The Trunk: Morphic-nice.1133.mcz

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The Trunk: Morphic-nice.1133.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-nice.1133
Author: nice
Time: 3 May 2016, 11:50:28.750899 pm
UUID: 7ee79d7c-f8fb-49ec-8e3b-06d13bc034ee
Ancestors: Morphic-nice.1132

Avoid dependency of Graphics on Morphic just because some Form examples use Morphic.

Couldn't these examples find their place in some kind of Help?

=============== Diff against Morphic-nice.1132 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Form class>>exampleColorSees (in category '*Morphic-examples') -----
+ exampleColorSees
+ "Form exampleColorSees"
+ "First column as above shows the sneaky red/yellow pirate sneaking up on the blue/peach galleon.
+ Second column shows the 1bpp made from the red/yellow/transparent - white -> ignore this, black -> test this
+ Third shows the hit area - where red touches blue - superimposed on the original scene.
+ Fourth column is the tally of hits via the old algorithm
+ Last column shows the tally of hits via the new prim"
+ |formA formB maskA  offset tally map intersection left top dCanvas sensitiveColor soughtColor index|
+ formA := formB := maskA := offset := tally := map := intersection :=  nil. "just to shut up the compiler when testing"
+ ActiveWorld restoreMorphicDisplay; doOneCycle.
+ sensitiveColor := Color red.
+ soughtColor := Color blue.
+ top := 50.
+ dCanvas := FormCanvas on: Display.
+ -50 to: 80 by: 10 do:[:p|
+ offset:= p@0. "vary this to check different states"
+ left := 10.
+ formA := (Form extent: 100@50 depth: 32) asFormOfDepth: 16 "so we can try original forms of other depths".
+ formB := Form extent: 100@50 depth: 32.
+ "make a red square in the middle of the form"
+ (FormCanvas on: formA) fillRectangle: (25@25 extent: 50@5) fillStyle: sensitiveColor.
+ (FormCanvas on: formA) fillRectangle: (25@30 extent: 50@5) fillStyle: Color transparent.
+ (FormCanvas on: formA) fillRectangle: (25@35 extent: 50@50) fillStyle: Color yellow.
+ "formA displayOn: Display at: left@top rule: Form paint.
+ dCanvas frameRectangle: (left@top extent: formA extent) width:2 color: Color green.
+ left := left + 150."
+ "make a blue block on the right half of the form"
+ (FormCanvas on: formB) fillRectangle: (50@0 extent: 50@100) fillStyle: soughtColor.
+ (FormCanvas on: formB) fillRectangle: (60@0 extent: 10@100) fillStyle: Color palePeach.
+ "formB displayOn: Display at: left@top rule: Form paint.
+ dCanvas frameRectangle: (left@top extent: formA extent) width:2 color: Color green.
+ left := left + 150."
+ intersection := (formA boundingBox translateBy: offset) intersect: (formB boundingBox).
+ formB displayOn: Display at: left@top rule: Form paint.
+ formA displayOn: Display at: (left@top) + offset rule: Form paint.
+ dCanvas frameRectangle: (intersection translateBy: left@top) width:2 color: Color green.
+ left := left + 150.
+ maskA := Form extent: intersection extent depth: 1.
+ map := Bitmap new: (1 bitShift: (formA depth min: 15)).
+ map at: (index := sensitiveColor indexInMap: map) put: 1.
+ maskA copyBits: (intersection translateBy:  offset negated) from: formA at: 0@0 colorMap: map.
+ formB displayOn: Display at: left@top rule: Form paint.
+ formA displayOn: Display at: (left@top) + offset rule: Form paint.
+ maskA displayOn: Display at: (left@top) + intersection origin rule: Form paint.
+ dCanvas frameRectangle: (intersection translateBy: left@top) width:2 color: Color green. left := left + 150.
+ "intersect world pixels of the color we're looking for with sensitive pixels mask"
+ map at: index put: 0.  "clear map and reuse it"
+ map at: (soughtColor indexInMap: map) put: 1.
