Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Morphic-mt.847 Author: mt Time: 9 April 2015, 11:38:46.961 am UUID: 5a0bfd2b-a16b-934e-9d8f-5ddf580203dc Ancestors: Morphic-mt.846 Compatibility fix: made menuMorph lazy initialized. =============== Diff against Morphic-mt.846 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: ScrollBar>>boundsForUpButton (in category 'initialize') ----- boundsForUpButton + ^ (self menuButton visible - ^ (menuButton visible ifFalse: [self innerBounds topLeft] ifTrue: [bounds isWide + ifTrue: [self menuButton bounds topRight - (1@0)] + ifFalse: [self menuButton bounds bottomLeft - (0@1)]]) - ifTrue: [menuButton bounds topRight - (1@0)] - ifFalse: [menuButton bounds bottomLeft - (0@1)]]) extent: self buttonExtent! Item was changed: ----- Method: ScrollBar>>hasButtons (in category 'testing') ----- hasButtons + ^ (self menuButton visible or: [upButton visible]) or: [downButton visible]! - ^ (menuButton visible or: [upButton visible]) or: [downButton visible]! Item was added: + ----- Method: ScrollBar>>menuButton (in category 'access') ----- + menuButton + + ^ menuButton ifNil: [menuButton := RectangleMorph new]! Item was changed: ----- Method: ScrollBar>>minExtent (in category 'geometry') ----- minExtent "The minimum extent is that of 2 or 3 buttons in a row or column, the 'up' and 'down' button and optionally the 'menu' button." | btns cnt | btns := 2. + self menuButton visible ifTrue: [ - menuButton visible ifTrue: [ btns := btns + 1]. cnt := 1@btns. "assume vertical layout" self bounds isWide ifTrue: [cnt := cnt transposed]. ^ upButton minExtent * cnt! Item was changed: ----- Method: ScrollBar>>sliderColor: (in category 'access') ----- sliderColor: aColor "Change the color of the scrollbar to go with aColor." | buttonColor | super sliderColor: aColor. self updateSliderColor: aColor. buttonColor := self thumbColor. + self menuButton color: buttonColor. - menuButton color: buttonColor. upButton color: buttonColor. downButton color: buttonColor. + self class updateScrollBarButtonsAspect: {self menuButton. upButton. downButton} color: buttonColor. - self class updateScrollBarButtonsAspect: {menuButton. upButton. downButton} color: buttonColor. self updateMenuButtonImage. self updateUpButtonImage. self updateDownButtonImage.! Item was changed: ----- Method: ScrollBar>>totalSliderArea (in category 'geometry') ----- totalSliderArea | upperReferenceBounds lowerReferenceBounds | + upperReferenceBounds := (upButton visible ifFalse: [self menuButton visible ifTrue: [self menuButton] ifFalse: [nil]] ifTrue: [upButton]) - upperReferenceBounds := (upButton visible ifFalse: [menuButton visible ifTrue: [menuButton] ifFalse: [nil]] ifTrue: [upButton]) ifNil: [self topLeft corner: (bounds isWide ifTrue: [self bottomLeft + (1@0)] ifFalse: [self topRight + (0@1)])] ifNotNil: [:button | button bounds]. lowerReferenceBounds := downButton visible ifFalse: [(bounds isWide ifTrue: [self topRight - (1@0)] ifFalse: [self bottomLeft - (0@1)]) corner: self bottomRight] ifTrue: [downButton bounds]. ^ bounds isWide ifTrue: [upperReferenceBounds topRight - (1@0) corner: lowerReferenceBounds bottomLeft + (1@0)] ifFalse:[upperReferenceBounds bottomLeft - (0@1) corner: lowerReferenceBounds topRight + (0@1)]. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: ScrollBar>>updateMenuButtonImage (in category 'initialize') ----- updateMenuButtonImage "update the receiver's menuButton. put a new image inside" + self menuButton removeAllMorphs. + self menuButton addMorphCentered: (ImageMorph new image: self menuImage).! - menuButton removeAllMorphs. - menuButton addMorphCentered: (ImageMorph new image: self menuImage).! Item was changed: ----- Method: ScrollBar>>updateSlider (in category 'initialize') ----- updateSlider + self menuButton - menuButton visible: (self bounds isWide or: [self class scrollBarsWithoutMenuButton]) not; bounds: self boundsForMenuButton. upButton visible: self class scrollBarsWithoutArrowButtons not; bounds: self boundsForUpButton. downButton visible: self class scrollBarsWithoutArrowButtons not; bounds: self boundsForDownButton. super updateSlider. pagingArea bounds: self totalSliderArea. self expandSlider. ! |
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