Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-mt.857
Author: mt
Time: 10 April 2015, 5:58:47.128 pm
UUID: c2d644ed-3407-5447-b7bb-fa65d4eaaf01
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.856
Some cosmetic changes: do not darken the paneColor in scroll bars', scroll panes', and system windows' so much.
Note: This is a reaction to some feedback to make the non-gradient look more friendlier.
=============== Diff against Morphic-mt.856 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: ScrollBar>>updateSliderColor: (in category 'access') -----
updateSliderColor: aColor
| gradient |
Preferences gradientScrollBars ifFalse: [
+ borderColor: (aColor adjustBrightness: -0.3);
- borderColor: aColor muchDarker;
color: aColor.
borderColor: (aColor muchDarker alpha: pagingArea borderStyle color alpha);
+ color: (aColor darker alpha: 0.35).
- color: (aColor darker alpha: 0.45).
^ self].
slider borderStyle: (BorderStyle width: 1 color: Color lightGray).
"Fill the slider."
gradient := GradientFillStyle ramp: {
0 -> (Color gray: 0.95).
0.49 -> (Color gray: 0.9).
0.5 -> (Color gray: 0.87).
1 -> (Color gray: 0.93).
gradient origin: slider topLeft.
gradient direction: (self bounds isWide
ifTrue:[0@slider height]
ifFalse:[slider width@0]).
slider fillStyle: gradient.
"Fill the paging area."
gradient := GradientFillStyle ramp: {
0 -> (Color gray: 0.65).
0.6 -> (Color gray: 0.82).
1 -> (Color gray: 0.88).
gradient origin: self topLeft.
gradient direction: (self bounds isWide
ifTrue:[0@self height]
ifFalse:[self width@0]).
pagingArea fillStyle: gradient.!
Item was changed:
----- Method: ScrollPane>>adoptPaneColor: (in category 'access') -----
adoptPaneColor: paneColor
super adoptPaneColor: paneColor.
"May not be in the hierarchy at the moment."
scrollBar adoptPaneColor: paneColor.
hScrollBar adoptPaneColor: paneColor.
+ paneColor ifNotNil: [:c | self borderColor: (c adjustBrightness: -0.3)].!
- paneColor ifNotNil: [:c | self borderColor: c muchDarker].!
Item was changed:
----- Method: SystemWindow>>setStripeColorsFrom: (in category 'colors handling') -----
setStripeColorsFrom: paneColor
"Set the stripe color based on the given paneColor"
labelArea ifNotNil: [labelArea color: Color transparent].
self updateBoxesColor: paneColor.
stripes ifNil: [^self].
+ self borderColor: (paneColor adjustBrightness: -0.3).
- self borderColor: paneColor muchDarker.
self class gradientWindow
ifTrue: [self fillStyle: (self gradientWithColor: paneColor)]
ifFalse: [self color: paneColor].!