Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-mt.888
Author: mt
Time: 16 April 2015, 10:37:04.657 pm
UUID: c81a4afe-43a2-464a-b930-ae7e3ac544ab
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.887
Restored minimal thumb size to be grabbable again --- even for large lists.
=============== Diff against Morphic-mt.887 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: ScrollBar>>expandSlider (in category 'geometry') -----
"Compute the new size of the slider (use the old sliderThickness as a minimum)."
| r |
r := self totalSliderArea.
slider extent: (bounds isWide
+ ifTrue: [(((r width * self interval) asInteger max: self minThumbThickness) min: r width) @ slider height]
+ ifFalse: [slider width @ (((r height * self interval) asInteger max: self minThumbThickness) min: r height)])!
- ifTrue: [((r width * self interval) asInteger max: self minThumbThickness) @ slider height]
- ifFalse: [slider width @ ((r height * self interval) asInteger max: self minThumbThickness)])!
Item was changed:
----- Method: ScrollBar>>minExtent (in category 'geometry') -----
"The minimum extent is that of 2 or 3 buttons in a row or column,
the 'up' and 'down' button and optionally the 'menu' button."
| buttonCount refExtent refBorder |
refExtent := upButton minExtent.
refBorder := upButton borderWidth.
buttonCount := {
upButton visible.
downButton visible.
self menuButton visible. } count: [:ea | ea].
^ self bounds isWide
+ ifTrue: [((buttonCount * refExtent x) - (buttonCount-1 * refBorder)) @ 5]
+ ifFalse: [5 @ ((buttonCount * refExtent y) - (buttonCount-1 * refBorder))]!
- ifTrue: [((buttonCount * refExtent x) + self minThumbThickness - (buttonCount * refBorder)) @ (self borderWidth + 1)]
- ifFalse: [(self borderWidth + 1) @ ((buttonCount * refExtent y) + self minThumbThickness - (buttonCount * refBorder))]!
Item was changed:
----- Method: ScrollBar>>minThumbThickness (in category 'geometry') -----
+ ^ Preferences standardDefaultTextFont height!
- ^ self class scrollBarsWithoutArrowButtons
- ifTrue: [upButton width]
- ifFalse: [slider borderWidth * 3 "each side + center area"]!