+ maskA
+ copyBits: intersection
+ from: formB at: 0@0 clippingBox: formB boundingBox
+ rule: Form and
+ fillColor: nil
+ map: map.
+ formB displayOn: Display at: left@top rule: Form paint.
+ formA displayOn: Display at: (left@top) + offset rule: Form paint.
+ maskA displayOn: Display at: (left@top) + intersection origin rule: Form paint.
+ dCanvas frameRectangle: (intersection translateBy: left@top) width:2 color: Color green.
+ left := left + 170.
+ (maskA tallyPixelValues at: 2) asString asDisplayText displayOn: Display at: left@(top +20).
+ left := left + 70.
+ "now try using the new primitive"
+ tally := (BitBlt
+ destForm: formB
+ sourceForm: formA
+ fillColor: nil
+ combinationRule: 3 "really ought to work with nil but prim code checks"
+ destOrigin: intersection origin
+ sourceOrigin: (offset negated max: 0@0)
+ extent: intersection extent
+ clipRect: intersection)
+ primCompareColor: ((sensitiveColor pixelValueForDepth: formA depth) ) to: ((soughtColor pixelValueForDepth: formB depth) ) test: (Form compareMatchColor bitOr: Form compareTallyFlag).
+ tally  asString asDisplayText displayOn: Display at: left@(top +20).
+ top:= top + 60]
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Form class>>exampleTouchTest (in category '*Morphic-examples') -----
+ exampleTouchTest
+ "Form exampleTouchTest"
+ "Demonstrate the algorithm used in Scratch code to determine if a sprite's non-transparent pixels touch a
+ non-transparent pixel of the background upon which it is displayed.
+ First column shows a form with a red block in the midst of transparent area sneaking up on a form with a transparent LHS and blue RHS. The green frame shows the intersection area.
+ Second column shows in grey the part of the red that is within the intersection.
+ Third column shows in black the blue that is within the intersection.
+ Fourth column shows just the A touching B area.
+ Fifth column is the tally of hits via the old algorithm
+ Last column shows the tally of hits via the new prim"
+ |formA formB maskA maskB offset tally map intersection left top dCanvas|
+ formA := formB := maskA := maskB := offset := tally := map := intersection :=  nil. "just to shut up the compiler when testing"
+ ActiveWorld restoreMorphicDisplay; doOneCycle.
+ top := 50.
+ dCanvas := FormCanvas on: Display.
+ -50 to: 80 by: 10 do:[:p|
+ offset:= p@0. "vary this to check different states"
+ left := 10.
+ formA := Form extent: 100@50 depth: 32.
+ formB := Form extent: 100@50 depth: 16.
+ "make a red square in the middle of the form"
+ (FormCanvas on: formA) fillRectangle: (25@25 extent: 50@5) fillStyle: Color yellow.
+ (FormCanvas on: formA) fillRectangle: (25@30 extent: 50@5) fillStyle: Color transparent.
+ (FormCanvas on: formA) fillRectangle: (25@35 extent: 50@50) fillStyle: Color red.
+ "formA displayOn: Display at: left@top rule: Form paint.
+ dCanvas frameRectangle: (left@top extent: formA extent) width:2 color: Color green.
+ left := left + 150."
+ "make a blue block on the right half of the form"
+ (FormCanvas on: formB) fillRectangle: (50@0 extent: 50@100) fillStyle: Color blue.
+ (FormCanvas on: formB) fillRectangle: (60@0 extent: 10@100) fillStyle: Color palePeach.
+ "formB displayOn: Display at: left@top rule: Form paint.
+ dCanvas frameRectangle: (left@top extent: formA extent) width:2 color: Color green.
+ left := left + 150."
+ intersection := (formA boundingBox translateBy: offset) intersect: (formB boundingBox).
+ formB displayOn: Display at: left@top rule: Form paint.
+ formA displayOn: Display at: (left@top) + offset rule: Form paint.
