Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Morphic-nice.1657 Author: nice Time: 8 May 2020, 6:45:14.165388 pm UUID: 3ad63913-040d-4558-a021-19cb1240eb37 Ancestors: Morphic-nice.1656 Provide #selectIntervalInvisibly: for the interactive correction from the Parser. See ST80-nice.254. This replace the sends to select and deselect which should now (or in a very near future) be gone. Nuke'em all! TextEditor: also avoid sending deselect to ourself now that we know that it will do nothing. =============== Diff against Morphic-nice.1656 =============== Item was removed: - ----- Method: Editor>>deselect (in category 'current selection') ----- - deselect - "Compatibility stub with st80" - ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Editor>>selectIntervalInvisibly: (in category 'new selection') ----- + selectIntervalInvisibly: anInterval + "Deselect, then select the specified characters inclusive. + Do not yet make the new selection visible." + + self selectInvisiblyFrom: anInterval first to: anInterval last! Item was removed: - ----- Method: PluggableTextMorph>>deselect (in category 'interactive error protocol') ----- - deselect - ^ textMorph editor deselect! Item was removed: - ----- Method: PluggableTextMorph>>select (in category 'interactive error protocol') ----- - select - ^ textMorph editor select! Item was added: + ----- Method: PluggableTextMorph>>selectIntervalInvisibly: (in category 'interactive error protocol') ----- + selectIntervalInvisibly: aSelectionInterval + ^ textMorph editor selectIntervalInvisibly: aSelectionInterval! Item was removed: - ----- Method: SmalltalkEditor>>select (in category 'compatibility') ----- - select - "Sent by the parser when correcting variables etc. Ignored here."! Item was changed: ----- Method: TextEditor>>keyStroke: (in category 'events') ----- keyStroke: anEvent + self resetTypeAhead. - self resetTypeAhead; deselect. (self dispatchOnKeyboardEvent: anEvent) ifTrue: [ self closeTypeIn. self storeSelectionInParagraph. ^self]. self openTypeIn. self zapSelectionWith: self typeAhead contents; resetTypeAhead; unselect; storeSelectionInParagraph.! Item was changed: ----- Method: TextEditor>>prettyPrint: (in category 'menu messages') ----- prettyPrint: decorated "Reformat the contents of the receiver's view (a Browser or Workspace)." model selectedClassOrMetaClass ifNil: [ "arbitrary text selection in a workspace, not directly associated with a class" (Compiler new formatNoPattern: self selection environment: model environment) ifNotNilDo: [:newText | self replaceSelectionWith: newText]] ifNotNil: [:selectedClass | "source for a method in the selected class" (selectedClass newCompiler format: self text in: selectedClass notifying: self decorated: decorated) ifNotNilDo: [ :newText | + self selectInvisiblyFrom: 1 to: paragraph text size. - self deselect; selectInvisiblyFrom: 1 to: paragraph text size. self replaceSelectionWith: (selectedClass ifNil: [newText] ifNotNil: [newText asText makeSelectorBoldIn: selectedClass]). self selectAt: self text size + 1 ]]. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: TextEditor>>zapSelectionWith: (in category 'mvc compatibility') ----- zapSelectionWith: replacement | start stop rep | morph readOnly ifTrue: [^ self]. - self deselect. start := self startIndex. stop := self stopIndex. (replacement isEmpty and: [stop > start]) ifTrue: [ "If deleting, then set emphasisHere from 1st character of the deletion" emphasisHere := (self text attributesAt: start) select: [:att | att mayBeExtended]]. (start = stop and: [ replacement isEmpty ]) ifFalse: [ replacement isText ifTrue: [ rep := replacement] ifFalse: [ rep := Text string: replacement attributes: emphasisHere ]. self text replaceFrom: start to: stop - 1 with: rep. paragraph recomposeFrom: start to: start + rep size - 1 delta: rep size - (stop-start). self markIndex: start pointIndex: start + rep size. otherInterval := self selectionInterval]. self userHasEdited " -- note text now dirty"! |
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