frontmost (i.e. innermost) to backmost (i.e. outermost) morph." + stack := (aContainer morphsAt: anEvent position unlocked: true) select: + [ : each | each wantsHaloFromClick ]. + "self assert: [ stack last == aContainer ]." - "the stack is the top-most morph to bottom-most." - stack := (aMorph morphsAt: anEvent position unlocked: true) select: - [ : each | each wantsHaloFromClick or: [ each handlesMouseDown: anEvent ] ]. innermost := anEvent hand halo ifNil: [ stack first ] ifNotNil: + [ : existingHalo | + "self assert: [ existingHalo wantsHaloFromClick not ]. " + stack + detect: [ : each | each owner == aContainer ] - [ : existingHalo | - (stack := stack copyWithout: existingHalo) "No halos on halos" - detect: [ : each | each owner == aMorph ] ifFound: + [ : topInContainer | "Is existingHalo's target part of the same topInContainer as the morph clicked?" + (existingHalo target withAllOwners includes: topInContainer) - [ : worldContainer | "Is existingHalo's target part of the same worldContainer as the morph clicked?" - (existingHalo target withAllOwners includes: worldContainer) ifTrue: [ "same hierarchy, let #transferHalo: continue to handle it for now." ^ false ] ifFalse: [ "different hierarchy, remove + add." anEvent hand removeHalo. anEvent shiftPressed ifTrue: [ stack first ] + ifFalse: [ topInContainer ] ] ] - ifFalse: [ worldContainer ] ] ] ifNone: [ "existingHalo is on the World, defer to #transferHalo: for now." ^ false ] ]. "If modifier key is pressed, start at innermost (the target), otherwise the outermost (direct child of the world (self))." + haloTarget := (innermost == aContainer or: [ anEvent shiftPressed ]) - haloTarget := (innermost == aMorph or: [anEvent shiftPressed]) ifTrue: [ innermost ] ifFalse: + [ "Find the outermost owner that wants it. Ignore containment above aContainer." + stack := innermost withAllOwners. + (stack first: (stack findFirst: [ : each | each owner == aContainer ])) reversed - [ "Find the outermost owner that wants it." - innermost withAllOwners reversed allButFirst detect: [ : each | each wantsHaloFromClick ] ifNone: [ "haloTarget has its own mouseDown handler, don't halo." ^ false ] ]. "Now that we have the haloTarget, show the halo." self invokeHaloOrMove: anEvent on: haloTarget. ^ true! |
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