Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-mt.816
Author: mt
Time: 3 April 2015, 5:14:40.868 pm
UUID: c018e1dd-f91a-be40-b8ec-79da02e93bb2
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.815
Removed #duller-hack from SystemWindow and thus extended main docking bar to offer "normal window colors", which are the old bright ones but duller.
Please use the "Extras -> Window Colors"-menu if this update messes up your colors, i.e., makes them too bright.
Note: The small icons in the Tools menu may now also appear darker than usual, which is correct, because they represent the actual window color.
=============== Diff against Morphic-mt.815 ===============
Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: SystemWindow>>paneColor (in category 'colors') -----
- ----- Method: SystemWindow>>paneColor (in category 'panes') -----
| cc |
(cc := self valueOfProperty: #paneColor) ifNotNil: [^cc].
Display depth > 2
[model ifNotNil:
[model isInMemory
+ [cc := Color colorFrom: model defaultBackgroundColor]].
- [cc := Color colorFrom: model defaultBackgroundColor.
- cc := (cc = Color lightYellow or: [cc = Color white])
- ifTrue: [Color gray: 0.67]
- ifFalse: [cc duller]]].
cc ifNil: [cc := paneMorphs isEmptyOrNil ifFalse: [paneMorphs first color]]].
cc ifNil: [cc := self defaultBackgroundColor].
self paneColor: cc.
Item was changed:
----- Method: TheWorldMainDockingBar>>windowColorsOn: (in category 'construction') -----
windowColorsOn: menu
menu addItem:[:item|
+ contents: 'Gray Windows' translated;
- contents: 'Uniform Windows' translated;
help: 'Use uniform window colors' translated;
target: Preferences;
selector: #installUniformWindowColors].
menu addItem:[:item|
contents: 'Colorful Windows' translated;
+ help: 'Use normal window colors' translated;
+ target: Preferences;
+ selector: #installNormalWindowColors].
+ menu addLine.
+ menu addItem:[:item|
+ item
+ contents: 'Bright-colored Windows' translated;
help: 'Use bright window colors' translated;
target: Preferences;
selector: #installBrightWindowColors].
+ menu addItem:[:item|
+ item
+ contents: 'Pastel-colored Windows' translated;
+ help: 'Use pastel window colors' translated;
+ target: Preferences;
+ selector: #installPastelWindowColors].