+ dCanvas frameRectangle: (intersection translateBy: left@top) width:2 color: Color green.
+ left := left + 150.
+ maskA := Form extent: intersection extent depth: 2.
+ formA displayOn: maskA at: offset  - intersection origin rule: Form paint.
+ formB displayOn: Display at: left@top rule: Form paint.
+ formA displayOn: Display at: (left@top) + offset rule: Form paint.
+ maskA displayOn: Display at: (left@top) + intersection origin rule: Form paint.
+ dCanvas frameRectangle: (intersection translateBy: left@top) width:2 color: Color green.
+ left := left + 150.
+ maskB := Form extent: intersection extent depth: 2.
+ formB displayOn: maskB at: intersection origin negated rule: Form paint.
+ formB displayOn: Display at: left@top rule: Form paint.
+ formA displayOn: Display at: (left@top) + offset rule: Form paint.
+ maskB displayOn: Display at: (left@top) + intersection origin rule: Form paint.
+ dCanvas frameRectangle: (intersection translateBy: left@top) width:2 color: Color green.
+ left := left + 150.
+ map := Bitmap new: 4 withAll: 1.
+ map at: 1 put: 0.  "transparent"
+ maskA copyBits: maskA boundingBox from: maskA at: 0@0 colorMap: map.
+ "maskA displayOn: Display at: (left@top) + intersection origin rule: Form paint.
+ dCanvas frameRectangle: (intersection translateBy: left@top) width:2 color: Color green.
+ left := left + 150."
+ maskB copyBits: maskB boundingBox from: maskB at: 0@0 colorMap: map.
+ "maskB displayOn: Display at: (left@top) + intersection origin rule: Form paint.
+ dCanvas frameRectangle: (intersection translateBy: left@top) width:2 color: Color green.
+ left := left + 150."
+ maskB displayOn: maskA at: 0@0 rule: Form and.
+ maskA displayOn: Display at: (left@top) + intersection origin rule: Form paint.
+ dCanvas frameRectangle: (intersection translateBy: left@top) width:2 color: Color green.
+ left := left + 170.
+ (maskA boundingBox area -( maskA tallyPixelValues at: 1)) asString asDisplayText displayOn: Display at: left@(top +20).
+ left := left + 70.
+ "now try using the new primitive"
+ tally := (BitBlt
+ destForm: formB
+ sourceForm: formA
+ fillColor: nil
+ combinationRule: 3 "really ought to work with nil but prim code checks"
+ destOrigin: intersection origin
+ sourceOrigin: (offset negated max: 0@0)
+ extent: intersection extent
+ clipRect: intersection)
+ primCompareColor: ((Color transparent pixelValueForDepth: formA depth) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFF) to: ((Color transparent pixelValueForDepth: formB depth) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFF) test: (Form compareNotColorANotColorB bitOr: Form compareTallyFlag).
+ tally  asString asDisplayText displayOn: Display at: left@(top +20).
+ top:= top + 60]
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Form class>>exampleTouchingColor (in category '*Morphic-examples') -----
+ exampleTouchingColor
+ "Form exampleTouchingColor"
+ "Demonstrate the algorithm used in Scratch code to determine if a sprite's non-transparent pixels touch a
+ particular color pixel of the background upon which it is displayed.
+ First column as above shows the sneaky red/yellow pirate sneaking up on the blue/peach galleon.
+ Second column shows the 1bpp made from the red/yellow/transparent - white -> ignore this, black -> test this
+ Third shows the hit area (black) superimposed on the original scene
+ Fourth column is the tally of hits via the old algorithm
+ Last column shows the tally of hits via the new prim"
+ |formA formB maskA  offset tally map intersection left top dCanvas ignoreColor soughtColor|
+ formA := formB := maskA := offset := tally := map := intersection :=  nil. "just to shut up the compiler when testing"
+ ActiveWorld restoreMorphicDisplay; doOneCycle.
+ ignoreColor := Color transparent.
+ soughtColor := Color blue.
+ top := 50.
+ dCanvas := FormCanvas on: Display.
+ -50 to: 80 by: 10 do:[:p|
+ offset:= p@0. "vary this to check different states"
+ left := 10.
+ formA := (Form extent: 100@50 depth: 32) asFormOfDepth: 16 "so we can try original forms of other depths".
+ formB := Form extent: 100@50 depth: 32.
+ "make a red square in the middle of the form"
+ (FormCanvas on: formA) fillRectangle: (25@25 extent: 50@5) fillStyle: Color red.
+ (FormCanvas on: formA) fillRectangle: (25@30 extent: 50@5) fillStyle: Color transparent.
+ (FormCanvas on: formA) fillRectangle: (25@35 extent: 50@50) fillStyle: Color yellow.
+ "formA displayOn: Display at: left@top rule: Form paint.
+ dCanvas frameRectangle: (left@top extent: formA extent) width:2 color: Color green.
+ left := left + 150."
+ "make a blue block on the right half of the form"
+ (FormCanvas on: formB) fillRectangle: (50@0 extent: 50@100) fillStyle: soughtColor.
+ (FormCanvas on: formB) fillRectangle: (60@0 extent: 10@100) fillStyle: Color palePeach.
+ "formB displayOn: Display at: left@top rule: Form paint.
+ dCanvas frameRectangle: (left@top extent: formA extent) width:2 color: Color green.
+ left := left + 150."
+ intersection := (formA boundingBox translateBy: offset) intersect: (formB boundingBox).
+ formB displayOn: Display at: left@top rule: Form paint.
+ formA displayOn: Display at: (left@top) + offset rule: Form paint.
+ dCanvas frameRectangle: (intersection translateBy: left@top) width:2 color: Color green.
+ left := left + 150.
+ maskA := Form extent: intersection extent depth: 1.
+ map := Bitmap new: (1 bitShift: (formA depth min: 15)).
+ map atAllPut: 1.
+ map at: ( ignoreColor indexInMap: map) put: 0.
+ maskA copyBits: (intersection translateBy:  offset negated) from: formA at: 0@0 colorMap: map.
+ formB displayOn: Display at: left@top rule: Form paint.
+ formA displayOn: Display at: (left@top) + offset rule: Form paint.
+ maskA displayOn: Display at: (left@top) + intersection origin rule: Form paint.
+ dCanvas frameRectangle: (intersection translateBy: left@top) width:2 color: Color green. left := left + 150.
+ "intersect world pixels of the color we're looking for with sensitive pixels mask"
+ map atAllPut: 0.  "clear map and reuse it"
+ map at: (soughtColor indexInMap: map) put: 1.
+ maskA
+ copyBits: intersection
+ from: formB at: 0@0 clippingBox: formB boundingBox
+ rule: Form and
+ fillColor: nil
+ map: map.
+ formB displayOn: Display at: left@top rule: Form paint.
+ formA displayOn: Display at: (left@top) + offset rule: Form paint.
+ maskA displayOn: Display at: (left@top) + intersection origin rule: Form paint.
+ dCanvas frameRectangle: (intersection translateBy: left@top) width:2 color: Color green.
+ left := left + 170.
+ (maskA tallyPixelValues at: 2) asString asDisplayText displayOn: Display at: left@(top +20).
+ left := left + 70.
+ "now try using the new primitive"
+ tally := (BitBlt
+ destForm: formB
+ sourceForm: formA
+ fillColor: nil
+ combinationRule: 3 "really ought to work with nil but prim code checks"
+ destOrigin: intersection origin
+ sourceOrigin: (offset negated max: 0@0)
+ extent: intersection extent
+ clipRect: intersection)
+ primCompareColor: ((ignoreColor pixelValueForDepth: formA depth) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFF) to: ((soughtColor pixelValueForDepth: formB depth) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFF) test: (Form compareNotColorAMatchColorB bitOr: Form compareTallyFlag).
+ tally  asString asDisplayText displayOn: Display at: left@(top +20).
+ top:= top + 60]
+ !